I would also like a pony. An EPIC pony.

Jun 30, 2007 15:03

I was going to post last night when I got home all buzzed, but then there was scheduled maintenance on lj that I forgot about. I really need to keep an lj backup, start cross-posting to greatestjournal or insanejournal and remember where all of my feeds come from just in case. Because when lj is down/unavailable, I tend to freak out ( Read more... )

supernatural, fandom, doctorwho, my neuroses: let me show you them, torchwood, fannish_promiscuity, wishlist, btvs/ats, pretending_people_care

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femmenerd June 30 2007, 22:22:21 UTC
We really, really like similar things, you and I. :) Though I don't have a strong burning desire for Dean/other slash.

And I feel kind of like MANY of my SPN stories wander around in the territory you're discussing. Except I am lame and mostly they are not that long.

And yes, B/F post-Chosen! Too bad that's supposed to be my Lynneviationnal fic and I have neither started it nor have much inspiration.

Oh, and I think I'm writing wincest that wincest shippers will hate and maybe you and Kita will like, maybe.


redbrickrose June 30 2007, 22:33:28 UTC
I have a STRONG BURNING desire for Dean/other slash. I just don't talk about it much because I'm not going to write it, so it would just be whining. But I love it when I find it.

Many of your SPN stories do. I was actually thinking about "Glimpses" specifically and I almost listed it as an example of things there should be more of. *g*

I don't blame you re: B/F. It's hard. I wouldn't even know how to go about it. I just think it's one of those things that fandom really should have produced by now. That should exist, and sometimes I just get frustrated in an abstract and irrational way that it doesn't.

I think I'm writing wincest that wincest shippers will hate and maybe you and Kita will like, maybe.Oh, yay. Is it depressing and tragic? Is it what you were talking about months ago when you said you were going to write Wincest and call it "This is not a happy ending?" Because that is the best title for a Wincest story ever. Because it's NOT. That's something else that should exist. More dark Wincest about how it's not a ( ... )


femmenerd June 30 2007, 23:56:04 UTC
I would READ Dean/other slash (and have), if it's done well. Which I honestly think is a tricky proposition.

I am hoping to be able to title it "This is not a Happy Ending." We'll see if it earns that. Um, here's the first paragraph/block:

“We can’t do this anymore, Dean. It’s like giving up hope.” Sam’s voice is gravelly, thick. Throat raw and red, he imagines, from holding back screams.

“Don’t look at me like that,” Dean orders, fists encasing the steering wheel.

“Like what?”

“Like I’m a girl you’re letting down easy. So I’ll get my ass somewhere else-whatever.”

But Dean’s jaw is working hard in the dark, angry muscles flexing under the overhead light when Sam turns it on to check the map. “Don’t need that,” he grits out. “Fastest way to Vermont is I-91. They’re only got two interstates there anyway.”

And Sam thinks about all the places Dean’s been without him. All the places he doesn’t want to go without Dean.


redbrickrose July 1 2007, 00:24:37 UTC
It is a tricky proposition. With Dean/other you really have to sell me on it, and there really isn't that much out there that I'll buy. Of course, there's not enough of it out there period. I really, really want to be sold on it, though. (I have no problem buying Sam/other slash, however. *shrugs*)

I like it so far! I really am eager to see what you do with Sam/Dean. There's not a lot of Wincest I buy either, sometimes I don't buy any of it, but I keep waiting for someone to write one that is all about desperation. I was telling Joy a few days ago that my deep fannish secret is that I don't find Sam/Dean hot. I can find it compelling and I do read it, but it's too sad to be hot.

Someday I am actually going to make a post in which I articulate how I feel about Wincest. I'm a little afraid to, though.


femmenerd July 1 2007, 00:39:54 UTC
I have no problem buying Sam/other slash, however. *shrugs*

Me too. I think that might because canonically Sam is more comfortable with teh gay than Dean: see "Playthings."

We'll see what happens - I don't think it's going to be a very long fic. And you know, I don't tend to find Sam/Dean hot either actually. Except you know, when the fic is SO HOT there's no avoiding it. *g*

I can see why you feel apprehensive about posting your thoughts on Wincest. Because the hot button issue is often the idea that if you don't like Wincest yourself you take issue with other people liking it. But since you're not like that, I wouldn't worry about it. Or maybe you're worried about feeling "left out?" I honestly think I felt like that at first. Like everyone else was having this party that I was sort hanging out on the edges of.


redbrickrose July 1 2007, 01:04:30 UTC
I think partly it's that I'm apprehensive about the reaction and partly it is that I do feel left out. I hadn't thought about it that way, but I think you're right, because it doesn't make me squee, it makes me go WOW, that's tragic. And partly it's that I'm not sure how I feel really, because, as I said before, it's like a bunch of my kinks and a bunch of my squicks all wrapped up together. I read it a lot. Sometimes I like it fine. I just don't i>believe it. But I don't want to believe it, so that's okay with me. I kind of like it angsty and depressing and tortured though, and a lot of fandom . . . does not feel that way.

I keep spouting off about it to random people, though, so there is definitely a part of me that apparently wants to state my position for posterity. *g*


femmenerd July 1 2007, 17:24:37 UTC
I think you should do it - at the very least to get it out of your system/off your chest. And you could always flock it to keep away random people who don't know/understand you.


redbrickrose July 1 2007, 17:30:12 UTC
I'm sure I will at some point - that or I'll reach the point where I've told everyone on my flist about it individually.


romanyg July 1 2007, 01:00:08 UTC
When I finish watching S2, *throws my arms around you for your generosity*, I will READ THIS! From what I've seen so far of the show, I don't think I'd buy happy Wincest or that they'd go at it without thinking anything of that boundary (because dude, they're *brothers* and that's so important to them). Angsty dark Wincest, I could buy. Het fic, I could buy (but not without the serious brother issue and abandonment issue and all that coming up). Will fandom confound me on this? I do not know!


redbrickrose July 1 2007, 01:09:51 UTC
Angsty dark Wincest, I could buy. Het fic, I could buy (but not without the serious brother issue and abandonment issue and all that coming up).

Gah, yes. Those are the things that I want. Angsty, tortured Wincest or het!fic full of abandonment issues. (Or Dean/other slash full of abandonment issues. Oh, yes. I WANT).

Will fandom confound me on this? I do not know!

It is . . . possible that it will. You'll have to let me know what you find that's to your taste.


romanyg July 1 2007, 19:19:46 UTC
Gah, yes. Those are the things that I want. Angsty, tortured Wincest or het!fic full of abandonment issues. (Or Dean/other slash full of abandonment issues. Oh, yes. I WANT).

Now I'm worried because it seems like fandom has not provided these.


redbrickrose July 1 2007, 22:31:56 UTC
Oh, there's some. There's definitely some good hetfic. There's not a lot of Wincest out there that I believe, but that's okay because of how depressing it would have to be for me to believe it. It's like a catch-22. If I could believe it, it would probably be too sad for me to want to read it. There's some that's very good anyway, and there's LOTS with angst. The fandom has a lot of really talented writers, so it's got some excellent and very well-written fic. I'm just really, really picky about the Wincest. There's some incredible genfic too; and I'd say there's as much gen as wincest.


femmenerd July 1 2007, 17:26:50 UTC
You're so welcome!

And SPN is vast and varied so I think you'll be fine. There is plenty of angsty Wincest. I just can't read it for long, prolonged periods of time because it depresses me.

And while there *is* het fic out there that doesn't fall under those specifications, there is also quite a bit that does (I like to think--hope--that mine does.)


redbrickrose July 1 2007, 17:29:07 UTC
(I like to think--hope--that mine does.)

Yours definitely does. *g*


femmenerd July 1 2007, 17:31:42 UTC
Thank you. :)


romanyg July 1 2007, 19:25:57 UTC
I kind of like depressing. I'm weird like that.

I haven't read any of your Dean/Faith (yet). But from your tantalizing descriptions of it, so fitting the category of the interesting, taking in the issues, het fic described above!


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