30 Days of Torchwood Meme - Day 14 - Something you’d like to re-write in the series

Mar 09, 2015 20:31

Can I re-write the end of season 1? Because 'Captain Jack Harkness' is a good episode, with the original Captain, and Tosh being awesome (why yes, that scene is an answer to a later question). And there's so much interesting stuff in the finale, like the "ghosts" and the Torchwood crew failing at being heroes, and Bilis Manger. Who is splendiferously creepy. And I am totally down for Ianto reciting doom-laden Biblical verses any time they feel like throwing that in. (Gareth David-Lloyd does have a lovely timbre.)

But they waste all that glorious build-up for a bad CGI monster that makes no sense. I'd keep the doom and gloom and ditch the bad monster reveal. And the bad way of defeating a monster. I do actually like End of Days except the stupid monster.

And those are not the symptoms of plague. (Yes, I fixate on all the wrong things.)

Day 1 - Your favourite Torchwood member
Day 2 - Your favourite Torchwood season
Day 3 - Favourite Episode
Day 4 - Favourite alien
Day 5 - A scene that made you cry
Day 6 - A scene that made you smile
Day 7 - Your Favourite Quote
Day 8 - Your favourite cast member
Day 9 - An image that makes you smile like a git
Day 10 - Your favourite promo picture
Day 11 - Your Favourite Couple
Day 12 - Favourite Couple Scene
Day 13 - A piece of music you love from the series

Day 15 - Behind the scene video that made you laugh the most
Day 16 - Your favourite outfit
Day 17 - Your favourite Gwen moment
Day 18 - Your favourite Ianto moment
Day 19 - Your favourite Jack moment
Day 20 - Your favourite Owen moment
Day 21 - Your favourite Toshiko moment
Day 22 - Who you’d shag, cliff and marry
Day 23 - Your favourite Torchwood website
Day 24 - A Torchwood geek moment you’ve had
Day 25 - Your favourite Torchwood fan-fiction
Day 26 - A piece of fan-art
Day 27 - A fan-video
Day 28 - Your favourite location or set
Day 29 - Where you think the series should continue to
Day 30 - Best Torchwood on Doctor Who moment

meme, torchwood

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