Quick quick now!

Mar 20, 2014 21:21

1) The deadline is tomorrow, Friday the 20th at midnight for  both otherworldlyric challenge #166 , "Easy Way Out" by Gotye, and slayerstillness challenge 20 "Love Song for a Vampire. More entries are needed - and I'm sitting both of these out, so don't look at me. I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy the pretties this time around ( Read more... )

comm: slayerstillness, comm: otherworldlyrics, a little bird told me, fandom: btvs, icon challenge, tumblr, someone linked to me oh my

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Comments 49

eilowyn March 21 2014, 03:04:23 UTC
I've been reading a bunch of French post-structuralists the past couple weeks, and I think I understand the problem with fandom: we over-identify with our favorites (be it ship, character, show, whatevs), so when someone insults that ship/character/show, we take it as a personal blow. de Certeau (the guy I've been reading the most) has this thing about "strategies" and "tactics" - strategies are the ways "the system" or "the man" or hegemony makes us conform to the dominant narrative, and tactics are developed by individuals to navigate those strategies. We are given a media narrative and told the strategic meaning by the dominant culture. You can "buy in" to the message given, or you can deconstruct it and take what meaning you want from it ( ... )


endeni March 21 2014, 06:03:08 UTC
Oh, wow, that was quite a witty and well thought out comment! *_*


velvetwhip March 21 2014, 07:32:46 UTC
Okay, that is easily the finest and most elegant defense of shipping I've ever read. I think I might build a shrine to you.



kwritten March 21 2014, 11:17:10 UTC
I think what a lot of people (like me) find so distasteful about shipper wars is that the biggest are between to het relationships, with a girl oscillating from ship to ship. The big shipper wars - BAngel/Spuffy and DElena/StElena - that I am familiar with are like this: they take the main female and create a scenario in which the fandom conversation isn't "wow what an interesting female character" but instead becomes: "so which guy do YOU think is better?"

Shipper wars are about the guy and dressed up to be about the actual awesome woman in the middle*.

*the one exception to this rule (that I've seen) has been either in the case of M/M vs. CANON M/F (which is troubling) or in the case of Lost Girl, which has a bisexual protagonist ( ... )


velvetwhip March 21 2014, 07:30:32 UTC
You deserve to be rec'ed. You're super fabulicious, honey!



red_satin_doll March 21 2014, 13:15:04 UTC
Thank you so much, hon! I don't know about "deserving" (*ok stop with the self-deprecation right now* .....)


spikesredqueen March 22 2014, 20:41:53 UTC
Unfortunately, I wasn't feeling up to doing the challenge at OWL this week due to being sick. But I so look forward to voting at both places!

Kudos on being rec'd! I love reading your entries, they make me think and I appreciate that!


red_satin_doll March 22 2014, 23:15:28 UTC
Thank you for the kind words hon!

And I just voted at OWL - so hard - and I haven't voted yet at Slayerstillness because I couldn't decide and had to think about it. Holy cheese on a cracker.


spikesredqueen March 23 2014, 02:18:24 UTC
Both icontests have so many great icons to choose from, it was incredibly difficult for me this time.


clockwork_hart1 March 23 2014, 01:21:57 UTC
Congratulations Sweetie! I don't keep up much with this fandom on Tumblr, I devote it more to my other fandoms because I have found the atmosphere over there to be shaky at best with btvs stuff... Just a few not very nice opinions over there. And besides, my LJ is pretty much devoted to this fandom, as is my entire flist, so it makes sense that I keep my opinions, anger and squee for over here.

and I had the BEST idea for an icon for this round at owl, but my computer got wiped and not only are all of my screencaps gone, but some of my programs too (office is gone so I have to make documents online). It was a Warehouse 13 one with (female) HG Wells and was about her memories. I had the perfect screencap and the text fit it wonderfully, so I am muchly upset.

And if I get into an argument about the marginalization of female characters within shipping I will ramble, rant and cry a lot, so I won't. My brain agrees with that quote and I'm sure you're already aware of my thoughts so...


red_satin_doll March 24 2014, 17:19:50 UTC
I have found the atmosphere over there to be shaky at best with btvs stuff..

I have bookmarked some fantastic meta posts about btvs on tumblr - oftentimes written in response to something really horrible about Buffy or the women in general.

my LJ is pretty much devoted to this fandom, as is my entire flist, so it makes sense that I keep my opinions, anger and squee for over here.

I have a DW journal but I really don't do anything with it. I have a few friends there but nothing like I have hear. I don't have the energy to build a second "audience" there when I've got what I've got here.

I had the BEST idea for an icon for this round at owl, but my computer got wiped and not only are all of my screencaps gone, but some of my programs too (office is gone so I have to make documents online). It was a Warehouse 13 one with (female) HG Wells and was about her memories. I had the perfect screencap and the text fit it wonderfully, so I am muchly upset.Oh NO! All of your caps? I hope you get to remake it. I feel your pain - when the ( ... )


tigerpetals March 23 2014, 07:07:14 UTC
Ah, you're welcome! Like I said, I'm terrible at talking--hence the Tumblr, which lends itself more to the reblogging of nice things without the expectation of brain activity (that and it has the bulk of the community for my other main fandom)--but I do love to read.

Shipping used to be so fun before I realized this was how it was; I still love shipping but actually dealing with it in fandom, even for ships I like, gets me really tired. In fact this is especially true for ships I like, because those are the parts of fandom I'm most often exposed to.

ETA (I knew I had forgotten to say something): Also thank you for complimenting my penname there!


red_satin_doll March 23 2014, 20:28:20 UTC
I admit I was just absolutely verklempt when Lexi sent me the link and I felt so bad that I didn't have a direct way to say thank you, so I'm so glad you saw it. *blushes* And that you enjoy yourself here. Thank you SO much for the free PR!

I still love shipping but actually dealing with it in fandom, even for ships I like, gets me really tired. In fact this is especially true for ships I like, because those are the parts of fandom I'm most often exposed to. I was agreeing with your comments - and still do. I wasn't aware that it was part of some greater conversation or kerfuffle. (I guess?) I don't think that kerfuffle ever really ends anyway, it just flares up now and then. I'm not anti-shipper by any means. I ship all sorts of pairings on the show ( ... )


tigerpetals March 24 2014, 00:23:26 UTC
I'm glad I could be present to make the bad feelings go away! This place is a favorite of mine ( ... )


red_satin_doll March 24 2014, 02:22:47 UTC
This place is a favorite of mine.

It is? Now I really don't know what to say!

... )


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