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Comments 36

aurora_84 August 12 2009, 04:16:56 UTC
Top five sexy character moments from any of your shows
I love your answers to this question OH MY GOD.


redbrickrose August 12 2009, 13:54:32 UTC
Heee! There are probably a few others, but I'm pretty sure those were the hottest - in most cases because I was a shipper, but I wasn't even *really* a Spike/Buffy shipper at that point but still. GUH.


zephyrprince August 12 2009, 04:31:49 UTC
oh no no, i meant ones that get under your skin in a bad way as in bother you like this D:


Unpopular fannish opinions below! redbrickrose August 12 2009, 14:18:28 UTC
Ohhhhhh. Okay.

That's a dangerous question, you know. Now half my flist will disown me:

1) Tyrol/Cally (BSG; squickiest canon ship ever!)
2) Angel/Cordy (AtS; could have lived with it in theory, but the execution was *painful*)
3) Ten/Rose (Dr. Who - we've had this conversation. I get squicked by the idea of the Dr. paired romantically with any companion. It was just most obvious with Rose).
4) Sam/Dean (SPN; I AM SORRY FANDOM. I love their relationship, the incest just won't ever work for me).
5) Spike/Xander (BtVS; I get where the chemistry comes from, but I could just never wrap my head around Xander with a vampire when he never seemed to really forgive Buffy for it).

I also have complicated opinions on other Panic at the Disco ships, but those are pretty ridiculously irrational and I don't want to talk about it. /o\


Re: Unpopular fannish opinions below! zephyrprince August 12 2009, 14:25:15 UTC
haha fair enough, yes the Doctor/human thing is interesting. I was hearing rumors at one point that the newest companion might be an alien actually but I think there's been more revealed since then that I haven't read. Actually of those, the only one I really like is Sam/Dean though I totally get where you're coming from on the power dynamic thing.


Re: Unpopular fannish opinions below! redbrickrose August 12 2009, 16:12:11 UTC
ooo. If the new companion was an alien that may be different. Jack/Dr. is different because of Jack's whole immortality thing. (TW-era!Jack not DW-era!Jack). With that it really is a power dynamic thing for me. It's TOO MUCH of a power imbalance and it just makes me kind of uncomfortable.

With Sam/Dean it's not about the power dynamic. If it was done in a baddirtywrong way, I could so totally roll with that. It's just that there's so much emphasis on happy-ending wincest in fandom and it just doesn't work for me. Too much incest(or codependency or both) squick. *hands*


exsequar August 12 2009, 04:37:06 UTC
1. Gabe and Victoria, fucking unf

2. 4) The ending of "I Will Remember You." AtS Again, I wasn't really fannish about AtS at the time, but I remember watching it and not even being able to breath. I watched that this weekend and I'm crying just thinking about it. OW. OWWWWW. Joss, why do you hurtlove me so?

3. I love that Angel and Buffy are your little black dresses. Hell yeah!

4. 3) QaF, 3.08. Brian and Justin's reunion. OH MY GOD. "All these people drinking lovers spit." aslksjflksjdflsdf;skf. Maybe most rewatched scene ever? Perhaps rivaled by the Hallelujah kiss, the one that's all lit in blue when they break into the back room. Or maybe the Forever Young dancing and kiss. OR MAYBE EVERY BRIAN/JUSTIN MAKEOUT SCENE EVER? Aldkjfsljsfd. Bonus points for clothing loss. :D

I love how many of my old fandoms you share, and how you bring that love back to the surface for me. ♥


redbrickrose August 12 2009, 14:22:33 UTC

2) I haven't seen that episode in FOREVER, but I still remember what it was like to watch it the first time. Admittedly, that was back when I still trusted Joss more than I do now and I didn't know all his tricks, but oh man, *such* a good episode. And so painful.

3) Other fandoms come and go, but Buffy is forever. (Not that I ever *really* manage to leave any fandom completely.

4) Probably for me *definitely* the most rewatched scene ever. Those other scenes are hot, but not emotionally satisfying in the way that the reunion scene is.

We've talked about that before, I know, but our fannish trajectory is really very, very similar. Which is fun, because it really isn't that hard for me to get worked up about my old fandoms and it's nice to have someone to share the old squee. <3


minim_calibre August 12 2009, 05:49:55 UTC
"Die Me, Dichotomy" Farscape Aeryn's death and Crichton, going crazy with Scorpius in his head, being responsible for it. Oh, my God that was amazing.

I need to check my notes (I have them!), but I watched this for the first time right before Lillian was born. Like, possibly on the TV in Labor and Delivery the night before I was induced.

And, DAMN. Yeah. That was just highly memorable.


redbrickrose August 12 2009, 14:24:33 UTC
Farscape just did pretty much everything right. That scene was phenomenal though - emotionally effective without ever feeling emotionally manipulative. FS is my FAVORITE because of the way they could always pull things like that off.


oddishly August 12 2009, 09:48:26 UTC
So I basically nodded along furiously to all of your Brendon/Ryan scenarios. Especially any time ever wehre Ryan is the one who realises it first and does the pursuing, because oh my god, ikr? Oh, and this --

When that was going on and sure they were fighting all the time and things were intense, but they also had to be in each other's head

*___* Yes.


redbrickrose August 12 2009, 16:15:12 UTC
I know, right? Their dynamic will never stop being completely fascinating. Even now when I almost *wish* I could stop being so fascinated, I just can't seem to shake it.


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