“You know if we get married you get to try all the different flavors of cake.”

Nov 29, 2011 23:46

Alright, I lied.

It appears that we're not going to be celebrating Advent over here, after all. You won't have to wait more than three days for a new podfic (at least, not right now). See, bessyboo has been feeling craptacular all day. She's had a day full of many aggravations in various sizes, and because we love her very much (Podfic! Coverart! Singing Mary Poppins!), here's a little something to make her feel a little lighter and smile a little brighter (and everyone else as well - you are all entitled to happy days, Listening Public).

51 Proposals, written by waldorph, is a post-Tangled fic of love and marriage proposals and adorability. The last few lines of Tangled go something like this:

Flynn Rider: But I know what the big question is: Did Rapunzel and I ever get married? Well I am happy to say after years and years of asking, I finally said yes.Rapunzel: Eugene!Flynn Rider: Okay, okay I asked her.Rapunzel: And we're living happily ever after!Flynn Rider: Yes we are.waldorph picks up where these lines leave off, and fills in for us all the times that Flynn Rider Eugene Fitzherbert said no to getting married, and the one time Rapunzel said yes. There's much growing up (and getting over one's-self) done by both Rapunzel and Eugene. There are cameo appearances made by Thugs, Horses, Small Children, Bakers, and Chameleons. The actual fleshed-out characters of the King and Queen are pretty nice to meet, too (especially since neither one of them actually has any lines in the actual movie).

The musical interludes in this podfic (they pop up between the various proposals) are all excerpts from the song Kingdom Celebration, composed by Alan Menken (off the Tangled movie soundtrack). I originally wanted to use David Cassidy's I Think I Love You, but it didn't make the final cut. Additional thanks must go out to bessyboo, because even though this is a cheer-up present for her, she also provided valuable beta-ing services in regard to both musical inspiration and coverart depiction. She's a lady of many helpful talents!

Clocking in at around 20 minutes long, you can find the mp3 of 51 Proposals right over here (thank you, paraka, for hosting me!), or you can stream the story by clicking below:

Happy listening!

other people's fanfic, podfic, i made coverart!, no more megaupload, fandom: disney, there's a girl in my bunk!

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