LOG: Thread [the Vongola + everyone] [OPEN]

Oct 15, 2008 16:50

WHO: Sawada Tsunayoshi, Gokudera Hayato + anyone who wants to attend
WHAT: Vongola Tenth's birthday party
WHERE: Takesushi
WHEN: October 15, dinner time
RATING: PG for now
WARNING(s): crack?

No gift, no entry! )

sasagawa ryohei, lambo bovino, yamamoto takeshi, gokudera hayato, sawada tsunayoshi, hibari kyouya, colonello, *log: thread, sasagawa kyoko

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Comments 82

extremeonwheels October 15 2008, 11:30:05 UTC
Ryohei had apparently exaggerated a bit when he told his coach that the boss of his company was going to have a life-changing party at seven in the evening sharp and he really, really needed to leave training early to attend it, because when Ryohei got there exactly five minutes before seven, the place was... kinda deserted.

Okey, really deserted.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BOSS!" he announced as he whirled in, anyway, armed with a rather large set of floating dinosaur balloons. One of the balloons was an octopus. He swore it wasn't on purpose. Slung over his shoulder was his present for the Vongola. It was wrapped rather haphazardly and was in the very mysterious shape of a pair of boxing gloves. The boss would be so surprised! HE'D NEVER KNOW WHAT IT WAS!


literarybomb October 15 2008, 13:26:38 UTC
Gokudera paused by the door. It seemed like there wasn't much people in there yet. There's still time for him, before the guests come and drag the boss from his side.

He turned around and faced a rather startled boss. "Boss, before everyone comes, I-I'd like to take the chance to give you this."

He held out his hand to reveal a small box tied with a ribbon. A card was attached on top, a scrawly handwriting decorating it.

... )


OMG BIG COMMENT IS BIG DONT KILL ME FOR THE EDITS xx100dontkillme October 15 2008, 15:13:54 UTC
Tsuna was just about to curl his fingers round the handle of the door when it flew open on its own, revealing a tense Gokudera. The dying sunlight cast a warm glow over the other, making him look somewhat gentler. Tsuna took a moment to bask in it. He wasn't used to this... this grace and kindness. Being treated like he was somebody that mattered sent a delicious tingle down his spine and the brunette was afraid he might get addicted to it.

Pulling back the hand, he composed himself before stepping out, absentmindedly wondering what was eating the half Italian alive throughout the ride. He quickly fell in step next to the taller man before realising that Gokudera was purposely slowing down and Tsuna smiled. It was always the little things he noticed, simply because the big picture overwhelmed him. He was very thankful. He had a team of devoted staff willing to go the extra mile for him-- no for Vongola, he corrected. So absorbed in his reverie, he almost walked right into Gokudera who had suddenly stopped.

Takesushi. Why does it ( ... )


fail comment is fail literarybomb October 15 2008, 16:18:47 UTC
A few minutes ago, Gokudera couldn't decide if he should give his gift personally or if he should just chuck it somewhere in the boss's office. He was happy about his gift and he was confident that it would suit the boss nicely. But he didn't know how the boss would react after receiving such a lowly gift.

But after seeing the boss grasp the box as if it was one of his most treasure possessions, and smile like the best things were unfolding slowly in front of his eyes, Gokudera was satisfied.

Satisfied despite the butterflies in his stomach and the deep red blush coloring his cheeks.

Before he could utter a sound to answer the boss's smile, voices from inside caught his attention...

[ooc: continued in ff. thread]


lolwhutizthis October 15 2008, 14:56:03 UTC
Yamamoto had left work a bit earlier than usual to go back to his father's restaurant to help with the food and setup. Gokudera hadn't been able to give him any clear estimate about just how many people would be coming, so just in case they'd prepared a ton of food.

Hearing people's voices from the front of the restaurant, he told his father cheerfully that he'd be back in a bit to help carry the food out and skipped out of the kitchen with his present in hand.

"Hey, you guys are here already!" Yamamoto called out cheerfully.


extremeonwheels October 15 2008, 15:08:26 UTC
Ryohei, upon finding no one but the Yamamoto father and son earlier, had taken to decorating the restaurant. With the dinosaur balloons. They not floated about lazily in the air, mostly cute and a tiny bit menacing. The biggest dinosaur balloon had been tied to what he figured would be where Tsuna would sit!

He heard the voices up front, too, but didn't give them much notice, focused as he was on tying the last balloon to a particularly difficult chair to get to. And then Yamamoto came out of the kitchen, and Ryohei nearly overbalanced in surprise. "Aaah! Yamacchin! How does the place look?!" he demanded excitedly.

He should probably welcome whoever was outside to come in already, but dinosaurs were serious business!


literarybomb October 15 2008, 16:23:31 UTC
Before he could utter a sound to answer the boss's smile, the door suddenly slid open...

Gokudera stiffened. There are people in there already! T-They hadn't seen anything, right? Turning slightly away from the boss, he slid the door open, just a little.

And he was greeted with a dozen or so huge balloons tied on seats, the largest of them being a green stegosaurus floating above everyone else. He vaguely noticed a red one near the steg, and it wasn't a dinosaur.

It was an octopus. And somehow, Gokudera knew who would be behind this.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS, TURF HEAD?!" he exclaimed as he stomped into the restaurant, forgetting the fact the he and the boss had just kind of poured out their gratitude and opinion of each other.


extremeonwheels October 15 2008, 16:28:48 UTC
"MARKING YOUR SEATS, TAKOHEAD!" Ryohei retorted quite cheerfully, resuming the very important business of fixing the chairs just so. His own chair had a T-Rex on it, as was expected! Extreme!! (Vaguely, he wondered if Lissuria was coming, because he didn't know what to put for Lissuria, and he was sure the older man wouldn't appreciate having a common dinosaur balloon as his place marker.)

He strode over to the boss, all grins and beaming smiles. Ryohei shook Tsuna's hand and patted him (a little heavily) on the shoulders. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TSUNA!" he greeted, rather affectionately ruffling Tsuna's head. "I got a gift for you, but I'll give it to you later!"


alwaysbooked October 15 2008, 20:18:32 UTC
Kyoko practically gaped as she stepped through the door to Takesushi, slightly flushed and breathing hard. She knew she was late; it had taken her longer to pick out a gift than she had originally planned, and realized too late that she had no way to contact Gokudera-san or Yamamoto-san, and had arrived as quickly as possible. It seemed, however, that for all practical purposes she was late. Because Ryohei had been on time, and had taken it upon himself to decorate... something she had promised Gokudera-san she would monitor.

"R-Ryohei!" she stuttered, stepping further into the restaurant with her purse clenched in one hand and the small gift-bag in another. "Ah-! Gokudera-san, sorry I'm late!" She couldn't believe it. The room was already plentifully filled with dinosaur balloons, complete with different ones attached to different chairs. Her shoulders sagged. So much for helping out, Kyoko. He's gone and done the decorating already. In typical Ryohei fashion.


literarybomb October 16 2008, 00:47:22 UTC
Gokudera stopped arguing with Ryouhei to turn around and meet another Sasagawa. "Oh, Sasagawa-san." He gave a jerky smile. "I-It's okay. Besides, I think your brother had set his mind into decorating the place..." He sighed as he looked at Ryouhei, who was still ruffling the boss's hair. "Thanks for coming, a nyway."


bovinocretino October 15 2008, 20:43:55 UTC
Lambo entered the restaurant with Tsuna's gift tucked under his arm. He'd visited several shops before heading to Takesushi, trying to find the perfect gift-- cuddly, cute, and quite obviously from no one but Lambo. He settled for a cow plushie instead of the cow-shaped stress balls the clerks were suggesting. (Why would anyone need them after meeting Lambo anyway?)

He was pleased to see that Tsuna and the others had already arrived. "Lambo is here!" he announced, because how else would people pay attention? "Happy birthday, Tsuna!"


xx100dontkillme October 16 2008, 02:41:05 UTC
Hearing his name, Tsuna tore himself from Ryohei, hoping for a breather, instead he found Lambo right at his back, clutching what seemed like... a cow plush toy. And the brunette resisted the urge to face palm. He should have known better, it was just like Lambo to do this - bring a gift which was literally a replica of himself, as a not so gentle reminder of his... cute-ness? Tsuna wasn't sure but he knew it was rude to gape, so he quickly rearranged his shocked expression for a pleasant grin. He was truly glad to see friendly faces, it made the past few days worth the while, he mused.

"Lambo!" Tsuna was about to pet the other like he always did when he realised Lambo had grown up and for a teen, he's rather... well-developed?


bovinocretino October 16 2008, 23:32:09 UTC
Lambo noticed Tsuna's change of expressions and beamed-- he was shocked, clearly by Lambo's genius!-- and was even more gratified by the boss' smile. Really, he should hang out with Tsuna more often, if Lambo's presence made him that happy!

[ooc: those last lines are so suspicious! iyaaaa, boss, paying that kind of attention towards Lambo!♥]


xx100dontkillme October 17 2008, 01:59:33 UTC
But nevertheless Tsuna reached up and petted the other, rather awkwardly. He hadn't done that for ages and the feeling was nostalgic.

"Um. Is that for me? I mean um... you didn't have to," Tsuna started, randomly wondering if Lambo would ever get out of this cow fascination phase. Even if technically his whole life and name is about the animal.



(The comment has been removed)

OTL he needs to clone himself xx100dontkillme October 16 2008, 09:18:32 UTC
Tsuna had barely escaped from Lambo who kept insisting on Asobo asobo! when he heard that greeting. He recognised that voice anywhere, a distinctively Colonello kora, because old habits die hard. The brunette curled his lips into a small smile and chose to get away from the crowd. He hadn't noticed that the blonde was obviously buzzed until he sat down beside him. Wrinkling his nose, Tsuna blinked and realisation dawned on him.

"Colonello-san shouldn't drink too much!"


Re: OTL he needs to clone himself extremeonwheels October 16 2008, 09:26:51 UTC
Aaah, Colonello was drinking. This made sense, the man had hardly helped him with the dinosaurs! Of course he had gone and distracted himself with the booze like any manly man not into boxing would have done. (Ryohei was not envious, not at all, but he did sometimes regret that he couldn't join people when they had fun that way. It did look very fun!)

"Heeey, dude," Ryohei said, clapping him on the back, "Don't drop those, okey!" he laughed, remembering Colonello's journal entry about his coffee cups.


^_^ Time to drop Yamamoto back in~ lolwhutizthis October 17 2008, 03:06:57 UTC
Just then, Yamamoto reappeared from the kitchen where he had been helping his father make the rest of the food with trays of sushi, one in each hand.

"Hey, guys~ Tsuna~ Food's up! Drinking all that alcohol without eating something is bad for you!" With that he put the trays down on the side tables, with his father close behind him with more trays.


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