I would also like a pony. An EPIC pony.

Jun 30, 2007 15:03

I was going to post last night when I got home all buzzed, but then there was scheduled maintenance on lj that I forgot about. I really need to keep an lj backup, start cross-posting to greatestjournal or insanejournal and remember where all of my feeds come from just in case. Because when lj is down/unavailable, I tend to freak out ( Read more... )

supernatural, fandom, doctorwho, my neuroses: let me show you them, torchwood, fannish_promiscuity, wishlist, btvs/ats, pretending_people_care

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Comments 27

femmenerd June 30 2007, 22:22:21 UTC
We really, really like similar things, you and I. :) Though I don't have a strong burning desire for Dean/other slash.

And I feel kind of like MANY of my SPN stories wander around in the territory you're discussing. Except I am lame and mostly they are not that long.

And yes, B/F post-Chosen! Too bad that's supposed to be my Lynneviationnal fic and I have neither started it nor have much inspiration.

Oh, and I think I'm writing wincest that wincest shippers will hate and maybe you and Kita will like, maybe.


redbrickrose June 30 2007, 22:33:28 UTC
I have a STRONG BURNING desire for Dean/other slash. I just don't talk about it much because I'm not going to write it, so it would just be whining. But I love it when I find it.

Many of your SPN stories do. I was actually thinking about "Glimpses" specifically and I almost listed it as an example of things there should be more of. *g*

I don't blame you re: B/F. It's hard. I wouldn't even know how to go about it. I just think it's one of those things that fandom really should have produced by now. That should exist, and sometimes I just get frustrated in an abstract and irrational way that it doesn't.

I think I'm writing wincest that wincest shippers will hate and maybe you and Kita will like, maybe.Oh, yay. Is it depressing and tragic? Is it what you were talking about months ago when you said you were going to write Wincest and call it "This is not a happy ending?" Because that is the best title for a Wincest story ever. Because it's NOT. That's something else that should exist. More dark Wincest about how it's not a ( ... )


femmenerd June 30 2007, 23:56:04 UTC
I would READ Dean/other slash (and have), if it's done well. Which I honestly think is a tricky proposition.

I am hoping to be able to title it "This is not a Happy Ending." We'll see if it earns that. Um, here's the first paragraph/block:

“We can’t do this anymore, Dean. It’s like giving up hope.” Sam’s voice is gravelly, thick. Throat raw and red, he imagines, from holding back screams.

“Don’t look at me like that,” Dean orders, fists encasing the steering wheel.

“Like what?”

“Like I’m a girl you’re letting down easy. So I’ll get my ass somewhere else-whatever.”

But Dean’s jaw is working hard in the dark, angry muscles flexing under the overhead light when Sam turns it on to check the map. “Don’t need that,” he grits out. “Fastest way to Vermont is I-91. They’re only got two interstates there anyway.”

And Sam thinks about all the places Dean’s been without him. All the places he doesn’t want to go without Dean.


redbrickrose July 1 2007, 00:24:37 UTC
It is a tricky proposition. With Dean/other you really have to sell me on it, and there really isn't that much out there that I'll buy. Of course, there's not enough of it out there period. I really, really want to be sold on it, though. (I have no problem buying Sam/other slash, however. *shrugs*)

I like it so far! I really am eager to see what you do with Sam/Dean. There's not a lot of Wincest I buy either, sometimes I don't buy any of it, but I keep waiting for someone to write one that is all about desperation. I was telling Joy a few days ago that my deep fannish secret is that I don't find Sam/Dean hot. I can find it compelling and I do read it, but it's too sad to be hot.

Someday I am actually going to make a post in which I articulate how I feel about Wincest. I'm a little afraid to, though.


minim_calibre June 30 2007, 23:31:08 UTC
I were talking about how there should be epic Buffy/Faith post-Chosen fic with an angsty, slow-build where we get to watch them fall in love. It's been FOUR YEARS. Why does this not exist? Somebody should get on that.

I've managed, err. 3,000 words. But I work on it sporadically, when motivated, and last I left them, they were still being cranky with each other rather than moving anywhere near affection.

Damn them.

The other day when I was all antsy, it was partly because the fic that I want to exist doesn't. Which is MY PROBLEM and NOT FANDOM'S.

I hate that. Sometimes, I know JUST what I want. Then it turns out that, damn it, no one has written it!


redbrickrose June 30 2007, 23:38:16 UTC
Hey, well slow build is good! I feel a little bit better just knowing one is being written. *g*

I hate that. Sometimes, I know JUST what I want. Then it turns out that, damn it, no one has written it!

I know, right? And I thought fandom had everything!


romanyg July 1 2007, 00:42:04 UTC
I'm certainly not one to talk since I read so sporadically these days. *sigh* And I *love* angsty and plotty but don't seem to have the time for it anymore.

I still have to watch S2 of SPN before I can wander into the fic and find out what fandom is not giving me. *g*

And I don't really have a lot of fuck-buddy pairings since I'm too addicted to angst. Even my threesomes/moresomes are angsty. I am strange!

Last time I was in Birmingham, marenfic and I were talking about how there should be epic Buffy/Faith post-Chosen fic with an angsty, slow-build where we get to watch them fall in love. It's been FOUR YEARS. Why does this not exist? Somebody should get on that.

Has it been that long already? *gasp* And no one's gotten on that?

(At the time, I was also impatiently waiting for someone to write A/S with EMOTION that I could actually BELIEVE because no one ever writes that (at least not lately). But then within days the universe provided. And by "the universe," I mean Lynne and Kita. ♥)I am *way* behind in my A/S reading too. * ( ... )


redbrickrose July 1 2007, 00:58:12 UTC
I'm addicted to angst too. I can't write fluff to save my life, and I'm not sure I could write fuck-buddy fic either. But there are definitely fandoms in which I would gladly read it - Dr. Who being the main one.

Has it been that long already? *gasp* And no one's gotten on that?

I know. It's a tragedy. I know a few people who have started such stories, but no one has finished one. Fandom hurts me too.

As far as A/S goes, I really haven't been reading it much lately either, because it's really rare for me to find one I like these days. But Kita and Lynne's new one, man, it was so perfect I may never need to read A/S again.

I don't really know Forever Knight, and I haven't watched Lost since the first season. All of those pairings sound good to me, though!

I'm really surprised that there's no Anne/Diana.

And where's my Buffy/Angel/Spike/Faith?

It's at about 8,000 words and was supposed to be done for this year's lynnevitational. I'm . . . not at all sure it's going to be done by the 15th, though. *g*


romanyg July 1 2007, 01:09:05 UTC
I haven't watched any of the new Dr. Who so I completely fail.

And I feel horrible that I'm so behind in reading. I've got a *lot* of fic bookmarked and I know this one's on there as well as one of Chrislee's. It's not just Jossverse, but all my fandoms. I've fallen off the planet apparently.

It's at about 8,000 words and was supposed to be done for this year's lynnevitational. I'm . . . not at all sure it's going to be done by the 15th, though. *g*

Eep! I didn't mean that as some passive-agressive hint. I know that you had mentioned you were interested in that OT4 a while ago, but I didn't know that you had been working on it. But if so...*quietly squees* I know what you mean about the deadline though. I'm sweating bullets myself.


redbrickrose July 1 2007, 01:15:00 UTC
The new Dr. Who fills me with glee. Even when it's so-so, I am FILLED WITH GLEE.

I just can't recommend Kita and Lynne's new story enough, but I understand getting behind on fandom. Sometimes real life triumphs!

Oh no, sweetie. I didn't take it as a passive aggressive hint. *g* I couldn't remember if I'd even told you I was writing it or not. I was just teasing because TWO YEARS ago you wrote the post, that made me go "I CAN DO THAT." And then it turned out . . . not so much, because hi. Two years later and it isn't done. But it will be, oh yes, just maybe not by the lynnevitational. *g*


cityphonelines July 1 2007, 04:52:02 UTC
A big yes to the Dean/other guy from another fandom slash. BIG. HUGE.

My pattern fits your pattern. I'm a fan of the long, drawn out, first time fic. Mostly I love to see the development, but I also think part of it's the UST, because once it's RST I'm usually done.

I tend to find that fuck buddy fic exists more in the RPS corner than the characters from a show sect. Huh.


redbrickrose July 1 2007, 07:21:14 UTC
A big yes to the Dean/other guy from another fandom slash. BIG. HUGE.

Why is there not MORE? *whimper*

Mostly I love to see the development, but I also think part of it's the UST, because once it's RST I'm usually done.

I tend to do that too, the exceptions being people with history that ended badly coming back together (see: Angel/Spike) - though those stories often follow a similar format. There are other things that I'm really drawn to in canon, but my emotional porn weakness as far as fic goes is pretty specific. I want to watch the getting together part.

I have noticed more fuckbuddy fic in RPS and I could see why RPS would lend itself more to that. Still. I think there are fandoms in which it could totally work!


(The comment has been removed)

redbrickrose May 29 2009, 19:09:34 UTC
I've talked to SO MANY people who say they have ideas for epic B/F and pretty much nobody who's actually finished one. :( I really don't have any recs. I wish I did!


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