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Can't resist option 4... grimholdkeeper October 29 2011, 01:37:48 UTC
((I didn't actually roll, but 4 is perfect for Balthazar, and Amelia might remind him of Veronica under the best of circumstances, anyway, so...hope you don't mind. If you want to roll or pick an option, too, that's fine.))

[He didn't actually ask for the mojo bag, but he's too polite to refuse. He's also too polite to actually look inside--sometimes these things work better without quantifying them. He just tucks the thing in a pocket and continues on his way down the unfamiliar street. It doesn't feel malignant, anyway, and that's what's most important.

It's not until he turns a corner that the thing starts to have an effect. He sees a petite feminine form and a flash of smooth dark hair, and he's reminded so suddenly of poor Veronica (especially in their younger days, before they were adepts) it hurts. He almost calls out her name, but he's just rational enough to be aware there's no way it could be the woman he's missed for centuries ( ... )


grimholdkeeper November 3 2011, 01:24:06 UTC
[There are lights in one of the shop windows up ahead, and he peers at it, making sure it's the sweet shop he was looking for. There's no one inside except a counterperson, but it doesn't seem closed. He reaches to hold the door for her.] I've had a couple students who were good healers. I understand the theory, it just takes extra concentration for me. I'm slow at it, and I'd worry about anything too complicated.

[He follows her inside and nods to the proprietor, reaching for his wallet.] Order whatever you like. My treat. I'm afraid I haven't known many dragons...


healsforjustice November 3 2011, 01:30:52 UTC
[She smiled up at him with a nod of gratitude, before entering the shop, looking over the selection while she continued speaking.] Well the basis for healing in my world is quite simple, so I don't think you'd struggle too much.

[Catching sight of his actions, she blinked in surprise. Not that she didn't appreciate the gesture, but it was rather sudden, derailing her from responding to the latter part of what he said.] That's terribly kind of you Mr Balthazar. Are you sure though? I do have money with me.


grimholdkeeper November 3 2011, 03:24:06 UTC
I'm usually a good student. [He smiles and looks over the menu distractedly. They're standing close again, and with the lull in the conversation he's getting lost in her resemblance to Veronica once more. There's a slight shiver as she addresses him again, but he manages to respond like a rational human being, even looking sheepish.]

Coffee and snacks aren't much of an expense, truly, and I have as much as I need with me. Please, have whatever you want. I think just a small chai for me...


healsforjustice November 3 2011, 11:40:16 UTC
That I don't doubt. [Listening, she saw he wouldn't budge on the matter, so goes along with it. She hoped he wasn't acting on obligation due to her resemblence to his friend, though felt it was more likely he was simply a kind person.]

If you insist then. However I'll be repaying the favour to you at some point too. [Her statement was firm, showing it wasn't something she would argue on, but still in a gentle and friendly tone. She simply wanted to be fair after all, making her more at ease with ordering some tea and a pastry for herself. It was modest, but that suited her, despite hearing her friend Lina's voice in the back of her head shouting about how one should get all they could eat when someone else was paying. Balthazar could count himself lucky on who he had met in that regard.]


grimholdkeeper November 5 2011, 02:46:56 UTC
[He actually blushes faintly at her comment about repaying favors, which is absurd because she certainly didn't mean it in any kind of untoward way, and normally his mind wouldn't even go there. He's not thinking clearly. Maybe he's just tired. He addresses the barista.] Actually, I'll have coffee. Black, please, and strong.

[He would probably be terrified by Lina's appetite and manners. He wouldn't object if Amelia ordered more than just a light snack, but in the long run it's probably just as well. He pays for their order without complaint, then carries his drink to a table by the window, pulling out a chair for his companion.] I appreciate the company. If repaying the favor means I get to see you again, I won't argue.


healsforjustice November 5 2011, 11:56:32 UTC
[Luckily she didn't dwell on or question his change of drinks, or the blush for that matter. Her meaning of repayment had been perfectly innocent, though admittedly, Amelia did tend to go beyond herself if it was for the sake of someone else, so there was possibility in that regard, depending on the cirumstances.]

Then that settles that, if my company is enough of course. [Nodding thanks for him pulling out her seat, she sat down, taking a sip of her drink. She did wonder if there was anything else she could do for him, since she did wish to show him some gratitude; perhaps further conversation would give her some ideas.]


grimholdkeeper November 6 2011, 18:16:35 UTC
[He smiles and blows on the surface of his coffee before taking a sip.] I can't say for sure just now, since I've only had it for a little while, but I'm enjoying your company so far. You were going to tell me how you go about healing? I don't need a demonstration, fortunately, but I'm curious.

[The play of streetlight and softer indoor lighting across her features is fascinating, for some reason. He can't quite decide how old she looks. There are definite hints of youth and innocence, but he doesn't think she's a wilting flower, either.]

((Just to warn, I'm going to be laggy this week, but I am liking this, and I'm happy to continue as long as you want.))


healsforjustice November 6 2011, 18:48:32 UTC
Well, I'm happy to hear that, and should let you know the feeling is mutual Mr Balthazar.[There was that sweet little smile again, in place as she nibbled at her pastry before speaking again. Hopefully, she wouldn't make a foold of herself here; she truly did want to keep his interest, having such a pleasant time in his company.]

Well, the recovery spell, the basic and most used one, utilizes the energy of the wounded body to aid in a concentrated effort to heal wounds, though this will still leave the person tired or weakened. The resurrection spell instead draws from outer energies to take care of more severe wounds, since using the injured persons strength would likely heal them but drain their life force entirely.

[Admittedly, between her looks and innocent demeanour, Amelia could be thought of as much younger than she actually was. The only obvious indictor was that, despite being petite, she was rather curvy, indicating she was older than her height might lead others to believe. While she might not have looked nineteen, she ( ... )


grimholdkeeper November 8 2011, 01:22:26 UTC
[Oh, that's just endearing. His expression flickers through a moment of sheepish pleasure before he manages to restore the more serious mask, listening to her lecture.] I see. Is there any provision for something like a tumor or an infection, or is that more a matter for surgeons? I've heard, in my own world, that there are spells and rituals for chronic illnesses, but they're all far more specialized than I've had time to handle.

((Yay! I was trying for amusing and adorable rather than creepy. XD ))


healsforjustice November 8 2011, 19:00:33 UTC
[Head tilting, she flickered some of her bangs from her eyes, unaware that there were a few crumbs on her face.] That would likely need to be checked and assisted with medicine or herbal remedies. Due to recovering using the bodies energy, it ends up multiplying infected cells, so there would need to be a proper cure mixed to destroy than infection.

[ooc: And you succeeded! \o/]


grimholdkeeper January 8 2012, 03:10:55 UTC
[He continues to look absorbed by every word she says. It's gradually sinking in that, in the most objective terms, she doesn't look that much like Veronica, but the little twist his heart gives every time he looks at her gives his more rational observations the lie. He notices the crumbs on her cheek and impulsively reaches out to brush them away, the touch light and almost reverent. As soon as he realizes what he's done, he looks apologetic.]

Err...sorry. Pastry crumbs. [He backs off, sheepish, and tries to pick up the thread of the conversation.] That...that makes sense, what you say about multiplying cells. Have you done much of that herbal healing, as well, or mostly just white magic?


healsforjustice January 8 2012, 12:01:56 UTC
[Amelia stiffened at the touch, just surprised more than anything, her face heating up slightly at the contact. Of course, looking up at Balthazar, she blushed all the more, but tried to get back on track with conversation.]

Not much, generally such things are handled by those who are specialised in that area, who usually don't have magic, though there are exceptions.

[Still, it wasn't right to just ignore that, despite embarrassment. She couldn't fathom what he might have been feeling, so it wasn't fair to judge that action. After all, it did no harm, and it was quite sweet in her eyes. Her hand tentatively reached out, gently touching his.] You didn't have to apologise, I didn't mind.


grimholdkeeper January 9 2012, 04:15:08 UTC
I'd be really curious to see how a society runs with magic openly accepted. The crux of most of my magical actions has always been the preservation of secrecy. [He looks briefly thoughtful, diverted by the possibilities, but he hasn't missed the blush.]

[The touch of her hand sends his heartbeat into overdrive, and he's privately annoyed at himself for acting and feeling like a teenager caught up in a puppy love crush. He ducks a little, sheepish, but doesn't pull his hand back.] It was too forward of me. I just can't shake the familiar feeling. I hope I'm not making you uncomfortable.


healsforjustice January 10 2012, 01:45:21 UTC
It certainly must be difficult, keeping it out of the public eye. [It really was something she could barely fathom. Considering she had a friend who constantly blew places to smithereens, the idea of being able to hide magic would be quite a feat to accomplish in her home.]

[Shaking her head gently, she offered a hopeful smile, giving his hand a soft squeeze of assurance.] You're not, and I don't think theres anything you could do that would make me uncomfortable Mr Balthazar.


grimholdkeeper January 10 2012, 03:04:23 UTC
It is. Especially when there are different factions, some of whom are bent on world domination. [He makes a small, rueful grimace, but he can't focus on his own problems for too long when she's giving him that smile.]

[He's obviously captivated, but it takes him another moment to react. Gently, he curls his fingers around her hand and raises it to his face, kissing the back of her knuckles, just once.] I'm grateful for your indulgence, Miss Amelia.


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