"I still remember what you did for us, and I wanted to thank you."

Dec 04, 2011 16:54

Oh, look everyone - it's another fill for podtor_who! In fact, it's another story of Martha Jones and the Year That Wasn't.

Read more... )

b-i-n-g-ohhhhh, fandom: doctor who, other people's fanfic, podfic, i made coverart!, no more megaupload, there's a girl in my bunk!

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quintenttsy February 23 2012, 03:04:50 UTC
I totally get what you're saying, and she definitely has her crowning moments of awesome and badass (and funny, the expelliarmus line is still the best thing), and I'm one hundred per cent certain if we'd had Donna and then her, it would have worked out so so much better for both Martha and the Doctor, because he needed someone who wasn't going to take his shit after Rose and Martha just wasn't very good at that, and I love her exit a lot and wish that happened more often because yes, please, that would be awesome, but... well, my feelings towards Martha are complicated. In theory, she's exactly the kind of character I should love, there are so many things about her I am generally a sucker for, but I have just never liked her, even in the later episodes. She has always irritated me, and I'm not sure if it's the writing or Freema's acting (I'm inclined towards the latter and I feel horrible for it because I love her as a person but, eh) but the execution of her character has always bothered me.

But, yes, I did listen to this (and promptly forgot to say so, oops) and did enjoy it a lot. I tend to like her more in ficcish things, possibly because of the execution thing? And yes, the story is amazing, there are so many wonderful things about it and I love thedeadparrot's Martha (and her writing in general, honestly) and I always like your reading, so.


reena_jenkins February 23 2012, 04:20:28 UTC


I can understand that, especially the liking-Martha-better-in-fic idea. Now....what are your feelings about the Martha-on-Torchwood episodes?


quintenttsy February 24 2012, 17:58:24 UTC
I've only actually watched two episodes of Torchwood? And they were the very first episode and the one where Tosh and Owen died so, um, I have no opinion? From what I've heard she was a lot better in Torchwood, which makes sense with the whole being away from the Doctor thing.


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