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Can't resist option 4... grimholdkeeper October 29 2011, 01:37:48 UTC
((I didn't actually roll, but 4 is perfect for Balthazar, and Amelia might remind him of Veronica under the best of circumstances, anyway, so...hope you don't mind. If you want to roll or pick an option, too, that's fine.))

[He didn't actually ask for the mojo bag, but he's too polite to refuse. He's also too polite to actually look inside--sometimes these things work better without quantifying them. He just tucks the thing in a pocket and continues on his way down the unfamiliar street. It doesn't feel malignant, anyway, and that's what's most important.

It's not until he turns a corner that the thing starts to have an effect. He sees a petite feminine form and a flash of smooth dark hair, and he's reminded so suddenly of poor Veronica (especially in their younger days, before they were adepts) it hurts. He almost calls out her name, but he's just rational enough to be aware there's no way it could be the woman he's missed for centuries ( ... )


healsforjustice January 10 2012, 20:52:29 UTC
[She looked rightfully worried at that. Yes she had run into magic users who weren't upstanding people, but any forces trying to take over on that scale where usually of the monster variety, not human.] That is awful, such powers shouldn't be used for that sort of gain.

[Of course, her face pinkened further at that kiss, but she made no attempt to pull back her hand. She did shake her head lightly though, not wanting him to think she was just speaking to make him feel better.] It's not indulgence. I really do mean what I say. I think you're a very good person, and I'd be happy to get to know you better.


grimholdkeeper January 11 2012, 01:56:06 UTC
Partly it's a philosophical difference. My master taught that sorcery was to be used to serve and protect the world. Others...disagree. [But he's not overly eager to discuss his own problems just now, and her response is encouraging. His sober expression melts into a smile.]

I'm only human. But I do my best. And I'd be honored to spend more time with you, in whatever capacity you might enjoy.


healsforjustice January 11 2012, 15:47:40 UTC
[Nodding as she listened, agreeing wholeheartedly with his way of thinking.] Well, I'm sure in the end you'll be able to win out in the end, since yours is the right and noble belief. Doing your best is surely enough.

[Despite her pinkening features, Amelia still smiled warmly at him.] I'd love that too. Do you have any preferences for that? [She did mean time, place and such, though she was unlikely to be upset if he made any suggestions on the nature of getting to know each other. Considering the supposed shared likeness he saw in her, she was willing to assure him and help in any way she could.]


grimholdkeeper January 12 2012, 03:31:10 UTC
[Rather than finding her point of view naive, he's charmed by her certainty. And innocence. His smile widens, and his squeezes her hand gently.] I hope you're right.

[And now he looks away, embarrassed by how quickly his thoughts plunged into the gutter. How unworthy of him. He makes an attempt to restrain his id for a moment.] Anything, really. I like music and the outdoors. Do you dance? I'm not much good, but...

[But inviting her out to dance is a clear romantic overture, while still being socially acceptable.]


healsforjustice January 12 2012, 13:56:03 UTC
[Smiling and returning the squeeze, she really was glad he didn't think her silly, and that he doesn't seem to mind the more affectionate contact.] I'm sure it'll be fine, these things always work out.

[Well, there was certainly outdoor places she could take him, though her musical knowledge was limited. Of course, she didn't dwell on those, instead answering his question.] I dance well enough, though I don't really get to do it much. But if you're offering, I'd love to go somewhere. Or even if we could just get some music and let it be just the two of us, that would be nice. [Par for the course of running around adventuring all the time, but as a princess it's standard that she knows some steps. Still, she would never assume any such motives, part of her trusting nature, so she didn't quite realize how that offer of being alone with him might have sounded.]


grimholdkeeper January 13 2012, 03:14:14 UTC
[Balthazar is just pleased his overtures are well-received. This abrupt fascination with her is bewildering, and a bit unsettling, but Amelia herself has been nothing but kind.]

I'm not exactly good, but I can manage a waltz. I'm sure there's somewhere around that has music and a dance floor. Or, if not, I can always play something. [Not that he can play and dance at the same time.]


healsforjustice January 13 2012, 17:28:38 UTC
[Amelia was generally accepting of just about anything. She could see the real emotion behind his efforts to get to know her, and in her mind, there was nothing wrong with following those feelings. It would have been wrong to not extend the same openess to him in return.]

Well I'm not great either, but it'd be fun all the same. [Her head tilted at the latter offer though, eyes bright with intrigue.] Oh, what do you play?


grimholdkeeper January 17 2012, 00:03:26 UTC
[He looks just a bit bashful, but pleased by the question.] The psaltery, the lyra, and a couple types of flute. I can fake the shamisen, but I'm not very good at it. And the guitar, but again I'm only mediocre. I was a minstrel for a while, and a court musician, in my world.

[Granted, that was a long time ago. But he likes music and has stayed roughly in practice. Roughly.]


healsforjustice January 17 2012, 00:20:56 UTC
[Well, in any case, Amelia was impressed, gleeful as as she smiled back.] Wow, it must have taken a lot of practice to be able to use so many. I'd really love to hear you play sometime. You must have some talent, I actually kind of envy you. Apart from magic and fighting, I'm not much good at anything.


grimholdkeeper January 17 2012, 01:03:45 UTC
[He looks awkward.] I've had a lot of time to practice. But, yes, I'd love to play for you.

[Tentatively, he reaches over and strokes her chin once, gently.] I haven't known you long, but I think you're underestimating yourself. But regardless, magic is a great gift to have.


healsforjustice January 17 2012, 01:27:24 UTC
[She only looked happier at that, smiling brightly.] I'd be honoured to listen to you...

[Her voice wavered slightly at the touch, clearly surprised considering her expression and increasing blush.] W-Well, it's fairly common back home, and my friends are much better than me...


grimholdkeeper January 17 2012, 02:45:59 UTC
I guess that's settled, then. I'll have to find a good psaltery. [He's charmed by the blush, but withdraws, not wanting to press his luck.]

Talents are valuable, but it's how a person chooses to use them that's most important. You have a pure heart. I admire that.


healsforjustice January 18 2012, 01:33:00 UTC
[Well, her face would have heated up further if his hand had lingered, even though she didn't really mind the touch. Of course, she still flushed again when he continued to compliment her.]

I'm very flattered. Coming from someone with so much experience in magic, it means a lot. I certainly look forward to hearing you play.


grimholdkeeper January 20 2012, 02:38:31 UTC
[He shrugs sheepishly, not sure how to take the comment about his experience, since so much of that is ascribable to sheer age. Still, he'll take admiration where he can find it.]

It sounds like we have a date, then, Miss Amelia...? [The question is almost coy, but hopeful.]


healsforjustice January 20 2012, 15:35:55 UTC
[She flushes more, smiling happily at him and nodding in confirmation. To her, he seemed wise enough to deserve that level of praise.]

It would seem so. You can let me know where you want me to meet you, okay?


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