Mardi Gras and Chinese New Year...

Feb 05, 2008 23:31

Well, Rebecca is spending Mardi Gras in France this year, and she celebrated it by doing... nothing. I did a lesson on it with my students about it, but for some reason, the students I had today (who are usually very good) were rather apathetic and uninterested - probably because this is the last week before the February vacation. I'm hoping to travel somewhere during that time, but I don't know if I actually will. I realized just now this is the first time I've ever had to go to school/work on Mardi Gras. But I did enjoy the day. I spent the evening watching The Fellowship of the Ring with Heather and Marlene, and we had a nice discussion about how the movies are a metaphor for the Industrial Revolution. Almost every teacher at my Catholic high school claimed that it was a metaphor for Catholicism, which I don't see at all.

The lycée is looking so festive right now. This Thursday is Chinese New Year, which is super important in Chinese culture - so important that Sarah spent all last weekend cutting the Chinese character for happiness out of construction paper and taping one on almost every single door in the the entire lycée! Then, yesterday, for no apparent reason, Mariana taught her students how to make Mexican piñatas out of paper mâché and hung the results up in the commons area. They don't clash with the Chinese New Year decorations as horribly as Mariana was afraid they would. She said she would teach me how to make a piñata sometime.

And I finally got tired of looking at icons of myself, so I set my icon of Sable and me as my default and uploaded five new ones. I decided to go with the theme of child actresses with dogs. Here they are...


All made by me.

The actresses are, from left to right, Hatty Jones (as Madeline, with Genevieve), Shirley Temple, Dakota Fanning, Natalie Portman, and Alicia Morton (as Little Orphan Annie, with Sandy).

lycee, mardi gras, icons, child actresses, holidays, work: comment-dire?

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