(no subject)

Aug 11, 2009 23:39

FIRST: Look at this picture of Gabe and Vicky-T.

Okay, now we can continue. Here are my answers to the five fandom things meme.

netweight: Top five TV moments/scenes. Any kind of scene. You know, the stuff that made your jaw drop the first time you watched it, or that couple getting together, or that death that totally broke your heart, or that plot twist your never saw coming, or that moment you fell in love with a character, etc, etc. Anything goes!

There are SO MANY moment I could have picked for this. I don't know that these are my top five. They're the five I thought of first.

1) I wanted to say the scene where Mary makes a deal in "In the Beginning" at the beginning of SPN season 4 because that sort of left me just staring at my screen going "no, really?" But honestly, for me the most oh my god moment in SPN was the end of "Heart." It kept me up that night and it was what made me do more than pay casual attention to the fandom. Of course, it was also the moment that made me decide that SPN is a tragedy.

2) Doyle's death on AtS. It wasn't the most traumatic death for me by any means, but it was also before I was anywhere near BtVS/AtS fandom and I had *no* idea it was coming. I was completely shocked.

3) "Patient X" The X-Files. Where Marita shows up on the ship where Krycek is and then they just start making out and it's kind of violent but kind of hot and she says, "We've got them on their knees, Alex" and he says, "They give me what I want, I'm gonna rule the world." AND EVERY BULLET PROOF PAIRING KINK I HAVE WAS CEMENTED IN THAT MOMENT.

4) The ending of "I Will Remember You." AtS Again, I wasn't really fannish about AtS at the time, but I remember watching it and not even being able to breath.

5) "Die Me, Dichotomy" Farscape Aeryn's death and Crichton, going crazy with Scorpius in his head, being responsible for it. Oh, my God that was amazing.

zephyrprince: how about top five ships that get under your skin.

1) Mulder/Scully (The X-Files
2) John/Aeryn (Farscape; OTP of all time, always and forever)
3) Angel/Spike (BtVS/AtS)
4) Angel/Darla (BtVS/AtS)
5) Brendon/Ryan (Bandom, PatD; I'm not actually feeling great about this right now, but the question was "ships that get under your skin" and, well, it's under my skin, that's for sure. ;__;)

Picking five for this question was really hard! It was difficult to leave out Buffy/Faith and Buffy/Angel. Runners up would also include Brian/Justin (QaF(US)) and Louis/Lestat (Vampire Chronicles). And probably Chuck/Blair (Gossip Girl) because I don't know how much staying power they're going to have, but I really, really love them a lot.


Hmmm. You know, I don't know that I actually draw inspiration from fannish characters, but here are things I admire about certain characters.

1) Buffy (BtVS) - The confidence that she has in her own strength and abilities, even when that confidence does cost her. Buffy's sheer competence will always make me love her - and also I will always bristle on her behalf when fandom starts acting dumb about her. Just thinking about season 7 Buffy bashing still makes me seethe.
2) Aeryn Sun (Farscape) - The way she came around to John and the rest of the Moya crew and gave them a chance and came to love them even when it should have been against everything she'd been taught and everything she'd ever known. The capacity for change and growth.
3) Sharon Agathon (BSG) - The completeness of her conviction.
4) Blair Waldorf (Gossip Girl) - I'm not sure I should admire Blair's *cunning* quite as much as I do, but oh well!
5) Veronica Mars (Veronica Mars) - her tenacity and follow-through. I'm, uh. Bad at that. Really bad at that.

parallactic: Current top five books

Not top five books of all time, but top five of right now, and since I tragically do not read books anymore because I spend all my time watching television and reading fanfic, I'm not sure how to answer this question. (That is such a pathetic admission). However!

1) The Arrival by Shaun Tan

I don't read a lot of graphic novels admittedly, but I think this one is absolutely stunning. The story is told completely through pictures and it really is a story that could not be told this way in any other medium. It's gorgeous.

2) The Revolution Will Not Be Televised: Democracy the Internet and the Overthrow of Everything by Joe Trippi.

This is written by Joe Trippi, Howard Dean's campaign manager and it's about the first ever internet campaign. I spent so much time tearing up like a loser on the metro while reading this book. I am such a media studies student geek.

"...most of all it's the story of people standing and making themselves heard. It's the story of how to engage those Americans in a real dialogue, how to reach them where they live, how to stop selling to them and start listening to them, how to make better use of the most revolutionary idea to come along since the first man learned to light a fire.
No, I'm not talking about the Internet. Or computers. Or telecommunications.
I'm talking about democracy."


3) The Vampire Lestat by Anne Rice.

I'm cheating so much by saying this because this is absolutely one of my top ever and I haven't read it in awhile, but I had a friend visiting recently and he was reading it and we got to talking about it.

"It's a wonder that I didn't foresee the cataclysm, but then I never really envision the finish of anything that I start. It's the risk that fascinates, the moment of infinite possibility. It lures me through eternity when all other charms fail."

I think that quote my actually be from The Queen of the Damned, but I don't really remember because I've had it memorized since high school. I'm pretty sure that all of my bullet proof *character tropes* began with Lestat.

4) The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon.

Everyone had been telling me to read this book forever and I kept not doing it, but then I finally did and I don't know what took me so long. Pretty much as fantastic as advertised.

5) 1 Dead in Attic by Chris Rose.

Rose is a columnist for the Times-Picayune who in a way became the voice of New Orleans after Katrina. I loved his columns, but only recently did I decide to sit down and actually read this book all the way through.

theantijoss: Top five sexy character moments from any of your shows

This is probably not what you meant, but I'm interpreting this as "hottest moments," is that okay? It was harder for me to think of individual character moments because it's usually the pairing moments that really make me go OH MY GOD.

1) BtVS, "Graduation Day, Part Two" You know the part. "Drink me." And then the. With the. OH MY GOD.

2) BtVS, "Smashed." The building fell down around them. I just. OH MY GOD.

3) QaF, 3.08. Brian and Justin's reunion. OH MY GOD.

4) Farscape, "Meltdown." John and Aeryn with the canonical sex pollen. OH MY GOD.

5) Gossip Girl, "Seventeen Candles" I was going to say "Victor, Victrola" because the limo was pretty good, but the ending scene with Chuck/Blair at the party and Serena seeing them through the doorway is even better ship wise. OH MY GOD.

softlyforgotten: Top five favourite ways for Brendon and Ryan to fall in love!

Oh man, okay. So I'm not sure how to answer this question right now. As I'm sure is obvious from many (though not all!) of the other ships mentioned in this meme, I tend to be drawn to dramatic things that have a high potential of imploding dramatically. Ryan/Brendon was really...never an exception to that. The higher the intensity and potential for angst the more intrigued I get! But as it comes to look more and more likely that Ryan and Brendon sort of *did* implode a little bit? Or a lot? (and that's not me being tinhatty; I mean as friends or bandmates or whatever - and maybe not! Maybe everything's fine. I just. *sigh*) I'm sort of feeling...weird and not entirely comfortable about the ship because at the moment I'm all hyper aware that they're real people. If they were fictional I'm pretty sure I'd have written an epic by now because this whole thing is angstfic gold, but they're not fictional and I don't even know what to do with that. Being in an RPF is still weird even two years later. (And this is totes the week of my two year bandom anniversary. OH WOW).

I'm sorry, Mik! I know that's not at all in any way what you were looking for! I was going to make a list of my favorite old school Brendon/Ryan, but then trying to read old fic made me too sad. Too soon!

Anyway, so let's do it this way. From a purely narrative standpoint because it was Panic!'s *narrative* that stockholmed me into this fandom in the first place:

1) Early on, when what they really had was the sheer force of how much they both wanted. Sitting on Brendon's couch in the middle of the night, when everything was still so new and fresh and full of potential and probably a little bit terrifying. How could they have not been a little in love with each other then?

2) Recording Fever. The moment that cemented Brendon/Ryan for me was the moment on the Live in Denver dvd when Brendon says, "They were your words; how was I supposed to be your voice?" And Ryan talks about having a confident voice for confident lyrics. Then. When that was going on and sure they were fighting all the time and things were intense, but they also had to be in each other's head, had to try to understand each other. The whole concept hits so many of my narrative buttons that I don't know what to with myself.

3) During NRWC, with the stage show that's just a stage show until it's maybe not *just* anything anymore.

4) Any time ever where Ryan is the one who realizes it first and does the pursuing.

5) Later on, right? Because they've stepped away from each other now because they had to, and maybe it really was amicable and maybe it wasn't as amicable as they're saying but either way the musical differences are very - very - real. But also Brendon probably was stifled; Ryan *is* controlling. OTOH Brendon is this great, charismatic force of nature who has totally come into his own at this point, and Ryan has to have his own voice, has to sing his own words, just to be able to breathe again. They don't *need* each other anymore; they're not who they were then, and mostly that's good - it's not good in in every way, but mostly it's good not to be overwhelmed and seventeen. But that sort of means they need to *not* be around each other for awhile. And that's easier because they both remember how difficult the other was - how IMPOSSIBLE at times - but also, later on, they start to remember how they challenged each other, the ways they pushed each other, how close they were. So eventually they get to the point where everybody's friends again (like everybody's *really* okay), and maybe the two bands are doing something together just for old time's sake? And Ryan and Brendon end up writing together again and they don't really mean to be, they're just messing around, and it's pretty tentative for obvious reasons, but then they get into it before they even realize what's happening and the whole process is still fraught; it's still hard because that's who they always were and they haven't changed *that* much, but it's good too and they're older and they've grown the fuck up and they *miss* each other. And then there are ~feelings~ and making out. Or something.

I don't know. That's what I would write if this fandom was fictional or even if I didn't have this mantra of realpeoplerealpeoplerealpeoplerealpeopleohgodrealpeople going on in my head right now.

This is less "favorite ways" and more "Panic! eras I like/would like to read fic about," so I'm not sure if it's totally what you meant, but I hope it's close. :) Most of my favorite fic eras are early on. I really sort of wish I had actually been in the fandom back then.

That was fun! Though it got considerably longer than I meant for it too.

axis of emo, fannish_history, supernatural, fandom, veronica mars, vampire_chronicles, bsg, gossipgirl, hooraythecobra, x-files, meme, patd, btvs/ats, farscape

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