The Final Nail (fic)

Jun 01, 2008 00:05

Author: Razycrandomgirl

Title: The Final Nail

Fandom: Heroes

Rating: Barely PG-13

Characters/Pairings: Maya/Sylar, Mohinder, Molly

Disclaimer: Don’t own them. Just like to play with them sometimes.

Spoilers/Time Line: Vol. 2 "Truth & Consequence" and "Powerless"

Summery: In NY. The drive to Mohinder's lab.

Author’s Notes: Thanks togimmemypicklefor beta'ing. if anything's screwy it's my fault. Thanks . :) concrit please.

It had been a task, getting them out of the apartment and into the car, but he’d done it.  He was so close, his hands hummed with the thought of power. He looked down at the gun. It felt strange in his hands; the weight of it pulling at him, reminding him of his sickening normalcy.

He couldn’t wait to show Maya how special he really was. He stole a look in her direction and felt his belly roll. She sat behind the driver’s seat, pushed against the door.  And the look she gave him, he was sure, could spoil milk.

He grimaced, all traces of hope and excitement drained from his face. He couldn’t look away from her. She huffed, shaking her head; he could almost taste her judgment.

“Is there something you want to say to me, Maya?” Mohinder flinched at the wheel, casting a wary look at the rearview mirror, catching Sylar’s gaze.

“Keep driving, doctor,” he said as he adjusted his grip on the gun, pushing it into the seat in front of him. Molly squirmed in the passenger seat, shaking violently.

“Leave her alone,” Mohinder said in a low voice.

Sylar noticed as the doctor’s hands squeezed the steering wheel and felt himself smile. Maya fidgeted in the seat next to him, her breathing picking up and he turned his head to look at her. His gut twisted again and he couldn’t figure out if her powers activated or if it was just pure emotion bubbling in her eyes, but he feels sick.

Her stare burned into his and a familiar tingle started to prickle down his spine. He adjusted the gun in his hands.

“Stop it, Maya.” His voice vibrated in warning.

“You stop it, Gabriel! What are you doing?” He watched her gaze drop to his hands, to the gun within them.  She took deep heaving breaths and he looked back up into her eyes.

It was there, her power; floating over her darkening orbs, rushing under her skin.  He could feel it. He could feel her holding it inside and a rush of irrational pride burst within of him. His face flushed and he tried to cover the shock with a dirty grin, leaning languidly into his side of the car.

She whispered in Spanish, soft under her breath. For a moment, he thought she might be praying, to calm herself, but one word rings out in her rush of whispers.  ‘Mentiroso.’

His features darkened and his grip on the gun tightened.

“What did you say?”

“This whole time you were ¼ not what you said.” Her voice shook with anger and the shame of being made a fool.  Again.

“Don’t feel too badly. He tries very hard at impersonating friendship.” Sylar tore his gaze away from Maya, catching Mohinder in the rearview again.

“Why don’t you just stick to driving, Mohinder,” he growls. “You can do all the talking you want while you’re curing me. But we both know you are not that good behind the wheel and your driving is making everyone nervous.” He tapped the gun against Molly’s chair again, making her squeak. “Besides, your father didn't mind my friendship. That is until ¼ he did.”

Sylar enjoyed the conflict that played over Mohinder’s features as he tried to decide whether to comfort Molly or defend the honor of his dead father. The little girl crouched forward trying to get way from her ‘boogeyman.’ Mohinder glanced down at her, trying to offer what little comfort he could from his seat.

Maya made a rude noise, pulling Sylar’s attention back to her. “You’re not going to use that. I wouldn’t let you.” She spoke clearly, so that everyone in the car heard.

He stared back at her, silently accepting her challenge. “If all goes as planned, I won‘t have to use it, Maya” He leaned towards her and whispered, “So don’t force my hand.” He pushed his point by brushing his hand against the material covering her legs. “Or is that what you want?” He moved closer, mouth near her ear. “My hands were always faster than your powers.”

She shoved him away, nails digging into his skin. “Don’t touch me, you lying bastard!” Her voice shook with the emotion of unspoken, broken promises. He felt a flash of guilt but recovered quickly, letting out a rough laugh that made Mohinder’s shoulders rise up by his ears as he focus more intently on the road ahead, thinking only of Molly’s safety.

“It’s okay, Mohinder. She’s just a little shy, that’s all. Isn’t that right, Maya?” He leered at her and brushed his hand down her arm, fingertips grazing the hair before she smacked his hand away. Molly called Mohinder’s name and the doctor felt a whole other level of uncomfortable that had nothing to do with the gun in Sylar’s hand. He looked down at Molly and wished Sylar would stop talking.

“It’s going to be okay, Molly.” he whispered. And Sylar continued.

“You see, before we got to your place, something happened between us that affected her powers. Why don’t you tell him about that?” he teased.

“! Perro sucio! Shut your mouth!” Maya pursed her lips and her teeth worked the inside of her cheek.

Sylar smiled at her, heart hammering in his chest as he let the innuendo twist in the air. Her eyes glittered with angry tears, but she wouldn’t let them fall; too proud. His cold amusement flickered as her unwavering gaze dug into him like a tick. The smile faltered on his face.

“I helped her to control her powers, but she doesn’t like to talk about it.”  He leaned back into his seat, lifting his hand and letting it fall over her hair. The motion was as soft as a breeze and Maya shuddered, flicking her hair away from him. “Like I said, she’s shy.”

She stared ahead, trying to ignore him.  Her hands moved to worry the cross around her neck; she prayed, but it sounded more like a curse.

He leaned away from her, toying with the idea of keeping her. He thought about owning both the vessel and the powers. He thought about the control he had over her, but then realized, as he looked upon her again, that he never had any real control over her. He could only make her do the things she already wanted to do. He realized, with a strange sadness, that she was too dangerous to keep. And that made him angry with her.

“We’re here,” Mohinder announced as the car slowed to a stop behind a familiar looking building. Maya jerked the door opened, sliding in the seat to get away from him. Sylar’s hand snaked out, latching onto her arm before she got too far. “No, you don’t. We all stick together.” He pushed against her ushering her out the door, pressing her close to him. She jostled against him and he took a small pleasure in the way her body moved against his.

“Just like old times, huh?” He whispered against her hair and she recoiled from him, skin flushing in anger. He enjoyed the effect he had on her. His mind wandered on a time when his touch caused her to shake in pleasure beneath him. His face screwed up at the thought that he could miss her. He would miss her. His resolve was set.

Maya was power, raw and untamable, and if he couldn’t possess her, he would make sure that no one else could. He would destroy her so she could never be used against him.


Mentiroso ~ Liar

fic, maya herrera, sylar, saya, heroes

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