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Comments 14

sg_fignewton March 23 2010, 18:03:13 UTC
This was a very entertaining recap. :)

Even Daniel fangirls can appreciate the credits. At the absolute least, it's not a cross-eyed pharaoh!

1. Obviously he's good at his job or he wouldn't have such an important position, but maybe he'd rather be on a gate team? He really needs to work on his people skills.

2. Magnets, obviously. But yeah - BRING SPARE PARTS, people!

3. Well, I hope I'd be a mix of both. Ashwan was a little too starry-eyed for his responsibility; until Kalfas went off the rails, I thought he made a lot of sense. You do need both perspectives.

4. ::grins:: Considering that Pesach is next week? I can offer a five-course meal with the contents of my freezer at the moment! (Good timing, heh.)

5. This is my one problem with Jonas - the need to make him not!Daniel. I've grown to like him a lot, but his eidetic memory thing can only go so far. There should certainly be a Goa'uld cultural expert on board the Prometheus - couldn't they call someone who (gasp!) was NOT on SG-1 ( ... )


supplyship March 23 2010, 20:32:46 UTC
Thanks Fig! Yes, *any* credits are better than the cross-eyed pharaoh! ;p

1. Yeah, it says something when Jack's people skills are like 10 times better than Ronson. Take a chill-pill, dude! :) Though I do think that one of the reasons Jack was so strangely relaxed in this ep was because he *wasn't* in charge of everyone for once.

2. I was strangely disappointed in Sam for this (and I think Jack was too)... especially since she helped design the buffer. She *knew* how critical it was!

4. Ha! Good thing for religious holidays. :D My visitors would probably get some rice and beans and ketchup. Oh, and maybe some beer. :)

6. Those are nice thoughts - in some ways I thought their tech was more advanced, but others, like the gunships, looked very steampunk. Hope they didn't get it from the Ori! :S


lizardbeth_j March 23 2010, 18:35:57 UTC
oh, I'd forgotten how cinematic that gate raising scene is. mmm

1. heh, I've long been of the opinion that Ronson is overcompensating because he knows a Naval officer should have his job. Maybe if an actual ship or submarine commander had been there, they'd have known about this strange concept of SPARE PARTS.

5. Didn't Jonas learn Cherokee in an afternoon, or something, IIRC? I'm sure he learned the useful parts of Daniel's translations/dictionaries before that, while he was trying to prove his usefulness to be on SG-1. So I think he probably learned to read various forms of Egyptian and Ancient early on,

6. Short term, I have no idea. But long term, because they have a working gate and a fairly modern-ish and militaristic society, I bet they get waxed by the Ori.


supplyship March 23 2010, 20:57:39 UTC
oh, I'd forgotten how cinematic that gate raising scene is.
Me too! Very cool, but then I usually like the "we're working hard now" montages anyway. :p

1. Yes! 'Tis a strange conundrum that scifi has - spaceships are much more like naval ships, yet they are in space! Which is the realm of the AF.

5. Ha, probably. I know he's a boy genius, but in this ep it's just such an obvious handwave by the writers.

6. Yep, that's kind of what I was thinking too, which is sad! :(


julimond1402 March 23 2010, 20:47:16 UTC
First of all: great recap! I giggled a lot (which was quite disturbing to the other students here in my college's computer lab ( ... )


supplyship March 23 2010, 21:10:58 UTC
Hee, thank you! I got a little long-winded, but there was a lot of stuff going on! Anyway, I'm glad you got a giggle. :)

1. Yeah, I agree, I think he was very intimidated by SG1. I was torn between wanting Jack to laugh in his face or smack him... probably a good thing that Jack did neither and tried to play nice for once, LOL.

2. I felt... disappointed in Sam for this. She makes a point to say that she designed the buffer. So she *knows* how important it is! Silly writers and their silly handwaves. :)

4. Ooh, Jack and I will be right over for hot dogs and beer! :)


pepper_field March 23 2010, 21:16:13 UTC
Heh! Great recap.

After digging for five minutes or so, T hits stone. Jonas uncovers the text, which of course says “here’s the stargate!”

Yes, it was a little too easy, wasn't it? *g ( ... )


supplyship March 23 2010, 21:56:39 UTC
Thanks, friend! OK, whew, I'm not the only one who got dizzy watching them go around and around and around those corridors, lol ( ... )


pepper_field March 23 2010, 23:03:48 UTC
Daniel has the freedom to just act friendly and build bridges, while Jack has to think of and be prepared for every conceivable scenario, most of them bad.

Yes, absolutely. I was watching 'Scorched Earth' recently, and Jack looks so much like he'd love to be in the position of not making the decision. He's stuck with it, and he doesn't shrink from the responsibility, but sometimes he looks like he'd rather be the one arguing the case for his side to some higher power. (But then I guess he has to deal with military higher-ups, and he remembers again why he does like being the one making the command decisions, in the field at least. *g*)

I'm not sure how big the buffer would have to be, to be too big to fit two of them on Prometheus... although, maybe they can't bring spares of everything they might need, because ultimately they'd need a second ship to pack it all in, you know?

Timing would be the hardest thing, for my 'feast'. :)


supplyship March 24 2010, 01:18:19 UTC
Oooh, yes "Scorched Earth" is a good example of Jack dealing with very uncomfortable decisions.

Timing would be the hardest thing, for my 'feast'. *nod nod* Especially if everything had to be heated/reheated in the microwave. :)


rachel500 March 24 2010, 00:03:48 UTC
Going to echo that it was a great recap ( ... )


supplyship March 24 2010, 01:25:04 UTC
Why thank you! Glad you enjoyed it. :)

1. Nice comparison of Ronson to movie!Jack, I like it. And I completely forgot about him returning in "Grace" - he was much more likable then! So yeah, maybe it was just too much for his first real mission.

2. Much more likely that there was political pressure to go ahead with the shakedown cruise without spares! I'm sure everyone was like "oh, if we break down, we can just 'gate home, lalala"

4. Ha! Good choice.

5. Great answer - I'm going with this choice. :) Only holding on to the hope that somehow the Ori missed them! Because steampunk gunships are too cool to lose.


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