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Can't resist option 4... grimholdkeeper October 29 2011, 01:37:48 UTC
((I didn't actually roll, but 4 is perfect for Balthazar, and Amelia might remind him of Veronica under the best of circumstances, anyway, so...hope you don't mind. If you want to roll or pick an option, too, that's fine.))

[He didn't actually ask for the mojo bag, but he's too polite to refuse. He's also too polite to actually look inside--sometimes these things work better without quantifying them. He just tucks the thing in a pocket and continues on his way down the unfamiliar street. It doesn't feel malignant, anyway, and that's what's most important.

It's not until he turns a corner that the thing starts to have an effect. He sees a petite feminine form and a flash of smooth dark hair, and he's reminded so suddenly of poor Veronica (especially in their younger days, before they were adepts) it hurts. He almost calls out her name, but he's just rational enough to be aware there's no way it could be the woman he's missed for centuries.

Still...he can't bring himself to walk on by, either. He approaches the strange girl hesitantly.] E-excuse me...are you...you look familiar, have we met?

[As conversation openers go, it's not good.]


D'Aww <3 healsforjustice October 29 2011, 09:13:49 UTC
[Amelia had noticed some people walking past with the bags, but paid little mind to it. As far as her own magic mythos went, luck wasn't something that you could influence, so she might have had doubts regardless, even though she always tried to be open minded.]

[Her musing on the matter was interrupted though as footsteps approached, and she heard someone call out in her direction. Turning around as she stopped walking, she gazed up at the man in confusion. He seemed rather unsure of himself, stumbling over words and making her a little more concerned. Nevertheless, she is polite in answering him, and doesn't immediately retreat once she finished speaking.

No, I don't believe so. I'm afraid you've mistaken me for someone else.

[OOC: Nope, don't mind at all, and I think the is plenty to go on, so it'll be enough. ^^]


:D grimholdkeeper October 29 2011, 21:40:07 UTC
[Her eyes are blue, where Veronica's were always a deep brown, but there are even similarities in the expression and body language. It's a relief she doesn't immediately walk away, because the last thing he would want is to come across as creepy, but he's not sure he could resist following her.]

I suppose so. You look like...a woman I grew up with. Who I haven't seen in a very long time. [His eyes are sad, but he can't quite hold back a smile, either.] I mean it as a compliment, believe me.


healsforjustice October 29 2011, 21:47:42 UTC
[Unaware of what he was thinking, her head tilted to the side as she listened to him. Oddly enough, seeing his expression, seemingly slipping into recollection, she felt more inclined to stay. She smiled softly, hoping that in some way there was comfort in allowing him the chance to remember whoever she reminded him of.]

I'm sorry that you haven't been able to see her in so long, but thank you anyway.


grimholdkeeper October 29 2011, 23:48:59 UTC
[He nods wistfully, itching to just reach out and touch her hair. He's pretty sure that's not on, though, and stuffs his hands in his pockets instead.] She was--is--a remarkably kind, brave, and beautiful lady. I hope to meet her again some day.

[Shaking his head as if to clear it, he adds,] I apologize if I'm detaining you, but if not...would you like a cup of coffee or cocoa or something? [There are cafes and little shops around, surely. Anything to just keep her in close proximity for a while.]

Oh...I'm being rude. Blake. Balthazar Blake. [He bows, leaving his hands in his pockets. He feels truly strange about this sudden, desperate attraction, afraid shaking hands would be too much contact. Either she'd melt away like a dream, or he'd break down into tears in front of a stranger. Neither is a desirable outcome.]


healsforjustice October 29 2011, 23:59:13 UTC
[That probably would have been a bit forward, though admittedly Amelia was not one to usually shy away, since there was no indication she couldn't trust him. He may have been a bit worked up, but she could understand if there was a surprising similarity between her and someone he knew.]

I hope you do too then. [Offering a kind smile, she clasped her hands behind her, giving his request a curious tilt of the head, before nodding.] That sounds nice, I didn't have any plans anyway.

[Blinking, she remembered that she too had forgotten about introductions, not paying heed to the lack of contact. She supposed there were reasons, so didn't force anything, simply continuing to smile genuinely.] It's nice to meet you Mr Balthazar, I'm Amelia Wil Tesla Seyruun.


grimholdkeeper November 1 2011, 23:43:49 UTC
[Truth be told, he's a little unsettled by the strength of his own emotions; still, that very intensity leaves him ill-equipped to analyze what's going on.] Thank you. I...er...I think there was some sort of sweet shop this way.

[He beckons with a gentle nod of his head, going back the way he came. He's almost walking backward in his unwillingness to let her out of his sight.] Pleased to make your acquaintance, Miss Amelia. [He parrots her form of address, where normally he would simply go by first name or title and surname.] Are you a magic student by any chance?


healsforjustice November 1 2011, 23:55:51 UTC
[It might have been her inability to turn away from people who she could help, but if her presence made him feel better, she wouldn't be going anywhere. She simply nodded and followed up to walk along with him. It was a little odd, but she kept eye contact as best she could, as if to reassure him she wasn't going to disappear.]

Not exactly a student Mr Balthazar. I've just been practising magic and learning spells for as long as I can really remember. [She didn't mind the formality, so used to doing it herself. It didn't make her as self conscious as 'princess' or 'your highness' at least. She was more than happy to answer him, and keep up conversation. As much as he was obviously keen to speak to her, Amelia wasn't one to turn down conversation with someone she thought pleasant, and to her, Balthazar was that.]


grimholdkeeper November 2 2011, 00:22:13 UTC
[The change of topic is distracting and soothing, and he seems to calm a little as they go on. He's still watching her closely, though.] Really? Your world must be different from mine. Magic is only practiced in secret where I'm from. It's a very rare ability; it's hard to pin down how much it relates to heredity.


healsforjustice November 2 2011, 00:30:47 UTC
People have said that a lot. I must admit, I still find it strange since at home, magic is common practise. A lot of people are capable of it, my own home kingdom is the capital for white magic. [Of course she wasn't going to boast about her royal status, much more content to engage in further conversation with Balthazar. It was always nice to speak to other magic users, and find out about different mythos.] I take it you're very experienced yourself Mr Balthazar?


grimholdkeeper November 2 2011, 00:45:28 UTC
I see. How do you classify white magic, exactly? Formal systems vary on my own world. Some people call anything nature-based white magic, others are more focused on intent. [He's pleased by the implication that she's a sorceress of a more ethical bent.]

Experienced? I suppose. [He shrugs modestly.] I was the student of a remarkably powerful and influential sorcerer. He taught me well...and his other apprentices. And I'm older than I look.


healsforjustice November 2 2011, 00:59:15 UTC
Well, it's based on defensive spells, healing and exorcism mainly. Elemental spells are usually part of shamanism or astral magic, while curses and offensive spells are black magic. I can do a bit of the other types, though white magic is my basic strength. [Ethical was one way of putting, most would simply say Amelia was a little too obsessed with justice and how to enforce it. Still, she did try her best at whatever she did regardless.]

Oh I see. [She didn't wish to pry too much, so settled for offering a friendly grin.] Well don't worry, it would be rude to ask your age, so I won't.


grimholdkeeper November 2 2011, 01:42:00 UTC
[He nods. It sounds more or less in line with his own world, although shamanism means something less tangible and more bardic to his mind.] I'm not much of a healer, unfortunately. I wish I were better at it, in fact. I'm something of an old soldier, I suppose, and a guardian.

[He chuckles softly.] You might not believe me if I told you, but...we'll leave it for now.


healsforjustice November 2 2011, 09:01:19 UTC
Well, it sounds like you have had some important roles to play. [Listening carefully, her head tilted to the side curiously before speaking, unsure of whether or not her offer would be valid for someone so experienced.] I don't know if it would help, but I could show you some of my healing magic, if you like.

Hmm, I don't know, I've seen those of the monster race who look very young, and yet are thousands of years old. [She giggled a little herself, still not planning to pry, simply enjoying the light heartedness of the conversation.]


grimholdkeeper November 3 2011, 00:33:26 UTC
You're too kind. [He means that, actually. He's not always at peace with the tasks he's had to execute, and may still have to complete, and he's not proud of having had to kill. He smiles, though, grateful for her trust.] I'd enjoy that. It may not be applicable across worlds, but I'm always interested to learn.

[One eyebrow goes up at the last comment.] Monster race? I'm not familiar with that term. I'm only human.


healsforjustice November 3 2011, 00:46:28 UTC
Oh it's nothing, I'm just being honest. [Honestly, she couldn't lie even if she had the need to. Still, she could sympathise if she knew the worries he carried.] Well it can't hurt to try.

[Nodding, she thought a moment on how best to explain.] Well they can look quite human if they want to, and as such can hide their age, as can dragons, so I believe you when you say you're older than you look Mr Balthazar. [The honest, innocent smile indicated that was a show of belief on her part, not a knock on his age.]


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