"Don’t I look enough like you to turn you on?”

May 05, 2011 23:59

AMP 2011: Day 32

We've got two podficular delights tonight: both Wincesty SPN, though one is quite light-hearted and one is my favorite flavor of slightlydarkandpossessive!Sam.

The longer of the two is And Here We go Again (We Know The Start, We Know The End), written by queenklu: Sam Winchester's incestuous thoughts receive validation from thousands of rabid fangirls, and so he propositions Dean after reading some particularly persuasive fic. Okay, so technically, the actual recorded story part is not all of the 14 minutes of the recording you download, but I just couldn't help myself! The title's a lyric from ABBA - and, since when do you deny the Winchesters an ABBA soundtrack? You don't. Ever. So, sure, feel free to skip over the music at the end if you feel like it ("Voulez Vous", by ABBA, in case you weren't paying attention), but the entire story get so much better with seventies pop running through your brain as you think about it. Really. pinky-swear. Download the mp3 here.

The shorter of the two is Sharing and Caring, written by keerawa: for a story written in less than 1,000 words, this ficlet manages to find and punch so many of my kinks. There's jealous!Sam, and powers!Sam, and possessive!Sam, and backstory into the pre-series years of Growing Up Winchester, and the best gutpunching last line I've read in a while. I cannot stress this enough: Sam. And Dean. And Sam being a possessive little bitch in all my favorite ways. *swoons* Download the mp3 here.

So, I've been working on that Podfic Anthology I keep mentioning. This thing keeps growing, thanks to all the amazing reccs people have tossed my way - though, if anyone wants to give me more ideas of non-traditional story types to record, I'm all ears. Epistolary fics, weird POV fics, poetry, non-linear storylines, heck, even fics entirely composed of dialogue - gimme what you've got, in whatever fandom you think I'm missing. I'd appreciate it like whoa. So far I've got more than 20 stories podficced, in 11 different fandoms, but it's not exactly an even distribution between them (here's a hint: SGA is winning). Plus, I'm still waiting on one or two more authors to get back to me, so I probably won't be posting the entire thing any time soon. Grr.

Anyway, I was thinking about titles (and my lack of skills at Naming Things) and coverart (and my lack of Art Skills, period), because pennyplainknits has that awesome Spring Fling coverart and a cool title, and it made me jealous. Guys! I'm actually leaning towards calling the whole thing
  "Storytellers Do It Orally".

I NEED HELP MAKING A BETTER TITLE THAN THAT, FRIENDLY PODFIC LISTENERS. Seriously, Please and Thank You in advance, just give me some ideas for anthology titles that won't sexually harass my listeners. I WILL CREDIT YOU IN THE LINER NOTES. PINKY SWEAR.

amp 2011, other people's fanfic, fandom: spn, podfic, potential storytime

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