Like Pigeons and Catholics

May 28, 2011 14:54

Title: Like Pigeons and Catholics
Summary: Steve decides to drop in on Danny one Saturday morning only to find his partner more than a little under the weather. Written for the Running Hot comment-fic meme being hosted at the LJ of ariadnes_string. Original prompt was by embroiderama and can be found here. I'm also going to use it for my flu/cold fill for 10_hurt_comfort.
Characters: Steve ( Read more... )

fanfic, like pigeons and catholics, h50, 10_hurt_comfort, comment-fic is eating my brain, danno, steve

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Comments 97

greeneyes_fan May 28 2011, 19:19:32 UTC
Gotta watch out for those pigeons. They're tricky bastards.

Thanks for writing!


ratherastory May 28 2011, 20:14:35 UTC
Sneaky birdies, indeed! Glad you liked it!


sinnerforhire May 28 2011, 19:20:55 UTC
I love you THIS MUCH. There is nowhere near enough sick!Danny fic in this fandom and this is so TOTALLY MADE OF AWESOME. PIGEONS. FLOCKING. OMG.

*clutches fic to chest* It's MINE. ALL MINE. YOU CAN'T HAVE IT. *runs away*

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


ratherastory May 28 2011, 20:15:18 UTC

It was the "flocking" that gave me the idea for this, so I'm glad you liked it! Poor Danny, traumatized by pigeons in some unnamed incident, no doubt. ;)


zortified May 28 2011, 19:26:05 UTC
Eeeeeeeeeeee! Feverish confused Danny! Confused yet earnest Steve! \o/


ratherastory May 28 2011, 20:15:44 UTC
I quite like that combo myself. :)


harrigan May 28 2011, 19:30:11 UTC
“Then what's with the-” Steve gestures vaguely at Danny's obvious state of semi-undress. He doesn't remember seeing Danny out of a long-sleeved shirt, well, ever. “You're sweating,” he notes.

“My God, it's like you're a detective or something.”

I ♥ this whole thing. Vociferously!


ratherastory May 28 2011, 20:16:17 UTC

I'm so glad! Danno does love his big words. And his Steve, but that goes without saying. :)


si_star_x May 28 2011, 19:57:10 UTC
D'awww. So adorable.


ratherastory May 28 2011, 20:16:39 UTC
Thank you!


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