RUNNING HOT: A Multi-Fandom Fever Fic Comment fic meme.

May 20, 2011 12:10

Colds, flu, infections, insect-borne pathogens. Poisons, curses, spells.

Chills, sweats, delirium, hallucinations.

Huddling for warmth. Cool cloths. Unanticipated handsiness.

Delirious confessions of love. Confessions of love while the other person is unconscious.

Repressed memories rising to the surface.

The possibilities are endless.

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runninghot, meme

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Prompt: H50, Danny babbling from fever embroiderama May 20 2011, 18:13:20 UTC
Gen or slash. Danny and Steve are hanging out together--Danny has the flu, and Steve's keeping him company, but then Danny's usual wordy conversation style stops making sense and Steve realizes that Danny's sicker than either of them thought.


FILLED: Chase You Down (1/3) Re: Prompt: H50, Danny babbling from fever norgbelulah May 22 2011, 20:46:38 UTC
Not exactly babbling, but I hope you like it. :D

Chase You DownSteve brings beer and orange juice with him and shakes his head with a smile when Danny asks if he brought some vodka too ( ... )


Re: FILLED: Chase You Down (2/3) Re: Prompt: H50, Danny babbling from fever norgbelulah May 22 2011, 20:47:54 UTC
He smiles and launches into an amusing story about running down one of Hess’ less enterprising associates a few years back through the Akihabara area of Tokyo. The guy, an electronics wiz, had no sense whatsoever when it came to dealing with the criminal elements he’d let into his life, or with the various law enforcement agencies that were pursuing him. He actually thought that no one would think to look for him in the geek’s paradise when he’d been sighted at Narita airport ( ... )


Re: FILLED: Chase You Down (3/3) Re: Prompt: H50, Danny babbling from fever norgbelulah May 22 2011, 20:50:03 UTC
Steve has to break in here. “A dog ( ... )


Re: FILLED: Chase You Down (3/3) Re: Prompt: H50, Danny babbling from fever ariadnes_string May 22 2011, 21:08:00 UTC
OMG--POINT BREAK! Just beside myself with happiness on that one, you don't even know! And this? I don’t know what frightens me more, the height of your temperature right now or the fact that you secretly identify with Keanu Reeves. Just stay here and try not to delude yourself into the Matrix, okay?” PURE GOLD

But I also love how it slides from gentle hanging out to hysteria--and Steve wanting to be more intrusive and not daring to be--and then being pissed.

Great one!


Re: FILLED: Chase You Down (3/3) Re: Prompt: H50, Danny babbling from fever norgbelulah May 22 2011, 23:13:20 UTC
I'm so happy I could give you so much happiness with this one! And dude, I don't know where that last line came from, but I love it toooooo. <3

Also, Running Hot-- rousing success??? I THINK SO. :D


Re: FILLED: Chase You Down (3/3) Re: Prompt: H50, Danny babbling from fever ariadnes_string May 22 2011, 23:25:00 UTC
Wheee! I'm so glad so many people came to plaaaay! and from so many different fandoms, too! And such lovely fic! (I think when we get over 15 fills I might set up a different master list post--we're at 12 now....)

I think it was your banners drawing them in!


Re: FILLED: Chase You Down (3/3) Re: Prompt: H50, Danny babbling from fever embroiderama May 23 2011, 02:08:55 UTC
Oh wow, this is awesome! Thank you so much for writing my prompt. That Danny secretly loves Point Break? LOVE!


Re: FILLED: Chase You Down (3/3) Re: Prompt: H50, Danny babbling from fever norgbelulah May 23 2011, 02:16:31 UTC
Yay! I'm so glad you liked it! I was worried it wasn't babbly enough. But I have trouble with throwing random dialogue together, so I was like, "Well, what would they talk about?" "I know, chase scenes! That's like half of what happens on H50!" "What's the craziest chase scene ever?" "The one from Point Break!" And voila! \o/


Filled: Like Pigeons and Catholics ratherastory May 28 2011, 18:56:43 UTC
I know this was already filled, but I couldn't resist.

Like Pigeons and Catholics.


Re: Filled: Like Pigeons and Catholics embroiderama May 28 2011, 19:45:21 UTC


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