30 Days of Torchwood Meme - Day 09 - An image that makes you smile like a git

Feb 26, 2015 23:33

I am very fond of the blowfish alien in a car. I think it's the incongruity of it.

Actually, for all my issues with 'Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang' (it's light, it's fwee, it's not my gloomy Torchwood that I know and love), I do really like the opening car chase, especially the little old lady and Torchwood not being quite as secret as they might think they are. Which I always thought was a nice touch, because secret organisations are never quite as secret as they think they are.

Day 1 - Your favourite Torchwood member
Day 2 - Your favourite Torchwood season
Day 3 - Favourite Episode
Day 4 - Favourite alien
Day 5 - A scene that made you cry
Day 6 - A scene that made you smile
Day 7 - Your Favourite Quote
Day 8 - Your favourite cast member

Day 10 - Your favourite promo picture
Day 11 - Your favourite coup
Day 12 - Your favourite couple scene
Day 13 - A piece of music you love from the series
Day 14 - Something you’d like to re-write in the series
Day 15 - Behind the scene video that made you laugh the most
Day 16 - Your favourite outfit
Day 17 - Your favourite Gwen moment
Day 18 - Your favourite Ianto moment
Day 19 - Your favourite Jack moment
Day 20 - Your favourite Owen moment
Day 21 - Your favourite Toshiko moment
Day 22 - Who you’d shag, cliff and marry
Day 23 - Your favourite Torchwood website
Day 24 - A Torchwood geek moment you’ve had
Day 25 - Your favourite Torchwood fan-fiction
Day 26 - A piece of fan-art
Day 27 - A fan-video
Day 28 - Your favourite location or set
Day 29 - Where you think the series should continue to
Day 30 - Best Torchwood on Doctor Who moment

meme, torchwood

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