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Dec 02, 2008 12:32

I don't generally do memes and this is the second one in two days, but it keeps popping up on my flist and I really am struck by how apt the fandoms-as-relationships analogy is. Or maybe that just says something about me?

The one who seduced you and fucked you over and broke your heart in a million pieces and laughed about it:
The X-Files. I may never recover completely. Also, AtS to a point, but only because of my NFA Issues.

The old flame you don't see very often any more but whom you still really enjoy getting together with for a few drinks and maybe a pleasant nostalgic romp in the sheets:
BtVS and AtS, though my feelings for them are a little more intense than this. Also Firefly and Farscape, though neither of those was every my primary fandom.

The mysterious dark gothy one whom you used to sit up with talking until 3 a.m. at weird coffeehouses and with whom you were quite smitten until you realized he really was fucking crazy:
Queer as Folk. Also Nip/Tuck

The one you spent a whole weekend in bed with and who drank up all your liquor, and whom you'd still really like to fuck again although you're relieved he doesn't actually live in town:
Harry Potter.

The steady: Bandom. Obv.

The one you repeatedly cheat on your steady with:
Supernatural. Also periodically BSG and Dr. Who/Torchwood.

The alluring stranger whom you've flirted with at parties but have never gotten really serious with:
Entourage. I used to feel this way about Veronica Mars too.

The one you hang out with and have vague fantasies about maybe having a thing with but ultimately you're just good buddies 'cause the friendship is there but the chemistry ain't:
Friday Night Lights, Pushing Daisies, House

The one your friends keep introducing you to and who seems like a hell of a cool guy except it's never really gone anywhere:

The one you slept with on the rebound who still smiles at you, yet you have no interest in any more:
The Office.

The one who's slept with all your friends, and you keep looking at him and thinking, "Him? How the hell did he land all these cool babes?":
I no longer judge other people's fannish choices. At least not in public.

The one your friend has fallen for like a ton of bricks and whom she keeps babbling to you about on the phone for hours, and you'd be happy for her except you just know it's going to end badly:
There's nothing right now, but you know we are all going to fall for Dollhouse and then WE ARE ALL GOING TO GET BURNED.


School work does not leave enough time for television. I watched Terminator for the first time last night because I want to give Sarah Connor Chronicles a try. I want to catch up on Dexter, FNL, The Riches, Mad Men and *maybe* Heroes. I want to watch Merlin because for about a week, every other post on my flist has been singing its slashy praises. This LIST IS TOO LONG.

I am still sick. I don't generally think of myself as sickly, but EVERY YEAR I end up with something that I categorize as some variation on the death flu, so maybe I need to rethink this. Last night I took Nyquil. I don't normally take any kind of sleep aid because really, I can sleep anywhere, at any time, doing anything. The last thing I need is something to help me sleep. But last night the coughing was keeping me up and I was just like OH FUCK IT. Dayquil probably would have done the trick, but I took Nyquil figuring it couldn't be that potent, and then I had the weirdest, trippiest dreams ever and woke up an hour late all groggy and shaky. Okay, then. Duly noted.

Last week of classes. I'm hanging there. It would be better if I could breathe.

axis of emo, fannish_history, friday night lights, doctorwho, torchwood, nip/tuck, veronica mars, pushing daisies, x-files, heroes, btvs/ats, recovering x-phile, farscape, fandom, supernatural, the office, house, bsg, qaf

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