"Whatever you thought was worth offering yourself up on a platter for? You are never gonna see it."

Jul 19, 2011 15:36

  Ta-daaaa! It's Go Time for mine and keerawa's 2011 pod_together project. It's all been very hush-hush on this end, I know (or at least, I'm pretending that I managed to keep our project a secret) so the Big Reveal feels kinds awesome today. Ready to be amazed and astounded at our podficcing partnership?

........drumroll please.............

Yup, that's right: We have an actual fic, and a podfic, and a very-kindly-converted podbook (courtesy of paraka), and some kick-ass coverart. That is how awesome keerawa and I are.

  The story is Three Days On The Rack, written by the ever-awesome keerawa. The rating is a very hard NC-17 - there's all the badness of Hell that you can imagine, and then some. But, it's not all gratuitous violence, for the sake of bloodspatter and gore all over the screen - this is violence with a purpose towards moving the story along, and serves to highlight the emotional intensity that develops as Three Days progresses. Plus, the ending to the story is probably one of the most kick-assingest endings I've podficced lately. It's all "Wait - did he break? Did he win? NOBODY KNOWS...." And then you have to scamper off and leave flaily messages of incomplete sentences for keerawa when you're done (or maybe that's just me).

Anyway, yeah - this was definitely one of the darker podfics I've recorded - like, even past where Knives in the Water or Raised By Wolves goes, because this one has a moment of non-con that the other two don't quite approach. So, don't go into this podfic expecting my usaly sunshine and daisies, okay? It's an excellent story, that absolutely fits into the Dean's-time-in-Hell shaped space in SPN canon, but because of where and when Three Days takes place....well, the laughs are few and far between. I have a penchant for dark!fic, but if you don't, well, you might want to wait around 'til next week (when I plan to put up some X-Men First Class podfic of joy and glee).

To be sure that I give credit where credit is due, I need to give a great big Thank You to FractalAngel, who designed the stock art upon which I cut-n-pasted my coverart. Her image, Rose Hall, immediately struck me as similar to that scene at the beginning of Season Four, where Dean's been impaled on all those hooks and wires, and suspended over the Pit - but it was different enough that we could imagine Sam's interpretation of Hell instead. It was one of those moments where you see something, and just know you've found your answer. And, y'know, I got to practice my mad skizillz with the little lasso-shaped tool over in PowerPoint, when it came time to make the actual art. Yay, me!

Also, the musical interludes throughout the podfic are exceprts from "Fade To Black", a remix of the Metallica song as performed by Apocalyptica, off the album Inquisition Symphony. While keerawa and I were discussing various ways I might be able to give Sam a voice in this podfic - since he doesn't actually talk in the fic - musical interludes were one of our options. And then, since it's canon that Dean has a deep and abiding love of Metalica (and that he hums their music when he's scared), it seemed only natural that Sam would do the same while in Hell. So, obviously, we needed an instrumental Metallica song....and I had gone through an Apocalyptica phase (around the same time as my only-wears-Hot-Topic phase - approximately eighth though eleventh grades). It was a match made in....well, not exactly Heaven, but you know what I mean.

Available as an MP3 or an M4B, the podfic of Three Days was one of the most performance-oriented podfics I've ever recorded. Usually, my thought process while recording a fic is somewhere along the lines of, "This is funny! And it sounds clever in my head. Let's read it out loud, exactly as it sounds in my brain, with little to no thought spared beyond the superficial. I might even gesticulate while I read it out loud!" But for Three Days, keerawa was actually incredibly helpful in providing me with deeper insight to Dean's emotional state and motivations - exactly like stage directions in a play. This helped ever so much, I feel, in allowing me to reach a deeper understanding of Dean, and in turn allowed me to read the fic with greater emotional depth. Take a listen, or go read the fic, and be sure to tell us what you think!

other people's fanfic, fandom: spn, podfic, collaborative projects, podbook

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