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Comments 14

birgitte May 27 2004, 05:04:34 UTC
I can help you later today, when I get a break from work.


symptom May 27 2004, 11:50:52 UTC


redscarfboy May 27 2004, 15:44:28 UTC
haha. Sorry. I promise to update multiple times with good stories and such when I get back from my trip. I intend to write a bit while on it. (crossing my fingers...)


symptom May 27 2004, 19:11:21 UTC


redscarfboy June 6 2004, 14:57:22 UTC
Yes. Eventually. I think I need a vacation now. Trip was amazing, but exhausting.


birgitte May 27 2004, 14:46:45 UTC
First I want to say that you don't have it right. What you start at 5 or 6 is børnehaveklasse, and it is considered like school, because you do have exercises. So you might want to change some of the first part.

De fleste børn i Danmark begynder at gå i skole når de er fem eller seks år. I det første år går de i børnehave( no r, and I would say børnehaveklasse), som ligner de tyske Kindergarten, men det er ikke (pligtig) obligatorisk at gå i børnehave (no r). I børnehaver får børn ingen undervisning i (læsning eller matematik) (i would say at læse eller regne). I seks eller syv års alderen kommer alle børn i første klasse. Så begynder de (med) i det offentlige skolesystem, som hedder folkeskole. I folkeskolen lærer de at regne og læse og de får forskellige lærere til forskellige fag. Elever bliver sammen (hele tiden) i al den tid de går i skole( no n), (selvom de er børn som ikke er så dygtige som de andre) (d you mean that there is different levels? selv om de ikke er på samme faglige niveau, I would say) . Denne skole varer ni år ( ... )


redscarfboy May 27 2004, 15:43:22 UTC
1. Yeah -you were right about the mistake in the first part (well, duh, you know that already...) I misread something. :(
2. You are simply the best. Seriously, I need to bake you a cake or something. MWAH! :D This day has been insane...so much work! But it's now 12:45 am and all I have to do is pack now! Ugg??

Anyway, tak skal du have! Seriously -thanks!!!


birgitte May 28 2004, 06:09:41 UTC
No need to bake me a cake, but I am glad you appriciate it. I just hope it helps you get better ;) Don't hesitate to ask me again, it's so fast for me to check and I don't mind helping you.

Det var så lidt, sku' det være en anden gang.


redscarfboy June 6 2004, 15:01:38 UTC
I just wanted to tell you...after spending 9 days in Denmark I really got good at understanding it. I don't think I could before I went...and especially in hearing presentations by museum curators and such, I didn't understand them at all for like the first 3 days -I just kept understanding more and more by the end. Maybe it had to do with the dialects? I don't know. But I'm really happy about it! :) You can see my pictures here: http://public.fotki.com/tala/travel/denmark/2004/jutland_excursion/


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