Trail of Tears (fic)

Jun 03, 2008 19:16

Author: Razycrandomgirl

Title: Trail of Tears

Fandom: Heroes

Rating: PG-13 Mild swearing

Characters/Pairings: Candice, Maya, Sylar

Disclaimer: Don’t own them. Just like to play with them sometimes.

Spoilers/Time Line: AU

Summery: They need him to figure her out. (Sylar is in the Company, sitting pretty. So far.)

Author’s Notes: I don't know where I'm going with with this yet. :x *g* Un beta'd Concri please.  For the  un_love_you prompt table challenge. #25 "You remind me of someone."

The first time he’d seen her, he hadn’t really. They were dragging her in by the shoulders; a mane of hair obscured her face. Her body looked lithe and strong, despite the limp angle at which she hung from guard’s arms as she was hauled across the floor.

It happened ever time they brought in a new Special. They’d all come to him, set at his feet, for him to determine what to do next. Learn how they worked.  It’s what he does best.

Candice came in behind them, after they’d flung the girl to the grown. He looked down at her while the illusionist spoke. “Got another on for ya, Gray.”

“What’s wrong with this one?” he asked as he leaned back into the wall behind him.

“You’re the one with the special hoodoo powers. You tell us? Isn’t that why we keep you around?” she smirked at him. She was always smirking at him. It made his skin crawl.

He stared down at the body below him instead. His head churned with the wisp of familiarity as he looked down at the halo of hair. He looked back up at Candice. A question on his lips before noticed her appearance for the first time since she entered the room.

“What happened to your face?” he asked.

She moved her hand to her cheeks flinching as she wiped gingerly under her eyes, like there was a smug. She stopped, frowning down at her fingers. He caught the glimpse of a bruised eye and a split lip before her face flickered over, clearing to her normal façade. Her features scrunched up in annoyance.

“She got me by surprise, is all. We neutralized her powers but she still…”

His eyebrows rose with expectance, waiting for her to continue. When she didn’t he guessed. “She did that to you?” he lowered his gaze back to the tiny breathing mass on the floor, amusement pulling at his lips. “… Without using an ability?”

She waved her hand dismissively. “Yeah well, this isn’t so bad compared to what some of the Norms got. They weren’t as lucky.” She made another face, looking down at the new capture. “It wasn‘t all bad, it’s not like she got off scot-free.”

He swallowed and felt his mouth go a little dry. He looked back up at Candice, holding a smirk, squinting his eyes as they searched over her. “Softened her up for me? How very thoughtful of you.”

She rolled her eyes letting out an exasperated sigh. “Just tell me what her deal is so I can move along with the rest of my shitty day. I don’t have time for this Gabe.” His face took on a mask of stony indifference, skin darkening with displeasure.

“Yeah, yeah I know. I’m not supposed to call you that. Your name is blah, fuckin’, blah. Whatever! Just tell me what I need to know so I can get the hell outta here.” she shifted from one foot to the other, nervously.

There was a grim set to his jaw as he squatted down next to her. He lifted his hand above her head, letting it hang there for a moment, feeling the heat rise off of her. He was close, not too close, but he could feel his fingers start to tingle.

It was quiet and he could hear her heart beating. So soft. His hand moved to push the hair away. There’s so much of it; he thought, as is spilled onto the floor. He brushed at it again and felt his hand come away slick with sweat, grime and blood. He looked at his hand, then back up at Candice.

She pursed her lips. “Like you‘ve never had it on you hands before.”

“Don’t tempt me.” he growled

She rolled her eyes again. “Please. Stop stalling.”

He pushed the rest of her hair away revealing a swollen bruised the face. “I think you broke her.”

“Her powers, Sylar! Maybe you wanna start talking about that.”

He let out a sigh wiping his hand off on the girls shoulder. “There’s not a name for what she can do.”

“And what’s that?”

“I don’t know … yet.” Candice narrowed her eyes at him. “But I could give you a better analysis if you let me take a real look?” he pinched the girls hair between his fingers, twirling it lightly over his knuckles.

She let out a dry laugh. “Yeah right! Your days of skull popping are over, buddy. We only need you to do a look-see.”

He frowned standing up, turning his back on them brushing his hand off. “Why don’t you bring her back when she’s a little more cleaned up? She’s a mess.”

“Really? If you ask me, I think they went pretty easy on her.” Candice took a step forward staring down at the girl, nudging her with her toe. “I mean, it’s not like we let Elle know about her yet. She’s still fresh, this one.”

His shoulders stiffened and the hair on the back of his neck rose at the sound of the name. He kept his back to her as he spoke. “You know it gets harder for me to do my job when you let her interfere.”

“Hey, I don’t let her do anything. She’s daughter to the boss and Daddy’s Little Girl. She does what she wants, when she wants and to who she wants.”

“To whom.”

“Fine.” she scoffed. “You don’t wanna play? I can dig that. I’ll take the little cherry back to the lab for the doctors to figure out. But buddy, lemme tell ya, holding out on me; the only “friend" that you’ve got in this place, let me remind you, is gonna bring you nothing but pain and suffering of the ‘Bishop’ variety.” She clucked her teeth and he turned in time to see her motion to a pair of figures just out side of the room.

Two men came forward, moving to lift the girl from the floor. She groaned when they hoisted her up, head lolling, like she was drunk. Candice’s eyes widen a little and she took a step away from her. Interesting, he thought.

“You better move your asses, the drugs are wearing off and we don’t want her waking up. Do we?”

“You gave her something.” it was a statement. He couldn’t fight the feeling that he’d know her at one time or another.

Candice’s eyes twitched and she looked at him like he was a moron. He was getting sick of that expression. “Of course I did. I know how to do my job, I’m not an idiot.”

He pursed his lips, staring down at the girl between the company lackeys. “I didn’t say you were.”

She squinted her eyes at him again; her mouth pinched together as she considered her thoughts. The girl was almost out the door and he found himself following after her. As if  she were calling him. Strange.

“What, you wanna come now?” Candice asked, a smile hinting in her cheeks.

“You don’t mind do you? I could keep trying while you let them work on her. I’ll tell you what I know, as soon as I know it.”

She screwed up her face, biting the inside of her cheek. He knew she did that it only when she was thinking very hard. And he watched her face brake as she looked up at him, forming a wide, satisfied smile.

“I knew you’d see thinks my way, you big turd.” The scenery around the room rippled quickly and he sighed tiredly.


The girl’s sneakers squeaked loudly as they dragged her down that hall. She moved slowly against the guards and they quicken their pace.

“So where did you find this one, anyway?” he asked as Candice led him down the hallways that lead to the med lab.

Candice flipped through the file in her hands before she spoke “Maya Herrera: Found at the Mexican/American border. They’re calling it ‘The New Trail of Tears’. ”

fic, un_love_you, tables, prompt tables, heroes, prompts, maya herrera, sylar, saya

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