"I still remember what you did for us, and I wanted to thank you."

Dec 04, 2011 16:54

Oh, look everyone - it's another fill for podtor_who! In fact, it's another story of Martha Jones and the Year That Wasn't.

Seriously, I have so much love for Martha, post-The Last of the Time Lords (you can find some of that love over here), which is a little bit weird; I was very firmly entrenched in the Ten/Rose camp for a very long time (even after Donna's Christmas special, as well as for most of the way through Martha's season as a Companion). But then, Martha went off and saved the day on her own (sure, the Doctor got to do the Big Reveal at the end, but Martha did all the work leading up to it), and she chose to leave the Doctor behind. She didn't get killed off, or stranded, or captured, or left behind accidentally-on-purpose - she made the choice herself to go. And that, right there? Even though it took until the every last episode of series three... that was what made me love Martha the most. (And all the episodes after that, where we get to see Martha guest-starring on Torchwood, or being competent by herself as she works for UNIT - those make me smile SO HARD, because Martha owns her badassery there.)

Anyway. Sew It Up, But You Still See The Tear, written by thedeadparrot (who is on the BP list and writes excellent things of beauty and grace), takes place in that unseen bit of time between when Martha leaves the TARDIS (TLoTL, 3x13) and when Martha pops back up on the Doctor's radar again (The Sontaran Stratagem, 4x04). It's the span of time when the Jones family is recovering from the Year That Wasn't, and are trying individually and together to re-adapt to civilian lives once again. It's when Martha is remembering how to be a doctor, not just run triage during the apocalypse. It's seeing how all the stories Martha collected when she Walked are intertwined with the stories of the survivors of the Valiant, and also how life continues on for everyone despite knowing those stories. It's Martha coming to terms with her decision to leave the Doctor's side, and bringing forth her innate awesomeness, and fighting the habit of relying on the Doctor, and being a fully-competent individual who can stand on her own two feet. I love this glimpse into Martha's head: her time traveling with the Doctor helped sharpen the scalpel, so to speak, but Martha's is the only hand wielding the knife now.

Intro/Outro music for this podfic is The Kids From Yesterday, as performed by My Chemical Romance. I chose this song for a few reasons, some deeper than others. for one thing, the short snippet of lyrics at the beginning of this podfic ("Well now this could be the last of all the rides we take / So hold on tight and don't look back") seemed to fit exactly with the opening scene of the story: Martha's just disembarked from her last trip aboard the TARDIS, and has to make (and keep making) the conscious decision to move ahead, rather than fall back into old habits. The lyrics at the end of the podfic ("Cause you only live forever in the lights you make / When we were young we used to say / That you only hear the music when your heart begins to break / Now we are the kids from yesterday / Today, today / We are the kids from yesterday / Today, today") have that note of melancholy that's so prevalent throughout the fic (after all, survivors of the apocalypse, even if it's an apocalypse that's only remembered by a select few, are not going to be the happiest of folks) - but also an element of hope (because Martha's making a name for herself all on her own, and she's being remembered for the things she's done (instead of for reminding everyone on the planet to remember someone else's name)). Plus, well, I've been listening to Danger Days on repeat as I cook/wash the dishes/shower/run errands/brush my teeth for days now...and this was the first song I thought of that sounded kinda space-y for the intro (*shrug*).

You can find the mp3 of Sew It Up, But You Still See The Tear right over here (thanks, paraka, for hosting me!), or you can stream the story by clicking below:

Don't forget to check out all the other fills over at podtor_who (which is running through December 19th... if anyone should feel like signing up.....). And be sure to drop thedeadparrot a line, thanking her for writing such lovely things for letting me play with them!

***Also, I'm using this podfic to fill the "post-apocalyptic" square on my au_bingo card. I figure, Alien Overlords conquering the planet, demolishing cities and rainforests alike, and unleashing their Alien Minions Of Terror upon the human populace....well, the Master most definitely reigned down apocalyptic fury upon planet Earth, and since this story is all about how Martha gets on with her life after that happened, it totally counts.

b-i-n-g-ohhhhh, fandom: doctor who, other people's fanfic, podfic, i made coverart!, no more megaupload, there's a girl in my bunk!

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