Merlin/Arthur Kiss Meme 2!

Oct 01, 2010 09:17

♥ Merlin/Arthur Kiss Meme II ♥

This meme is all about Merlin/Arthur kisses! \o/ Lots and lots of kisses! Be they sweet and fluffy, hot and dirty, or just necking like teenagers, any kisses are welcome! The more the better!

The rules:
1. No porn (that's what the kink meme is for), just kisses ( Read more... )

merlin/arthur kiss meme

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Untitled beautifvl_flaw October 2 2010, 23:34:06 UTC
I hope I'm not too late to this party! I wrote this after seeing the ending to this weeks episode. I've read through it a few times but do point out if I've missed any mistakes!

~ ~ ~

It begins with an offhand insult, no doubt a slight on Merlin's competence or brainpower, although neither of them really remember. Merlin's witty response wipes the smirk from Arthur's face for only a second before it returns in all its glory along with a glint of boyish competition in his eye. Who shoves who first is open for argument - and argue they will - but it matters very little as they tumbled to the ground, tussling like boisterous children.

Through their half-hearted insults and uninhibited laughter they eventually come to realise that their behaviour is inappropriate and that their close proximity is even more so. They both realise it, but there is a moment where their eyes remain locked, smiles yet to fall from their faces, and neither of them care to do anything about it.

It is a split-second decision on Merlin's part, based purely on instinct - definitely no logic whatsoever - before the moment is over and they both back way awkwardly and never speak of it again. He leans forward, barely enough to close the gap between them and brush his lips against Arthur's. It is then that he thinks about how much more inappropriate he has made the situation, how Arthur is about to pull away, more than a little shocked, and begins to wonder whether he could pass this off as a loss of balance. He pulls hastily away, but oddly Arthur doesn't look shocked, nor ready to throw insults, and then suddenly Merlin is jerked forward by a hand behind his neck.

Their lips meet again, forcefully this time, and awkwardly as they shift unconsciously to be closer to one another. It is less a kiss and more a battle of lips and tongue and occasionally teeth, accompanied by hands clinging to whatever they could find to keep them together - the other's hands, hair, shoulders - and then they part, breathless and avoiding eye contact, neither of them having any idea what to say.

Perhaps nothing needs to be said.

~ ~ ~


Re: Untitled ras_elased October 4 2010, 02:25:05 UTC
Aw, this is wonderful! And I'm sure everyone would have loved to see this play out at the end of the last ep. ;)


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