Failure to Appear

Apr 10, 2013 15:41

Title: Failure To Appear
Summary: All human AU set in the future. Derek is a bounty hunter & Stiles failed to appear on his court date. Derek accepts the job of tracking down Stiles; despite their history together.
Warnings: Anal Sex
Rating: Mature
Chapters: 12/?
Notes: No beta, so mistakes are mine as per usual.


Chapters 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11|

Side Note: There will be one more chapter after this, more so of an epilogue kind of thing.

“What the -,” Derek started, “What the -” he said again before turning and walking out the door. He really didn’t need to swear in front of a little child, he had some decency after all. Once outside of the room, he started to pace the little bit of hallway. Derek had no idea what was going on, he and Stiles had been doing well, they’re getting along, working on their issues and Derek has accepted a life with Stiles - one without children, at Stiles request none the less.

“Derek?” Stiles asked as he peeked his head out the door. “You okay?” he finished as he closed the door behind him so it was just him and Derek in the hallway - Isaac and Judy inside.

“What the fuck Stiles?” Derek wiped his hands over his face, continued pacing.

“Okay so I know I kind of sprung this on you -”

“You’re the one that said you didn’t want kids, we were too busy, had a hectic life and now?” Derek interrupted.

Stiles grabbed Derek by the wrist and guided him to one of the benches on the opposite side of the hallway, sat down and dragged Derek to sit beside him. Stiles turned a little, so that he faced Derek before he spoke next.

“Like I said, I know I’m kind of springing this on you, especially after it was me that didn’t want kids. But whenever you talked about kids before, we were busy and it was always about surrogates, and jerking off into a plastic container, waiting about to hear if the surrogate is pregnant and it was just all too much - it wasn’t something I wanted. While the idea of having a kid that’s half genetically mine, or half genetically yours is nice, it’s just too much work and too clinical, in my opinion at least.”

“I - I guess we never considered adoption,” Derek conceded, nodded his head like he understood.

“But then I sat in that court room, it was supposed to be like any other work day, writing an article about a criminal, hand it in and get paid. But then the lawyers started talking about a little boy, a little boy whose mother is dead, whose father is a drug addict, deals petty drugs, committed multiple crimes and worst of all abused his son. The lawyers showed pictures Derek, pictures that made me sick to my stomach. Pictures of the bruises Isaac’s father had caused. One thing led to another and I was talking to a social worker about Isaac, at first I just wanted to know that he was going to go to a good, caring home, one he deserves. But Judy told me that Isaac doesn’t have any other family, none at least that would remotely be considered a “good caring home,” she said he’d be placed in foster care until someone could adopt him.”

Derek stared on in horror as Stiles explained everything to him; he couldn’t imagine such a thing, a father abusing his son. Derek had come for a caring, close-knit family - before everything. He remembers his father taking him camping, fishing and just playing ball out in the back yard. He doesn’t remember a time his father laid a hand on him in anything but a nurturing way.

“It broke my heart Derek, this little boy has no mother and his father turned into an alcoholic, a criminal that just spiralled out, probably was even before the mother died. It just freaked me out, you know? Judy let me see Isaac, he was so shy but when he smiled it literally melted my heart dude. I started seeing him every day after court; I don’t think Judy was supposed to let me, but whatever. Now I can’t picture a better home for him, than ours.”

“How long have you been going to see him?” Derek asked.

“Since the case started, about a week and a half.”

“And you kept this from me?”

“I wanted to tell you like a thousand and one times, I thought I was going to blurt it out. But I didn’t know if it was in the realm of possibility that we’d be able to adopt him, I didn’t know about the procedures and all that.” Stiles placed his hands on either side of Derek’s face so they were looking directly at each other, “but now that I know it’s a possibility, Judy has said as much, I thought I’d tell you. We make this decision together.”

Derek sighed, placed his hand on Stiles’ wrist as Stiles’ thumbs were placing soothing circles on Derek’s cheek. “Stiles, you could have told me as soon as you met him, I would have been nothing but supportive.”

Stiles beamed, his eyes lighting up brighter than fireworks on New Year’s Eve, leaned in and placed a kiss on Derek’s lips. “Then let’s go meet Isaac, properly.”

Derek followed behind Stiles as they entered the room where Judy and Isaac were still in. Isaac was still playing with his Lego set and Judy was typing something into her cell phone. Isaac looked up as soon as he heard the door open, eyes going wide then relaxed when he saw Stiles.

“Hey little man,” Stiles started a smile plastered on his face, “want to meet Derek? We like him, a lot.”

Isaac nodded his head hesitantly as he tried to slide out of his chair. Derek noticed immediately as Isaac managed to get out of the chair, his little t-shirt riding up, showing the top of his bulgy diaper that there were purple and blue splotches covering his stomach - probably everywhere else on his body - bruises.

Derek felt like he was going to be sick, bile rising up in his throat at seeing the bruises. He was glad he wasn’t a cop anymore because if he ever saw Isaac’s dad he couldn’t be held responsible for what happened. Even when he was a cop, he didn’t deal much with family disputes or domestic disturbances - he mainly worked the drug force.

Isaac started walking towards him and Stiles, a foam green blanket - that was in serious need of a wash - trailing on the ground behind him. He stopped when he was in front of Stiles and Derek and looked up, his watery blue eyes hesitant but still curious.

Derek knelt down so that he was eye-level with Isaac, a smile taking over his face - any thought of what he wanted to do to Isaac’s father gone from his mind. “Hi Isaac, I’m Derek.”

“Der-reck” Isaac repeated trying to sound out Derek’s name; it was a bit of a mouthful for a toddler.

Derek could hear Stiles behind him, literally cooing and he couldn’t stop the surge of love not only for Stiles, but for the love he and Stiles could both provide Isaac. Show him a life that’s full of love and happiness, not a life full of abuse and hatred.

“Is that your favourite blanky?” Derek asked only for Isaac to nod a yes. “I had one when I was little too, mine was blue. I carried it everywhere with me.” Isaac smiled at Derek, pulled the blanket from behind him and handed a corner of the blanket for Derek to hold.

Derek took hold of the blanket, rubbing it between his fingers as Isaac sat on the floor holding the other end. Apparently Isaac didn’t seem to mind sharing with Derek, even his favourite blanky. So Derek sat down on the ground as well, holding the blanket. Isaac looked up at to where Stiles was standing, lifted another side of the blanket and held it up for Stiles - so Stiles grabbed hold of it, sat down as they formed a triangle all just holding a ratty old blanket.

Derek had fallen in love in a matter of minutes and there was no going back now, they were going to adopt Isaac.


Normally, it takes anywhere between nine months to a year and a half to go through with an adoption. Paperwork to fill out, orientations, preparation classes and so on, but it pays to be a cop, even an ex-cop. Derek and his ex-co-workers used to play basketball on a team that consisted of some judges - so it’s not too hard to call in a favour.

Stiles and Derek hired a lawyer, fortunately Stiles already knew many lawyers thanks to Mr Walsh and Mr Rosling helping him out when he got into a little trouble. So they got their family lawyer, Judy the social worker and approached a Judge about expediting the whole adoption process.

Fortunately for Stiles and Derek the Judge was willing to overlook the fact that Stiles had gotten into some trouble this past year with the law. Both of them were more than able to prove that they came from a loving family background, had steady jobs albeit Derek’s dangerous, and were financially capable of raising a child.

Judy spoke on their behalf of how Isaac and bonded really well with both Stiles and Derek, where Isaac was normally quiet and kept to himself which was understandable enough considering his past. Judy emphasized that placing Isaac with Stiles and Derek could only benefit Isaac in the future.

Happily the Judge pulled through and granted Stiles and Derek full parental custody of Isaac in a matter of months rather than the year and a half it could have taken.


For once in Derek’s life, he didn’t object when Stiles wanted to spend money on every new little gadget - this time because it was all for Isaac. They were in the process of getting their house ready for Isaac, so that he’d be comfortable in his new home.

Stiles had even managed to find a paint colour that almost replicated the colour of Isaac’s blanky - when it was clean of course. They painted the four walls the sea foam green, hanging pictures of everything Isaac liked, ranging from pictures of Mickey Mouse to characters from Baby Looney Tunes. They bought him a wooden bed in the shape of a pirate ship, a large skull and bones flag at one end with shelf space to place a night light and his favourite toys he wanted near-by and a little bell on the other side.

By the end of the redecoration of Isaac’s new room both Stiles and Derek agreed they would have totally loved to have had this bedroom when they were little. Now they just had to hope Isaac would love it just as much.


Isaac entered his new home on a Friday evening. Stiles had scrubbed the apartment from top to bottom, getting every nook and cranny, moving wires and ridding any trace of dirt or dust. It was the only thing he could do during the day to keep himself from getting so worked up, waiting for evening to come. Derek and Stiles both agreed to take the day off, to have a long weekend to welcome Isaac into their house - all three’s house.

Judy knocked on the door at a quarter to six, Isaac standing beside her with a little backpack on that could hardly fit anything but a few toys, his faithful blanky tight in his grip.

Stiles opened the door, Derek right behind him all smiling at each other.

“Sti! Der!” Isaac beamed - he’d long since given up trying to pronounce Derek.

“Isaac!” Both Stiles and Derek said back, squatting down as Isaac barrelled into their open arms forming a three-way hug.

Judy stood at the entrance of the door smiling; she took out her phone and snapped a picture of the hug that was going on in front of her. She knew that they’d want to document these little moments, as many of them as they could. She had a suitcase at her side that had all of Isaac’s stuff - the stuff that was worth saving from his old house.

Stiles and Derek ushered Judy inside, so that she could take a final look at the house before she was gone and Stiles, Derek and Isaac could start their new life as a family.

“What do you say we go look at your new room?” Stiles asked Isaac, who was holding his hand.

“Yeah!” Isaac grinned, taking hold of Derek’s hand as well and followed the three adults.

“Ready?” Derek asked tussling Isaac’s hair as they stood outside of the closed bedroom door. Isaac nodded his head.

They opened the door and let Isaac walk in on his own, taking in the whole room. His eye whipped around the room trying to take it all in, it was as if he didn’t know where to look first. He ran towards the bed, and started to climb onto it. “Boat!” he said as he sat in the middle of the bed looking around.

He soon got off the bed and ran towards the large mat that was under the large window. The matt had little roads painted on to it, with little buildings and toy cars on top of it. It was the kind that you could drive the little cars on top of the matt, winding around the little roads.

“Micky. Bugs Bunny,” Isaac continued, looking at the pictures of the wall.

“Do you like your room Isaac?” Judy asked. She placed his suitcase near the closet.

“Yes!” Isaac answered nodding his head vigorously, trying to convey how much he really loved it.

“You play with your new toys Isaac; we’ll be right back, okay?” Derek said.

The three adults made their way back towards the front door, Judy getting ready to leave.

“I really don’t think there was a better home possible for Isaac. He loves you two so much, and I can see how much you two love him as well,” Judy said.

“We won’t let him down, I promise” Stiles declared.

Judy chuckled, as she zipped up her jacket. “New parents,” she rolled her eyes, “You two will undoubtedly let him down at some point whether it’s because he can’t have a new toy, or you won’t buy him a car or whatever else it may be. But as long as you love him, and he knows he’s loved then it all works out. You two will find yourselves feeling more than overwhelmed at times, some nights he may cry or throw a tantrum for no reason other than he can’t convey what exactly he wants, I have no doubt you’ll get through it though. But please, feel free to call me if you ever need anything.”

Judy handed the men her business card, with her personal cell phone number scrawled on the back. Judy had become something like a mentor to them, telling them little details they might need to know in the future, and they trusted and respected her.

“Thank you, so much Judy. I mean it,” Stiles whispered brining Judy into a hug. Derek knew Stiles was trying not to cry, he had to admit he was a tad emotional himself.

“See you around Judy,” Derek hugged Judy once Stiles had released her.

“Good luck,” she laughed as she exited the apartment heading towards the elevators.


It was mid-January when Isaac finally moved in, they really wanted to spend Christmas together in their new home but there were some procedures that had to be followed and the timing just didn’t work out. That didn’t stop them from buying Isaac tons of presents anyway, and taking tons of pictures.

The first night he spent in his room, he cried non-stop. He had fallen asleep okay, Stiles and Derek kissing him good night. He must have woken up in the middle of the night, forgetting where he was and started crying, crying so much his breath kept hitching.

Stiles and Derek spent the rest of the night in the room, trying to soothe Isaac telling him it was all okay. Eventually Isaac tired himself out, from all the crying and fell right asleep. After that, Isaac became better at sleeping through the night, only waking up and crying out a few nights, Stiles and Derek took turns going in and checking on him.

Judy had told them it was likely to happen, so they were prepared. They read the books, searched the internet and really did rely on Judy to help them.


A week after Isaac moved in, Stiles was at the airport waiting for his father’s flight to come in.

“You okay kid? You’re squirming in your seat like you either gotta piss or you need to go back on your meds” papa Stilinski asked from where he was seated in the passenger seat.

Stiles was squirming but only because was excited for his dad to meet Isaac. It also happened that papa Stilinski didn’t even know about Isaac. When Derek and Stiles had first agreed to adopt Isaac, they didn’t want to mention it to anyone, not even Stiles’ dad because if for some reason it fell through everyone would be heart broken. Then, when it was official and Isaac first moved in, they wanted to spend the first week just the three of them so Isaac could get used to his new home, he was still a timid little boy that scared easily.

So really, keeping quiet was in the best interest but now Stiles couldn’t wait for his father to meet his son, his grandson.

“So uh Dad, I - well Derek and I kind of have some news,” Stiles hedged as they stood in the elevator as they ascended to the right floor.

“I hope it’s good news,” Stiles’ dad sighed, “I can’t take any more of your drama, I’m getting too old for this. I might drop dead.”

“No, no it’s good news,” Stiles corrected as he fished out the keys from his pocket to unlock the apartment door, “and you might not want to drop dead just yet.”

Stiles opened the door, as the Baby Looney Tunes song blared.

“Hey there everybody, it's a looniful day

Too have a little fun, the Baby Looney Tunes way

There's lots to do at Granny's house...”

“What the hell?” Stiles’ dad said, looking at Stiles and raising an eyebrow as if Stiles had gone crazy.

Stiles just smiled and yelled, “I’m home!”

“Sti! Sti!” Isaac said running to the front door, Derek chasing after him.

“Stiles,” papa Stilinski started.

Stiles reached down and scooped up a giggling Isaac.

“Dad, I’d like you to meet Isaac. Our son.”

“Your son,” the Sheriff said, not asked. “Your son?”

“Isaac meet your grandpa, Dave. We like him, a lot!”

Isaac stared at Dave, studying him before his hand gave a little wave and he smiled.

“Well hello there, little guy,” the Sheriff said.

Soon enough Isaac was dragging the Sheriff by his hands to the family room so that they could all watch Baby Looney Tunes, because Isaac did not want to miss a minute of it. He bounced along to the theme song and sat riveted as the events unfolded.

While Isaac was watching his show, it gave Stiles and Derek enough time to explain to Dave what was going on, how it all transpired and why they couldn’t tell him right away. By the end of the story, Dave sighed saying “only you, Stiles” but he was smiling, genuinely happy for his son and son-in-law. He was just excited and happy to be a grandfather - he thought he’d never see the day.


The next morning, after eating breakfast they all dressed up in their warmest clothes, Derek getting Isaac into his puffy snow suit that made him look like the Michelin man, with his blue hat and matching gloves. They all squeezed into the car and made their way to Battery Park for a picnic.

Well, it wasn’t so much a picnic as buying hot chocolate from one of those street vendors trying to keep warm. It was all worth it though, to see Isaac jumping around in the snow trying to leave his footprints everywhere, his tiny legs sinking into the snow, as if he were going to disappear.

There was a little stall selling random things from prints of the New York skyline, to sunglasses, to hats and sleds. Dave couldn’t resist buying a little red plastic sled. Isaac giddily sat on the snow sled as Dave ran around the park pulling Isaac along in the snow, going over little bumps that probably felt like mountains to Isaac, his squeals echoing throughout the park.

Soon enough Dave was too tired to keep pulling Isaac around and had to rest, sitting on one of the park benches and Derek took over. Stiles sat beside him.

“I gotta hand it to you Stiles, this is really something.”

“It really is,” Stiles hummed in agreement.

“I can’t believe I have a grandson!”

“I can’t believe I have a son!” Stiles screeched, “it just wasn’t something I ever pictured.”

“Like father, like son,” Dave laughed, “when I met your mom I was selfish, I wanted to spend all my time with her. She finally talked to some sense into me; we got married and had you. Best decision we’ve ever made.”

“I’m starting to see that,” Stiles nodded as he looked to where Derek was rolling around in the snow, Isaac on top of him laughing.

“I only wish I didn’t have to go back to California,” Dave sighed.

“Well now you have more reason to visit more often and you know, retire. Move out and live a life of luxury in New York.”

“Don’t tempt me kid,” Dave laughed.


It still hit Stiles like a tidal wave sometimes, one minute he’d be in the kitchen making dinner and the next he’d hear the laugh or the temper tantrum of Isaac and he was reminded all over again, he was a father. He and Derek were parents. Parents to a perfect little boy. It didn’t matter that he wasn’t blood; no DNA test could sway or alter the love they had for their little boy.

He only hoped that they’d always make Isaac the happiest little boy possible, and that he and Derek would continue to work on their relationship and their needs. He knew how it was so easy to get wrapped up in having a kid that your partner ended up getting forgotten. Stiles didn’t think he’d let Derek get forgotten and vice-versa, they’d already been down that road and had no intentions of going back there.


Derek couldn’t believe that he’s gotten everything in his life that he ever wanted. He and Stiles are back together, and as happy as could be. He has a son, something he’s wanted for such a long time.

His heart still swelled every time he saw Stiles and Isaac playing together, couldn’t help but laugh when they would give Isaac a bubble bath and turn his mop of blond curls into a Mohawk and a beard made of bubbles. Or the time when Isaac finally called Stiles and him Dad, or Dada, it wasn’t like they needed the conformation, but it was just as heart-warming as ever.

The bruises of Isaac’s past long gone, faded into nothingness, his skin perfectly pale and unblemished. It evaporated like it was a lifetime ago, and it really was because Isaac would never go back to a life like that, and while he might have emotional scars when he’s older, or still be a timid boy cautious of all new people he met he’d never again have to worry about his parent’s hurting him.

Both Derek and Stiles would die before that happened.

Chapter 13|

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