Jun 11, 2007 02:53

In the living room. Okay, only one. I think I sprayed it to death. But me and bugs are unmeshable things, especially when the bugs are GIANT and GROSS and FASTER THAN ME. *shudders* Those of you who know me well know I do NOT deal well with such things. How much I like something is pretty much inversely proportional to how many legs it has. ( Read more... )

supernatural, doctorwho, torchwood, pretending_people_care

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Comments 23

eww nojah June 11 2007, 08:28:16 UTC
ewww and EWWWWW.

Im sorry. At least you managed to kill it:)!good job!


Re: eww redbrickrose June 11 2007, 08:30:34 UTC
I THINK I managed to kill it. I couldn't actually see it because it was dark in the middle room. I just kind of sprayed randomly with the bug spray and HOPED I got it. Ideally, it is now dead. But still. Be careful when you come home, because GROSS.


hakeer June 11 2007, 10:45:02 UTC
Hell, I'm freaking out right now just reading about the cockroach, so imagine what I'm like when I encounter one. :P

And thoughts on wincest! I would care. :)


redbrickrose June 11 2007, 14:56:45 UTC
FLYING COCKROACHES. That will just never be okay. NOLA has weird bugs too.

*g* I'm sure someday I will make that post. It's just that SPN as a whole leaves me all incoherent.


executorvs June 18 2007, 11:39:59 UTC
don't forget the ones with the segmented necks.


lynnenne June 11 2007, 10:59:39 UTC
Ick! I hope they go away soon. Cockroaches are just the ickiest bugs ever.


redbrickrose June 11 2007, 14:57:28 UTC
FLYING ones Lynne. GIANT flying ones. *shudders* It was gone this morning. Or hiding in wait. One of the two.


sacraficialscar June 11 2007, 15:37:49 UTC
Flying bugs and even worse roaches are not acceptable in any way shape or form....I'm grossed out for you. I would be highly icked out, yucky damn bugs.


redbrickrose June 11 2007, 16:03:59 UTC


sacraficialscar June 11 2007, 16:45:09 UTC
No doubt there are no words I hate big bugs.


redbrickrose June 11 2007, 17:33:09 UTC
I hate ALL bugs. But the bigger ones are worse.


lettered June 11 2007, 15:56:30 UTC
The title and various capslocked words within this post are so terrifying to me that I could not read it.

That is all.


redbrickrose June 11 2007, 16:09:06 UTC
I don't blame you. It was pretty terrifying. I can't even look at cockroaches. I can't look at them after their dead even because then they're all crunched and it's gross and I want to throw up.


lettered June 11 2007, 16:21:35 UTC
I can't even look at the word.

I can't even pit brown olives because when you smash them a little they look like...yeah.

I kind of have a phobia.

But I like your appropriate icon usage! hee.


redbrickrose June 11 2007, 17:13:04 UTC
I SERIOUSLY have a phobia. Of all bugs actually, because the giant bug under my bed that I was referring to in the post wasn't even a cockroach - I just had cockroaches on the brain. It was a SCORPION and I absolutely could not deal. *shudders*


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