Merlin/Arthur Kiss Meme 2!

Oct 01, 2010 09:17

♥ Merlin/Arthur Kiss Meme II ♥

This meme is all about Merlin/Arthur kisses! \o/ Lots and lots of kisses! Be they sweet and fluffy, hot and dirty, or just necking like teenagers, any kisses are welcome! The more the better!

The rules:
1. No porn (that's what the kink meme is for), just kisses ( Read more... )

merlin/arthur kiss meme

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Untitled beautifvl_flaw October 2 2010, 23:34:06 UTC
I hope I'm not too late to this party! I wrote this after seeing the ending to this weeks episode. I've read through it a few times but do point out if I've missed any mistakes!It begins with an offhand insult, no doubt a slight on Merlin's competence or brainpower, although neither of them really remember. Merlin's witty response wipes the smirk from Arthur's face for only a second before it returns in all its glory along with a glint of boyish competition in his eye. Who shoves who first is open for argument - and argue they will - but it matters very little as they tumbled to the ground, tussling like boisterous children ( ... )


Re: Untitled ras_elased October 4 2010, 02:25:05 UTC
Aw, this is wonderful! And I'm sure everyone would have loved to see this play out at the end of the last ep. ;)


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