[LOG] [THREAD] Ryohei + Lissuria [Open to Spectators]

Dec 11, 2008 10:06

WHO: Ryohei + Lissuria
WHAT: Date!
WHERE: Restaurants and stuff
WHEN: December 7, Sunday
WARNING(s): Nothing much.


sasagawa ryohei, lissuria, *log: complete, *log: thread

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Comments 123

lethaldiva December 11 2008, 03:39:45 UTC
Lissuria was putting on his lipstick by the time the doorbell rang, his hair (more of bangs) already blown and his clothes snug to his skin. The whole day was spent wasted on finding the right clothes to wear. Ryohei didn't mention to Lissuria on how this 'date' will go and it made the diva a nervous wreck before his closet. Five hours and 50 wardrobe changes later the, diva settled for a sleek silk shirt tucked inside a high-waisted skirt. It was neutral enough for him to do anything, in case Ryohei threw something strange on this date, but still fabulous enough for him to be seen in.

The diva slipped in his 4-inch heels as soon as he got everything in place. He swallowed his breath (and pride) when he opened the door. He tried to smile, although it must have looked weird since he was greatly nervous.

"Good evening, Sasagawa."


extremeonwheels December 11 2008, 03:46:36 UTC
Ryohei looked up at his date and nodded, at a loss for words at the sorta cold greeting. He wasn't going to let that beat him, he thought! Ryohei handed the roses over.

"Good evening, Li!" he greeted, smiling and deliberately using his nickname for the other man. And then, taking in the rest of his date's appearance: "You look nice." Which was true. And taller, too, but Ryohei wasn't about to complain.


lethaldiva December 11 2008, 03:52:27 UTC
Lissuria received the flowers with a smile. A faint smile. A smile that would probably be wider if the diva was a little less anxious about tonight. He knew that tonight Ryohei will lay down all his cards tonight. The idea scares the diva a lot.

"Would you like to come in for a bit? I'll just get my bag." The diva swings the door wider to let Ryohei in before scuttling back to his room to get his bag ready.


extremeonwheels December 11 2008, 04:08:18 UTC
Ryohei was just debating with himself the pros and cons (or right and wrong) of leaning in to peck Lissuria on the cheek. He'd been told he should do it (and he wanted to!) but it seemed highly wrong to take advantage of Li. Blinking, he followed the diva in the flat and waited dutifully near the door. They weren't staying long, anyway; he didn't need to sit down. (Also, he was a little nervous to sit down.)

The rest of the apartment was familiar to him, too, having come by a few times before. He'd never really noticed how tasteful it was until now, though, that he was trying to do tasteful things. But somehow, it still seemed comfortable to live in.

Right. Say something, Sasagawa! "You, um. Don't mind French food, right?"


T^T Of course, bb! extremeonwheels December 11 2008, 06:34:36 UTC
Unfortunately, the silence eventually started getting uncomfortable for Ryohei, used as he was to noise around him. "Um, do you want to listen to something?" he asked quietly, turning into a bigger road leading out of Namimori.


Hrmm..~ <3 lethaldiva December 11 2008, 06:57:25 UTC
"Oh. Okay. If you want to." Ryohei's voice surprised the diva a bit, making him look towards the boxer who really had a handsome profile. Lissuria shifted his thoughts and turned his look away, leaning his head on his window and watched the road widen.

He wondered where Ryohei was taking him. His heart skipped a bit wondering if he should have worn something more sophisticated or something warmer in case he took him up to the mountains. A part of him wanted to ask where they were heading, but he didn't have the heart to say anything. He was much too flustered to be this close to Ryohei.


Re: Hrmm..~ <3 extremeonwheels December 11 2008, 07:06:20 UTC
"Mkay." Twiddling with the car radio was harder than expected though, used as he was to his truck's clunky, sort of beat-up old one. Eventually, he managed to get it on and to a decent radio station playing Christmas songs.

My idea of a perfect Christmas~ Is to spend it with you~ In a party or dinner for two~ Anywhere would do~~~ Was it an American song? It sounded nice anyway. Eventually, he found himself humming along, glancing once in a while to see of Lissuria was still all right in his seat.


Whenever I see boys and girls selling lanterns on the street~~ lethaldiva December 11 2008, 07:14:16 UTC
Lissuria sat comfortably, blushing at how fate seems to tempt his heart, playing Christmas songs like that. He suddenly regretted agreeing with Ryohei to open that radio or go on this date for that matter.

The diva didn't like his heart being played like this. He was very fragile lady right now.


extremeonwheels December 12 2008, 05:22:09 UTC
Ryohei was, on the other hand, gazing at him with almost suspicious starry eyes.

"So cool!" he exclaimed when the waiter had gone, putting his chin on the back of a fist and propping his elbow up on the table. He had always admired people with a great grasp of foreign languages, especially if they were oral. "I should get you to teach me some of that."

He wished, though, that Lissuria wouldn't be so nervous. Ryohei missed talking to Lissuria, and they had been pretty tight as friends. The large chunk of his attention that Lissuria used to take up was now rather lonely, but he wasn't even sure if this night would go well. He hoped it did.


lethaldiva December 12 2008, 07:45:13 UTC
"M-me? I... only know little French, Sasagawa." Lissuria looked away from Ryohei and back out at the city. "... You could go to more reliable people to teach you the language."

It wasn't because Lissuria did not know French. He knew enough to make a man strip his clothes in front of him. However, the lady was still unsure if he was ready to meet Ryohei regularly. Sure, this 'friendly' date was a way to get into good terms... but... god knows in private lessons. Last time Lissuria gave a private lesson...


Lissuria took a sip of his water trying to forget the last time he gave a private lesson. That was a little embarrassing.


extremeonwheels December 12 2008, 07:52:25 UTC
"Hmm! If I do, I'll talk to you in French," he said confidently, but more to himself than anything else.

Anyway, he could tell that Lissuria was still uncomfortable around him. He patiently waited for the waiter to give them their drinks and, once he was sure that they were alone again, tilted his head in his date's direction.

"You know, you dun have to be so anxious. I thought you loved me, so why are you all jumpy when I've told you that I love you back?"


lethaldiva December 12 2008, 08:14:55 UTC
... Oh dear. Not now.

Lissuria had hoped that Ryohei would not mention it this early. Sure, the man had given him time to think and he has spoken about it with some few people. And it's not that he didn't love Ryohei back but Lissuria wanted to be a little more comfortable around him, ease his nerves back in before even talking about it, rather than jumping into it this early. Seriously, the boy lacked graces, but him saying that would only lead to losing his own graces.

Lissuria sipped his wine, then looked down at his plate as he said, "Sorry... It isn't easy to just fling my arms towards you as though nothing happened, because a lot of things did, Sasagawa. I'd rather that we talk about other things first than this... Like, how's your training?"


lethaldiva December 14 2008, 09:30:50 UTC
"Oh the poll?" Lissuria's eyes brightened upon the mention of the poll. A few days have passed and a couple of votes are coming in. Right now, a number of names are finally rising to the top 10. "My boss, Xan-chan, seems to be in the lead. Followed by that Millefiore guy, Byakuran, and then that Vongole boss, Sawada. A couple of others are there as well and I think Lambo might make it to the top ten... Just don't tell him he's not number one. It'll break his heart ( ... )


extremeonwheels December 14 2008, 09:32:35 UTC
"Xan... chan?" he repeated, having difficulty saying the name mostly because of all the Xs. "Oh! That scary dude!" he grinned. He'd seen Xanxus walk through the Varia lobby once and everyone in the vicinity either stayed way out of his way or, more drastically, actually hid behind furniture. "I dunno who the Byakuran is... but I am glad that Tsuna's there too!" As for Lambo... Ryohei wasn't sure anything could break his heart.

Ryohei blinked when Lissuria came around to his name. "Ryohei," he automatically corrected, and then: "Haha, no way," he beamed, still pleased. "I think your feature of me was just amazing, so they voted for me! You can make anything look good, after all." That was probably true, he thought; the idea of him being popular with the ladies just went over his head. Though to be honest, a lot of things went over his head.


lethaldiva December 14 2008, 10:52:22 UTC
Lissuria missed the correction since by now he seemed to have caught Ryohei's reflection on the window and it was sparkling. It must be the city lights. Or it could be the champagne. Either way, at one point, Lissuria found the lights a blur, glowing in the background of Ryohei's reflection. He found himself staring at the curves of Ryohei's ear, the faint dimple on his cheeks, and the clean bandage on his nose.

The study of Ryohei's profile was familiar to the diva. He remembered vividly how it started, four years ago, when the young Ryohei was practicing some rounds with Tanda and he caught himself staring at the boy's form and his muscly tone. Forget the fact that it took a good minute for the boy to figure out what he was trying to say to him, but the feeling was coming back to him. That strange feeling of wonder when he saw the very features he was looking at right now.

Lissuria found himself staring for a good moment, asking himself, "Is this 'falling in love'?"


extremeonwheels December 15 2008, 01:50:38 UTC
He had been chattering randomly about everything and nothing when Lissuria had become quiet. Ryohei didn't notice at first, busy as he was about talking about things, but he did eventually, when Lissuria took to staring at him.

"Li?" he asked, voice low, tilting his head to the side inquiringly and attentively. Lissuria had been that one person, hadn't he, that Ryohei could pay 100% attention to without faltering. He wasn't like that with anyone else, not even his family, and his mind tended to wander. Li, though...


lethaldiva December 15 2008, 07:53:44 UTC
"Hrm?" Lissuria looked up at Ryohei, wondering what his date had in mind.


extremeonwheels December 15 2008, 07:59:15 UTC
He took a deep breath and met Lissuria's eyes with his own. "Do you want to dance?"

... Maybe he should have asked when he was sure Li was done eating. As usual, his planning was wrong!


Lissuria was already halfway through his salad when Ryohei asked him for a dance. He had been thinking about dancing when he heard the music playing but was too shy to ask his date for one. Does he even dance?

With a smile, Lissuria extended his hand to his date and answered "Sure, maybe before the main meal arrives?"


Re: I COULD HAVE DAAAAANCED ALL NIGHT~~ I COULD HAVE DAAANCED ALL NIGHT~ extremeonwheels December 15 2008, 08:29:49 UTC
Heart racing, he got to his feet and took the proffered hand, bowing grandly as he waited for Lissuria to stand. And then, just as he'd seen the other men from the other tables do, he led them to the dance floor and put his-- (WHICH HAND? WHICH HAND?) right hand on Lissuria's waist.

Ryohei actually didn't know how to dance, but he'd watched the other dancers carefully and he was a boxer. It was easy for him to more or less decently imitate their movements.

"You can kick me if I step on you, k?" he said laughingly, enjoying it despite himself.


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