
Jan 06, 2010 00:10


• Everytime Sylar goes to the carnival, he ends up half-naked and molested multiple times. I APPROVE. AND THIS NEEDS TO HAPPEN MORE.

• Peter breaks my heart, but that's nothing new. His little face when he looked up at the missing man flyby at the funeral, omg. I still don't miss Nathan, but Peter finding out the truth WAS AWESOME.

• I heart crazy ass Samuel, just cos. "I'm you." *shivers*

• I would so go gay for Lydia in a heartbeat.

• Hiro's fanboy scrambled brain was cracking me up. Then it got old.

• Noah is awesome and will always be awesome. The end.

• Claire is still annoying when her scenes aren't with Peter or Noah.

• Uh. I think I'm missing something vital about that end scene. I'm not sure what Sylar could want with Claire. He already has her power.

In conclusion: The world needs more Sylar. Amen.

Stargate Universe

I couldn't get into the other SG shows, but I love this one with the force of a thousand alien ships. The whole stranded with alien technology concept is my crack, yo. And Cliff from Ugly Betty is the genius dork alkdfjaslkj. This makes me so happy, y'all.

In conclusion: RUSH GOT LEFT ON THAT PLANET OMG ALDJASLKJ. AND YOUNG LIED. That's so gonna bite him in the ass later. Rush'll get that ship to work and catch up with them or something, you watch.

tv: stargate universe, tv: heroes, teevee

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