Merlin/Arthur Kiss Meme 2!

Oct 01, 2010 09:17

♥ Merlin/Arthur Kiss Meme II ♥

This meme is all about Merlin/Arthur kisses! \o/ Lots and lots of kisses! Be they sweet and fluffy, hot and dirty, or just necking like teenagers, any kisses are welcome! The more the better!

The rules:
1. No porn (that's what the kink meme is for), just kisses ( Read more... )

merlin/arthur kiss meme

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Comments 155

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ras_elased October 1 2010, 15:06:29 UTC


ckll October 1 2010, 15:11:29 UTC
I wanted to post another but it's Colin/Bradley *blushes*


ras_elased October 1 2010, 15:45:25 UTC
Well I think I'm gonna have a Bradley/Colin kiss meme after the season's over, but it is cruel to make fandom wait that long! You should post it over at bradleycolin!


Untitled fluff fatchickengirl October 1 2010, 16:33:21 UTC
He was a fool: to fall for a servant and an idiot and now he knew that Merlin was a sorcerer: not that Merlin knew he knew ( ... )


Re: Untitled fluff ras_elased October 1 2010, 17:59:33 UTC
Yay! Magical reveal kisses! \o/


Re: Untitled fluff fatchickengirl October 1 2010, 18:02:59 UTC
; D


Re: Untitled fluff wanderhomeagain October 1 2010, 18:07:20 UTC
Aww, I love when Arthur knows about Merlin's magic and he loves Merlin all the more for it!


anonymous October 1 2010, 16:53:11 UTC
Some winter kissing ( ... )


fatchickengirl October 1 2010, 17:44:53 UTC


ras_elased October 1 2010, 18:01:40 UTC
Oh, this is lovely!


thisissirius October 1 2010, 18:24:42 UTC


The Waiting Tree (1/2) ras_elased October 1 2010, 17:58:02 UTC
IDEK what this is. I tried writing fluffy kisses, I really did, but I've had this image in my head forever, and I just couldn't put it off any longer. Still not sure if I like how it turned out, but here goes anyway.There is a tree by a lake. The tree is gnarled and twisted with age, trunk bent and stooped like an old man, branches reaching towards the water's edge. The trees around it are young, their slim trunks stretching upwards as if trying to show the old tree how it's done. Their trunks are unmarred, but the old tree has a symbol carved into its thick bark, its meaning lost to history. Merlin remembers carving it, but even he no longer remembers the exact translation, the ancient memory pushed out by newer ones. But he remembers tracing over the lines each time he visits the tree, enough times that now the grooves are wide and deep enough to fit a man's hand inside, the edges polished smooth like the etchings of a weathered gravestone, even if the rune has been reduced to a meaningless squiggle ( ... )


Re: The Waiting Tree (2/2) ras_elased October 1 2010, 17:58:39 UTC
The ripple parts, and Arthur rises up out of the lake. The water rolls off him in fat silvery drops, like mercury, leaving him dry, his hair blazing gold in the early morning sunlight. He walks forward towards the bank at a leisurely stroll, head and shoulders and chest breaking the surface, the water falling away with tiny splashes that sound like music in the stillness ( ... )


Re: The Waiting Tree (2/2) heartofoshun October 1 2010, 18:07:21 UTC
"How?" he asks.

Arthur shrugs. "Magic," he says, and kisses him again.

Fabulous ending!


Re: The Waiting Tree (2/2) ras_elased October 1 2010, 18:38:01 UTC
Yay! Thank you! :D


All the Love in My Lips- American high school AU 1/3 wanderhomeagain October 1 2010, 18:02:45 UTC
The kitchen door slams and Merlin looks up from saving the world from killer zombies to see Arthur rounding the corner to the den. His face is pale and his mouth gapes open as he flops down onto the sofa next to Merlin, looking like he's doing an impression of a very unfortunate chub, like the ones they used to angle for when Merlin's dad would sometimes take them fishing, back when he was still around.

"I'm just playing Zombie Apocalypse," Merlin says, irritated that he was interrupted. Arthur told him after school that he couldn't come over, anyway, so he doesn't understand what the big deal is. "I didn't know there was a rule that said I couldn't play it without you here ( ... )


All the Love in My Lips- American high school AU 2/3 wanderhomeagain October 1 2010, 18:04:06 UTC
Arthur clamps his mouth shut so tight that Merlin (who's still looking probably too closely at Arthur's face) notices the way the muscle in his jaw twitches.

"But what about Sophia? And Vivian?" Merlin can't help but ask. Arthur glares at him.

"Vivian's dad thought he was some kind of mobster, or Cher's dad in Clueless, and told me that he had a gun and a shovel. And Sophia-" Arthur flushes a bright, bright red, and Merlin is definitely still looking too closely, he knows. "Sophia only wanted to kiss me when we were around people. She wanted to show me off. But since I hadn't- fuck, Merlin, if you tell another soul about this I'll kill you- since I hadn't ever kissed anybody before I didn't want to do it in front of everyone. People would know ( ... )


All the Love in My Lips- American high school AU 3/3 wanderhomeagain October 1 2010, 18:05:29 UTC
"It's not weird. Here," Merlin says, and before he can stop himself, he's leaning towards Arthur and curling a hand around the back of his neck. "I can show you if you like. That way the next time Sophia wants to make out with you in public you don't have to act like that's disgusting just because you don't know what you're doing ( ... )


Re: All the Love in My Lips- American high school AU 3/3 ras_elased October 1 2010, 18:18:38 UTC
OMG, I LOVE THIS! I have SUCH a weakness for awkward and sweet teenage kisses! \o/


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