Jun 11, 2007 02:53

In the living room. Okay, only one. I think I sprayed it to death. But me and bugs are unmeshable things, especially when the bugs are GIANT and GROSS and FASTER THAN ME. *shudders* Those of you who know me well know I do NOT deal well with such things. How much I like something is pretty much inversely proportional to how many legs it has. In New Mexico we had these big navy blue centipedes with orange heads (I swear. NM has WEIRD bugs) and I could not even be in the house with one. I would have to leave until someone else came and took care of it. And four years ago there was this monstrous cockroach SCORPION (it was a scorpion, I just had cockroaches on the brain last night) under my bed and I still talk about it all the time because it was traumatic and I have NOT RECOVERED. Understand that I can't kill these things without bug spray of some kind because I can't be physically touching something that is also touching a cockroach. GROSS.

Also, why is there still no Ten/Jack fic? WHY IS THE UNIVERSE NOT ACCOMMODATING ME? WHY?

"Blink" was probably the creepiest episode of Dr. Who ever. Pretty consistently awesome, given that the main characters were barely even in it. Martha continues to win hard even when we only see her for a few seconds, and I will never look at statues the same way again, srsly. That was some good sci-fi, though it did that time-loopy, what-came-first thing that kind of makes my head hurt. I wonder how long Ten and Martha were stuck in 1969. And how long she was traveling with him before that happened. It's got to be pretty impossible to "accurately" measure time when it's not linear. Hmmm.

That aside, I freely admit that I've spent most of this season counting down to the episodes with Jack, and now we are one week away and I am GLEEFUL. (Even though I'm going to have to watch next week's late because I'll be out of town). HOWEVER. There has been almost no Ten/Jack fic and we are one week away from Jack's reappearance and there is still no Ten/Jack fic and I find this unacceptable. Possibly this is also because I don't read much current Jack fic at all because so much is Jack/Ianto and I don't care about Ianto. I realize that's unpopular. I've tried to like him because I feel like I should but I'm just . . . totally uninterested. Trust me, I don't want Ianto/Jack, in all of its beautiful canonness, to leave me 'meh' but it kind of does. Maybe if I rewatched Torchwood I'd get it? *shrug* The (admittedly unlikely) prospect of Ten/Jack, however, leaves me giddier than I can even begin to describe.

On a completely different fannish note, I kind of sort of want to make a post in which I attempt to actually articulate how weird I feel about wincest and why, but then I get tired and I can't think of why anyone but me would even care.

Why am I still awake? Oh yeah, FLYING COCKROACHES. Jesus. I don't think it died. I think it's LURKING.

supernatural, doctorwho, torchwood, pretending_people_care

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