"I still remember what you did for us, and I wanted to thank you."

Dec 04, 2011 16:54

Oh, look everyone - it's another fill for podtor_who! In fact, it's another story of Martha Jones and the Year That Wasn't.

Read more... )

b-i-n-g-ohhhhh, fandom: doctor who, other people's fanfic, podfic, i made coverart!, no more megaupload, there's a girl in my bunk!

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Comments 11

the24thkey December 4 2011, 22:58:14 UTC
(Pssst, this isn't a real comment, this is just to let you know that I'm currently downloading like, everything you put out in the last month (which is a lot, holy productivity, Batman!) and putting it on my mp3 player so that I can finally catch up. :)
I'm still not finished with the AMAZING X-Men podfic you and all the other wonderful readers put together, and then there's the bajillion hours of Avengers podfic (Yay, Avengers! <3) and Tangled and Martha! and everything else and hopefully I'll have time to listen to them soon(Ahaha, who am I kidding, I have two weeks of exams coming up. /o\).

Also, Danger Days is incredibly listenable no matter what you do. I swear I've been listening to barely anything but My Chemical Romance for at least a month now. (Not only Danger Days - have you seen/heard their concert at Reading Festival? The amazingest. <3)It's even good music for studying. *is amazed*)


reena_jenkins February 23 2012, 02:47:14 UTC
(Belated reply is very belated...)

Funny anecdote about Danger Days: I was waiting for GarageBand to stop crapping out on me the other day, and I started unintentionally humming/mumbling/singing along to Destroya as the program unfroze itself. I didn't realize 'til after I'd finished editing everything that I'd even been singing it at all, much less accidentally recorded myself! (I might keep it in for the bloopers reel, but....well, GWay I am not.)

(PS - you've finished watching XMFC by now, right? I know you mentioned missing it in theaters, but I can't remember if you've gotten your hands on a copy of the DVD by now or not. THIS IS IMPORTANT, AND IF YOU HAVEN'T YET....WELL, CAN YOU GO FIND A COPY TO WATCH BEFORE YOUR BIRTHDAY HAPPENS?)


the24thkey February 23 2012, 06:49:44 UTC
Hehe. :D I still haven't gotten over the existence of this album - I still listen to (and sing along to <.<)it a lot, especially when driving.

And yes, I've seen XMFC! It was one of the movies they had on our flight to Japan, aka my first flight with in-flight movies ever. Movies! While on a plane! Amazing. :D


cathexys December 5 2011, 01:23:32 UTC
I *love* your explanation of the Intro/Outro. I have this entire post inside of me on which ones I love listening to, which ones make sense to me, and often I just wonder WTF (though I don't think with any of yours :). And I love that you think about both lyrics and atmosphere of the song...

Not in a DW mood at the moment, but Martha's always of the good! (and would be in my icon were we on DW :)


reena_jenkins February 23 2012, 02:40:37 UTC
(Belated reply is belated...)

Thanks! Sometimes I pick the Intro/Outro songs because the music is peppy like the fic, or just 'cause I don't like having a blank intro if I can help it, but when I have a reason for picking the music I did...well, I really like to share it. I'm thrilled that you like to hear it, too :-D

(Although, in hindsight, I'm not entirely sure that this fic can go on my au_bingo card after all - since the time in which the fic takes place is actually canon, and not AU at all. Do you think I can argue that, post-Year That Wasn't, the Master-induced apocalypse itself was an AU for the survivors? Your thoughts on this matter would be greatly appreciated.)


cathexys February 23 2012, 03:48:25 UTC
I'm a big believer of canonical AUs...I'd still count every SGA Vegas fic an AU, right? So the year that wasn't is totally AU. You can ARGUE that point :)


quintenttsy December 5 2011, 15:36:56 UTC
I am decidedly not a Martha fan, but your summary (and the music choice, heh) sold me so I will listen to this podfic with an open mind. :D


reena_jenkins February 23 2012, 02:36:27 UTC
(Belated reply is very belated)

See, here's the thing: for the longest time, I didn't like Martha at all. I thought she was kind of whiny, and not properly appreciative of her time aboard the TARDIS (if I ever got to traveling through space and time, and meet William Shakespeare, and be a flapper in '20s New York, I'd be as appreicative as one could get), and kind of obnoxiously pine-y as she mooned over the Doctor. Martha just wasn't a character that drew my love, or admiration. But then we got the last few episodes, when she's left on her own to do badass things without giving the Doctor's rear longing glances when he's not looking - and then, Martha kicks ass. She has real-world skills, and a persuasive manner, and is completely not at all the lackluster Companion she'd been for the previous 10 episodes. It was a very "Eureka!" moment for me: I realized that, without the Doctor to provide distracting, Martha was actually kind of awesome. Plus, the fact that she made the decision on her own to leave - not wait for the Doctor to get ( ... )


quintenttsy February 23 2012, 03:04:50 UTC
I totally get what you're saying, and she definitely has her crowning moments of awesome and badass (and funny, the expelliarmus line is still the best thing), and I'm one hundred per cent certain if we'd had Donna and then her, it would have worked out so so much better for both Martha and the Doctor, because he needed someone who wasn't going to take his shit after Rose and Martha just wasn't very good at that, and I love her exit a lot and wish that happened more often because yes, please, that would be awesome, but... well, my feelings towards Martha are complicated. In theory, she's exactly the kind of character I should love, there are so many things about her I am generally a sucker for, but I have just never liked her, even in the later episodes. She has always irritated me, and I'm not sure if it's the writing or Freema's acting (I'm inclined towards the latter and I feel horrible for it because I love her as a person but, eh) but the execution of her character has always bothered me ( ... )


reena_jenkins February 23 2012, 04:20:28 UTC


I can understand that, especially the liking-Martha-better-in-fic idea. Now....what are your feelings about the Martha-on-Torchwood episodes?


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