LOG: Thread [the Vongola + everyone] [OPEN]

Oct 15, 2008 16:50

WHO: Sawada Tsunayoshi, Gokudera Hayato + anyone who wants to attend
WHAT: Vongola Tenth's birthday party
WHERE: Takesushi
WHEN: October 15, dinner time
RATING: PG for now
WARNING(s): crack?

Gokudera kept lacing and unlacing his fingers. He hadn't been able to contact Yamamoto or the Sasagawa siblings regarding the venue and menu for the boss's party. His day was insanely busy and before he knew it, it was time! As he sat beside the driver in the boss's limousine, he worried about everything, from decorations to food to people coming. He wanted to call them but that would ruin the surprise for the one sitting in the backseat.

The car stopped right in front of Takesushi. Gokudera caught a glimpse of confusion in the boss's eyes but he kept quiet. Instead, he got out of the car and opened the door for the boss.

"We're here, boss."

As they walked to enter the sushi restaurant, Gokudera prayed to all available gods, ancestors, spirits and war heroes to not make this party a mess.

[ ooc: please feel free to decide if you want to end up being in the shop early or late. gokudera made sure to come when he thinks there are people in the restaurant already :). also...feel free to think of any gifts :P (pictures a plus!)]

sasagawa ryohei, lambo bovino, yamamoto takeshi, gokudera hayato, sawada tsunayoshi, hibari kyouya, colonello, *log: thread, sasagawa kyoko

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