"It's kind of funny, really. One of those 'only on Atlantis' things."

May 06, 2011 23:49

AMP 2011: Day 33

So, today was the very last day of....

That's right, ALL TEN HOURS OF MY PBB have been handed in. I know - TEN HOURS. I didn't actually believe it myself, but bessyboo beta-listened to the entire thing (8 hours for my main PBB entry (1 very big fic, and four smaller snippets that go with it), and 2 hours for my Bonus Bang), and says that's how long it took her. So, since I just handed in VERY MANY MINUTES of me talking to myself..... today you get a shorter podfic, because I just don't want to think about how many hours I have spent talking to an empty room. It leaves me conflicted - on the one hand, Yay! Look how much awesome I've made! - and on the other, Man! I'm never getting though hours back, huh?

So, right, you're only getting fifteen minutes of podfic tonight - you can have my PBB in a few days, when everyone else starts posting theirs, so just hang on 'til then. Tonight's audible delight is a recording of springwoof's story, A Sticky Situation. The story reads just like an episode of Stargate: Atlantis - there is wacky non!science (seriously, Keller's 'explanation' of why people are sticking tighter than Crazy Glue is right up there with any scientific explanations Rodney's ever given on the actual television - it's great!), that is causing madcap hijinks among the denizens of Atlantis. Doctor Keller is on hand to snicker at unfortunate Marines and hopefully Save The Day. Though we never actually see John and Rodney, there's enough told via insinaution and imagination to leave you gasping with giggles at their predicament. The Intro/Outro music is "Stuck On You", by Elvis, because yes, people do get stuck on one another in this story! Download the mp3 here. Don't forget to tell springwoof if her story made you laugh ;-)

amp 2011, other people's fanfic, podfic, fandom: sga

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