Between bucks and wethers, I currently own twelve boy goats. Of those twelve, five are ready and willing to breed - i.e. intact and older than 8 months. Of those five, four are related - Ari and his three sons Diego, Ivan, and Simon. And of those four, only one stood stud last year (Ari), and only one is on tap to stand stud this year (Ari) if I
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Simon and Ivan (kid buck) - 7th and 8th Diego (yearling) - first, reserve champion Richie and Ari (3 and 2 year old adults) - 3rd and 4th Fiona and Taffy (adult doe) 3rd and 5th
Diego placed second in yearling buck. Ari and Richie placed fourth and fifth in adult. That's all I've got for standings. (My colored girls didn't place at all in any top five.) Elsa and Emma compete today.
The judge has been interesting and positive. It's been a good show so far.
The vet came out to bless the goats and bestow their health papers upon them. They are blessed with two caveats. Corene exploded into scours yesterday, and if she is still runny tomorrow, she can't go. Ari needs his feet trimmed and cleaned up (already done!). Other than that, everyone is good to rock and roll
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Apparently the karmic payback for giving Talla-goat back to her family three years ago after they suffered a herd loss is still continuing to come down on my head. Talla-goat's mom called on Sunday, returning my call about going to Ohio this coming weekend. She'd love to get a group together on Saturday night for dinner. Oh, and did I want one or
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One way to cure some cabin fever is to book events happening when the sun is higher in the sky.
I just made my hotel reservations to support attending the Great Lakes Fiber Festival in Wooster, Ohio. Since there is no goat show, I'm not constrained by time or truck requirements. It's purely a visit for fun and entertainment (and shopping).
I finished weaving the latest triangle shawl tonight. The ends are in and it is cast off and headed for washing. It should be dry in time for Saturday's craft fair
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Kezzi went down towards Richmond to hang out with Madeline's twin sister Clover and Aly's son Berry. Viola went off to live locally with some Nigerians and one Nigora (my perennial guest-goat). I had a couple of nibbles on Zoe and one nibble on Pan, but no sale. No one was really that interested in Fiona
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The Shenandoah Valley Fiber Festival is coming up very, very soon. September 27-28, to be exact. EEEEeee! I have goats to prepare, trailer to prepare, truck to get back from the mechanic
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