Thankful Thursday: Space, blessed space!

May 03, 2012 21:03

Sara and I have finally finished unpacking everything, so I figured today was a good day to take you on a virtual tour of our new place. It's a pretty average-sized apartment, but Smallpartment was so tiny that this place feels huge. We bought a few new things, and we still have space to spare! It's in a much larger complex, so we have more (noisier) neighbors, but there are a lot of things to be thankful for.

My mezuzah on the doorframe. You can see it on the doorframe of Smallpartment back here.

This "Bless Our Home" plaque hung over Grandma's mantle for about 40 years. I got it back here when she moved out of her old house. We hung it up in a prominent place in our living room, and I'm so thankful to have it. :) On the opposite wall of our living room, we have an old photo of me, Sara, and Athena in Grandma's old house on a Christmas Eve of long ago. I just noticed that this plaque is visible in the background over Sara's shoulder.

Our new movie stand! It's nice being able to see all of our movies at the same time. Above it is the rubbing that I made of George Llewelyn Davies's grave in Belgium, on a scary trip back here.

The door to my room. Chinese Sara gave me the pendant in France the last time I saw her. The paper is the Chinese word for happiness (I think); she made about a million of these for Chinese New Year back here.

My bookshelf will never be this organized again, so photographic proof that it ever was had to be secured. I put all my Jew books together on the top shelf.

Isn't this the cheeriest window you've ever seen? The rooms all have bay windows that make them seem even bigger. The plant is the one I brought home from Grandma's funeral (back here), and I'm amazed I haven't killed it yet! I came close, but it gets a lot more sun here and already looks better.

Now, if we can just keep this apartment as clean as it was when we moved in!

thankful thursday, pictures

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