( i suppose i should have put a cut somewhere in here, but i couldn't decide on where it should go )

Jul 18, 2011 23:12

  Update! Update! Update!

Man, I haven't posted a podfic in waaaay too long - I think I feel a bit bereft. But, mine and keerawa's pod_together project goes live tomorrow (you can find all the pod_together entries here), so I suppose I can hold out until then. And, I have a few other podfics sitting in various stages of recording/editing/stasis/post-production, that can start getting posted after pod_together goes up. It'll be all symbolic, right? Kicking off a new and more enlightened state of podficcing, in a new home, with a brand-new story written specifically for podficcing.

And, right - I have an AO3 account now! Huzzzah! And, alright, I've got a grand total of one tiny ficlet of a G-rated kink meme fill that might actually count as fic to post over there, but now AO3 has some fancy-pants new upgrade that allows linking to podfics...which has me contemplating how I might post 'em all over there, too. So as to reach a wider audience, or allow people to connect more easily with the original text. I dunno -  it just feels all neat and shiny to have an AO3 account.

What else, what else? Well, there's this year's round of the Podfic Remix Challenge. Or, okay, I guess we're calling it multipodicity now - signups run until tomorrow, and everyone I know who podfics should sign up (if only so that I have even more podfic options to chose from, when it comes time to remix it all up).

If you weren't around for last year's event, here's the breakdown: Person A records some podfics, once upon a time. Person B records some podfics, also once upon a time. Person A and Person B both sign up for multipodicity. Person A gets to chose from one of Person B's previously-recorded podfics, and record a new performance of the piece - like how both David Tenant and Kenneth Branagh have both performed versions of Hamlet, but neither performance is less valid than the other. Person B also gets to choose one of Person A's podfics to record. Everyone lives happily ever after, with lots of new and exciting takes on only podfic favorites to listen to. It's a good time.

(I very nearly almost signed up for this challenge last year when it first ran, but at that point in my podficcing career I had only three or so recordings under my belt...and I was far less confident in my ability to read fanfic aloud at all, much less the strange and daring heights I've taken podfics to recently. So, of course I have to sign up this time 'round. And you should, too!)

Signups ( LJ | DW) run from July 16-29.
  Also also, I spent over 45 minutes on Texts From Xavier Academy last night, and several of them had me snorting and giggling aloud. One in particular made me choke on my Twizzlers I was laughing so hard. Here, look:

So, that's that for tonight. Between the high temperature and the oppressive humidity, I've been sweating rivulets all day and a cool shower beckons. Goodnight, everyone.

other people's podfic, collaborative projects, cameras are better than postcards

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