
Jan 06, 2010 00:10

Heroes )

tv: stargate universe, tv: heroes, teevee

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Comments 16

dreamingkitty January 6 2010, 08:43:56 UTC
Everytime Sylar goes to the carnival, he ends up half-naked and molested multiple times. I APPROVE. AND THIS NEEDS TO HAPPEN MORE.

I agree! *lol* I'm always looking forward to these scenes lately... ;)

As for the last scene: Sylar probably goes to Claire because of Noah. That's only my rational side speaking though. My shipper heart is telling me something else. ;) That tattoo showed him his desires and what he wants for his future, which seems to be Claire. Some shippers say that it might be because he felt different about Claire when he was Nathan and felt her love for him, even though it was Nathan. I honestly don't know where they are going with this though. As much as I ship these two, I doubt they will make anything happen for many reasons. But we'll see what will happen there - in two weeks. ;)


reeface January 8 2010, 19:34:39 UTC
SRSLY. Guh. I suspect Zach's all *eyeroll* about it when he reads a script that has him getting naked-fondled again, but I definitely wanna send those writers gift baskets. ;D

Ohhh! Yeah, I could see it being like a residual thing tied to Nathan's memories. I rather like that. Him being all conflicted on what to do next, heh.

Argh. Two weeks? Double argh.


lemonbargirl January 6 2010, 10:44:17 UTC
The world needs more Sylar
Truer words have never been spoken!


reeface January 8 2010, 19:35:48 UTC
I do love me some sexy serial killer. ;D


severina2001 January 6 2010, 14:22:53 UTC

*dances around the room*

You are the FIRST person I have heard say anything good about this show, which I also love love love after never having really enjoyed the other SG shows. BECAUSE CLEARLY WE ARE BRAIN TWINS OMG.

I love and adore Rush so much, and pretty much hatehatehate Young, and seriously, anger issues much? And I wonder if the writers realize that they just made Young, their HERO, a murderer? 'Cause I mean, sure, they conveniently stranded Rush on a planet with an alien ship, and dude is SMART, but Young intends him to die there. So, murderer. And all basically because he doesn't like Rush.

Yeah. I love this show. We must squee together weekly. WE MUST.


reeface January 8 2010, 20:06:27 UTC


severina2001 January 14 2010, 00:58:20 UTC

I think it is def. because we haven't seen the other SG's. The only person I know who watched/loved SGA absolutely refuses to watch SG:U because apparently the creators really fucked everything up at the end of the show and blah blah, it sounds like the naysayers of QaF-Cowlip all over again. WHATEVER, I LOVE SG:U!!!

Young is SO out of control. I had like-potential for him before the murder, but man, the guy seriously used the communication stones just so he could go back and PUNCH LOU DIAMOND PHILLIPS OUT. He has serious rage issues, man. And I am already feeling that protective streak toward Rush, so. :D

I actually like Ming Na, though her home visit was so Lifetime-Gay-Friendly-Movie-of-the-Week. I adore Eli, LOVE LOVE LOVE Greer, and am okay with Chloe even though she's just basically a love interest for James. I find TJ mildly annoying. I think it's her hair. ;)

I MISS FRIDAY NIGHTS WITH THIS SHOW. Please come back, show.



ohfreckle January 6 2010, 18:09:52 UTC
OMG I have only watched the SGU pilot so far, and the other episodes are burning hole in my hard drive.
I think I know what I'll do this weekend :D


reeface January 8 2010, 21:35:20 UTC

We must squee once you're caught up!


inefable_hd January 6 2010, 18:31:14 UTC
I love Heroes but I'm really tired of seeing Claire all over the place. The show should be about naked Sylar and Peter. Period xD


reeface January 8 2010, 21:38:00 UTC
Won't get any argument from ME! :D

It's so weird. I feel like I should like Claire more than I do. I mean, she's purdy to watch, she can act, but gah. Maybe it's the storylines she's getting. I miss AU!Claire where she was all "I WILL KEEEEL U!", heh.


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