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zephyrprince August 12 2009, 04:31:49 UTC
oh no no, i meant ones that get under your skin in a bad way as in bother you like this D:


Unpopular fannish opinions below! redbrickrose August 12 2009, 14:18:28 UTC
Ohhhhhh. Okay.

That's a dangerous question, you know. Now half my flist will disown me:

1) Tyrol/Cally (BSG; squickiest canon ship ever!)
2) Angel/Cordy (AtS; could have lived with it in theory, but the execution was *painful*)
3) Ten/Rose (Dr. Who - we've had this conversation. I get squicked by the idea of the Dr. paired romantically with any companion. It was just most obvious with Rose).
4) Sam/Dean (SPN; I AM SORRY FANDOM. I love their relationship, the incest just won't ever work for me).
5) Spike/Xander (BtVS; I get where the chemistry comes from, but I could just never wrap my head around Xander with a vampire when he never seemed to really forgive Buffy for it).

I also have complicated opinions on other Panic at the Disco ships, but those are pretty ridiculously irrational and I don't want to talk about it. /o\


Re: Unpopular fannish opinions below! zephyrprince August 12 2009, 14:25:15 UTC
haha fair enough, yes the Doctor/human thing is interesting. I was hearing rumors at one point that the newest companion might be an alien actually but I think there's been more revealed since then that I haven't read. Actually of those, the only one I really like is Sam/Dean though I totally get where you're coming from on the power dynamic thing.


Re: Unpopular fannish opinions below! redbrickrose August 12 2009, 16:12:11 UTC
ooo. If the new companion was an alien that may be different. Jack/Dr. is different because of Jack's whole immortality thing. (TW-era!Jack not DW-era!Jack). With that it really is a power dynamic thing for me. It's TOO MUCH of a power imbalance and it just makes me kind of uncomfortable.

With Sam/Dean it's not about the power dynamic. If it was done in a baddirtywrong way, I could so totally roll with that. It's just that there's so much emphasis on happy-ending wincest in fandom and it just doesn't work for me. Too much incest(or codependency or both) squick. *hands*


Re: Unpopular fannish opinions below! zephyrprince August 12 2009, 16:16:01 UTC
oh interesting. i can see that. yeah, i cannot abide anything even vaguely like a curtains!approach to them. I feel like it's neccessary for there to be an awareness of the taboo being broken, some guilt over the fuckupedness, and most preferably it should be folded into an overall tragic plot that has everything to do with the rest of their lives being equally fucked up. But either way, I'm mostly all about the Dean/Castielle, Dean/Jimmy, Castiel/Jimmy shtuff now.


Re: Unpopular fannish opinions below! zephyrprince August 12 2009, 16:22:15 UTC
and yes Doctor/Alien companion is a very interesting possibility. In classic!Who, one of his companions, Romana, is also a Time Lord and I actually like their relationship a lot. We even get to see two different regenerations of her!

You know what I've never though, Ianto/Jack being similarly problematic - maybe because Doctor > Jack in terms of his difference from (other) humans but then again, the fact that Jack is eternal has changed him a lot which did cause problems for them. Hmm.....


Re: Unpopular fannish opinions below! redbrickrose August 12 2009, 16:29:18 UTC
I know about Romana; I never saw any episodes with her, but from what I've heard, I suspect I probably would have shipped them. It sounds like the kind of thing that would have worked for me. Doctor/Master worked for me. :)

Ianto/Jack never pinged me as squicky in the same way either. Jack being immortal did cause problems for them, but it always struck me more as *tragic* than anything else. But immortal/mortal pairings ALWAYS ping me as tragic - sometimes that doesn't work for me and sometimes it really does, but it depends on the pairing. That's actually a huge amount of the appeal of something like Buffy/Angel for me. I love them, but part of what I love is the tragedy. I'm not sure why it's squickier with the Doctor except that he's just knows SO MUCH more and is so alien (even if he isn't always played that way on the show). It's just that extra level to the power imbalance.


Re: Unpopular fannish opinions below! zephyrprince August 12 2009, 16:32:23 UTC
"just knows SO MUCH more and is so alien" YES! Agreed. Though I'm told too that that's a more recent thing in the show starting more with new!Who. The "Handlebars" vid really brings that home for me too as it explores the potentially capricious way he wields enormous power.


Re: Unpopular fannish opinions below! redbrickrose August 12 2009, 16:23:57 UTC
most preferably it should be folded into an overall tragic plot that has everything to do with the rest of their lives being equally fucked up.

I think SPN is a tragedy so if it's done in a way where there were big flashing lights of THIS IS FUCKED UP all over the fic then, well, *that* could be compelling. I just need the acknowledgment of the depth of the fuckedupness. (I still don't know if I'd seek it out, though? Because if it's done in a way that really worked for me it would probably be too depressing for me to really want to read it. Catch-22).

I honestly feel similarly about Dean/Castiel, though. It's fucked up for other reasons, but I still need the fuckedupness acknowledged - though I admit I haven't read much so I don't really know how it's usually done. I haven't actually read much SPN fic at all in a long time.


Re: Unpopular fannish opinions below! zephyrprince August 12 2009, 16:30:44 UTC
Yeah, I donno, I think there's more out there than you think for both of those pairings though it's also possible that I read those tones into fic that I want to like, you know what I mean? Dean/Castielle/Jimmy especially is a very fucked up yet very compelling dynamic. Squee, this makes me want to write. Sadly, I actually have work to do at work today. Haha. Oh well...


Re: Unpopular fannish opinions below! redbrickrose August 12 2009, 16:36:20 UTC
Like I said, I really haven't been reading fic for SPN at all lately. I bet there *is* a lot of fic out there that deals with those issues - I think with Dean/Castiel you would really have to in fic with any kind of depth and length. (I'm just still over here bitterly bemoaning the lack of Dean/Bela and Dean/Hendrickson epics in fandom. That's really the problem. Don't mind me!)

Work sucks. I'm supposed to be doing work right now. I don't want to. :(


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