
Dec 02, 2008 12:32

I don't generally do memes and this is the second one in two days, but it keeps popping up on my flist and I really am struck by how apt the fandoms-as-relationships analogy is. Or maybe that just says something about me?

The one who seduced you and fucked you over and broke your heart in a million pieces and laughed about it:
The X-Files. I ( Read more... )

axis of emo, fannish_history, friday night lights, doctorwho, torchwood, nip/tuck, veronica mars, pushing daisies, x-files, heroes, btvs/ats, recovering x-phile, farscape, fandom, supernatural, the office, house, bsg, qaf

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Comments 22

natacup82 December 2 2008, 18:38:12 UTC
Dollhouse is gonna break all of our hearts into itty bitty pieces.

Also you do not want to start catch up on Heroes. You will end up bored and pissed off and really what is the point of that.

Also MERLIN! I have a link bookmarked at home with a vid that in any other fandom would be totally out of context but with Merlin is pretty much how it happened. Gayest show ever. Just be warned: I sat down at my computer to watch the 1st ep I had dled and then ended up dl'ing all the eps that had aired and watching them all that day.


redbrickrose December 2 2008, 18:58:24 UTC
Yes. Yes it is.

I've been hearing that about Heroes, which is why I haven't bothered with it this season yet. I liked s1 a lot, but I wasn't so impressed with last season and as far as I can tell nobody has anything good to say about s3.

I have heard Merlin complete, ridiculous, slashy crack. I downloaded all of it last night, but I don't think I have time to start watching it right now!


mischiefmydear December 2 2008, 19:04:24 UTC
NOTHING good to say about Heroes. And that's even from a non-fandom perspective. I keep watching, waiting, for SOMETHING good to happen. There are little glimmers of good quips and bits, but god. I feel like I'm wasting my life watching that show.


redbrickrose December 2 2008, 19:09:42 UTC
Yeah, at this point it's at the bottom of my list of shows to catch up on. It really is sad, because it was SO GOOD when it started.


netweight December 2 2008, 19:09:33 UTC
You watched Terminator. For the first time. I... despair of youth these days.

I've tried watching Heroes, but it was the kind of lame Lost was. (Also, for some reason, I hate Milo Ventimiglia so it was never gonna work anyway.)

I absolutely refuse to see Dollhouse, Yes, that's how badly burned I was by NFA.

I don't think I've had enough fandoms to do this meme. (And the picking five favourite fics one I tried once but not only I seem incapable of choosing *five* I know I would end up rambling endlessly about each. Man, this actually sounds wonderful for procrastinating purposes! ... Which is what I'm doing right now.)


redbrickrose December 2 2008, 19:18:03 UTC
I had never seen any of the Terminator movies! I know. My friends here were equally horrified. I have the second one for tonight, though. And then I will get the third one from Netflix and then I will be able to watch Sarah Connor.

I watched the first season of Lost and then got bored because it just moved so slowly and I wasn't that invested in any of the characters. I always meant to go back and watch the second season once it was released on DVD, but I never did and now I don't even know what season it's in. I really liked the first season of Heroes, but I really haven't been impressed since.

Joss always hurts me, but it's always so good up until that point. I will be watching Dollhouse, but feel free to say I told you so if it goes badly. I think I have made my peace with NFA at this point, as long as I never, ever try to rewatch it. Ever ( ... )


netweight December 2 2008, 19:46:09 UTC
Next you're gonna say you've never watched any of the Alien movies either!

I don't think you need the third Terminator to watch The Sarah Connor Chronicles - from what I remember reading (since I haven't watched the show), the series goes AU after the second movie.

Lost just irritated me. They kept dangling the carrot of there being some big secret that would make things make sense but then never delivering and it was so obvious that they were just pulling shit out of their asses.

Part of the reason why the 5 fics meme is difficult for me is that I still haven't made my peace with NFA and probably never will and, because the bulk of my fic is BtVS/AtS, it just feels weird. Like choosing fic from that fandom is somehow... not being true to myself. (I have a variation of the quantity issue - I do have quite a bit of fic but most of it is really *short*. However some of my favourites are precisely *these*.)

I'll have alcohol for when you all come crying about Dollhouse.


redbrickrose December 3 2008, 00:34:00 UTC
I have seen the first two Alien movies! Not the rest of them, but that's something.

You're right about the Terminator movies, but I'm still going to watch the third one, just so that I've seen them all.

Oh, Dollhouse. I can already tell this is going to be anxiety inducing. And yet.


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