I would also like a pony. An EPIC pony.

Jun 30, 2007 15:03

I was going to post last night when I got home all buzzed, but then there was scheduled maintenance on lj that I forgot about. I really need to keep an lj backup, start cross-posting to greatestjournal or insanejournal and remember where all of my feeds come from just in case. Because when lj is down/unavailable, I tend to freak out.

I did go out last night for a bit, and I went out this morning, and it's the weekend, so I'm feeling much mellower than I was the other night. Thanks to everyone who patted my head, listened to ranting, passed me links and made fun of Torchwood with me. It was very cathartic.


The other day when I was all antsy, it was partly because the fic that I want to read doesn't exist. Which is MY PROBLEM and NOT FANDOM'S. But, you know, if I had a wishlist:

There should be non-Wincestuous SPN fic where one of the boys falls in love with someone. But, like, really long with an angsty, slow-build because they're falling in love against their will because they have, like, DUTY and important things to be doing, and the primary, defining relationship is still with each other. And they'd have to deal with that and navigate their relationship and their stupid boundary issues (which they totally have) and at the end of it one of them could actually be in a healthy relationship, but the defining relationship of their LIFE is still with their brother and is completely platonic and always was. I would read that. Bonus points if it's Dean falling in love and bonus, bonus points if it's with a guy. Extra-special bonus points if it's a crossover with something I recognize. I love Dean with girls. I love Sam with girls. I love non-Wincestuous Sam slash. But the thing is, I believe all of those things rather easily. I don't always believe non-Wincestuous Dean slash (not that I necessarily believe the wincestuous kind, but that's a whole different thing), but when it does work for me it's one of my favorite things ever and I love it like cupcakes.

There should be more fuckbuddy fic. In every fandom. Preferably THREESOME fuckbuddy fic. Major bonus points for plot. (Hint: Ten/Jack/Martha - which, yes, slightly precluded by the UNREQUITED LOVE of canon, but I have always wanted Doctor/Companion friends-with-benefits fic. I mean, like, here we are! Traveling through the universe having adventures! Isn't it brilliant? Sometimes we fuck random alien species! Sometimes each other! But we're friends first and that doesn't change because of stupid overly-romanticized bullshit! But I think maybe that's my stuff. It sure as hell isn't canon. I'd still like to see it in fic).

There should be epic Ten/Saxon fic filled with plot and angst and history and emotion. Ditto Ten/Jack.

Last time I was in Birmingham, marenfic and I were talking about how there should be epic Buffy/Faith post-Chosen fic with an angsty, slow-build where we get to watch them fall in love. It's been FOUR YEARS. Why does this not exist? Somebody should get on that.

(At the time, I was also impatiently waiting for someone to write A/S with EMOTION that I could actually BELIEVE because no one ever writes that (at least not lately). But then within days the universe provided. And by "the universe," I mean Lynne and Kita. ♥)

I . . . feel kind of bad that none of those are het. I haven't even been longing for Kara/Lee recently. I will ALWAYS take more Helo/Athena, though. I don't think there's enough of that out there. Or post-"Crossroads pt 2" Boomer/Tyrol. I'd like that. Does that exist?

My emotional porn totally has a pattern. I want long, plotty, preferably angsty, slow-build first-time stories (or stories in which people who were lovers a long time ago come back together). I want them all the time, and in every fandom. If they are well done, I'll read them in fandoms I'm not even in. They're like amnesia!fic that way. Anybody have any recs that fit that description?

What about you guys? What fic should exist that doesn't? And I'm not talking about things you personally have a plot bunny for. I'm talking about fic that you're jonesing to read without having to write yourself. If you could make the fanfic Gods provide anything, what would it be?

supernatural, fandom, doctorwho, my neuroses: let me show you them, torchwood, fannish_promiscuity, wishlist, btvs/ats, pretending_people_care

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