☈ ii.

Jan 23, 2011 07:38

Okay, okay, you know what? So I find out that I have work, at the hospital! Great, right?

No. I'm a nurse, and I'm not okay with that. You know why? Because I'm a surgeon. I am a great, amazing surgeon. I'm the Head of my department! I graduated first in my class from Johns Hopkins, I won the Carter Maddison Grant. You know who wins that for ( Read more... )

• luna lovegood, • sweden, • the doctor, • miakis, :: 2: fuuuu nursing, ic • phone, ic • action, • sideswipe, • vietnam, • komachi onozuka, • nina fortner

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Comments 161

weaponsparked January 22 2011, 23:34:52 UTC
Welcome to Mayfield. Nothing they do here makes any sense.


raisedtolove January 23 2011, 07:45:39 UTC
I think that might be a little too optimistic, even for me.


weaponsparked January 23 2011, 07:52:58 UTC
Well, it's true. They won't even let females drink. I don't see why.


raisedtolove January 23 2011, 07:53:49 UTC
Excuse me?


B lotuslife January 23 2011, 01:13:32 UTC
[Some ways down the aisle, there's an Asian woman squinting at labels and muttering beneath her breath. She has a large shopping cart with her, and seems to be confused or annoyed or homicidal... No, wait, it's all three.]

Pickled... beet.



Re: B raisedtolove January 23 2011, 07:47:21 UTC
( Arizona glances over, and then proceeds to steer her cart towards Mystery Beet Woman. )

Pickled beet? ( Her brow. BEHOLD. It furrows. ) That doesn't sound healthy or delicious.


lotuslife January 23 2011, 08:43:59 UTC
[She looks up just in time to behold the brow! It is a very good furrow.] I imagine they are not. [She bites her lower lip.] This town has not had a very good track record with beets. [She slides the jar back onto the shelf.]


raisedtolove January 23 2011, 09:57:08 UTC
It doesn't seem to have a good track record with anything! ( SO VERY CHIPPER. She grins, and leans against her cart. ) What they do to the beets? Was it some sort of... sad, Cold War borscht?


coolbowtie January 23 2011, 02:44:52 UTC
Oooh, a doctor. We need a good doctor around here, I keep getting mistaken for one anyway, so now I can redirect them to you!

Anyway, welcome to Mayfield, sorry about the old-fashioned human sexism.


raisedtolove January 23 2011, 07:49:00 UTC
You get mistaken for one? Do you... tend to wear a stethoscope and a white coat? I can see how that would confuse people.

(She's shrugging, even if the good fellow can't see ) It's fine. ( Not really, but at least she appreciates the sentiment. ) Did you just say... human sexism?


coolbowtie January 23 2011, 09:19:05 UTC
No, I don't. I think it's the name that confuses people, they need to pay more attention to the definite article.

And, yes, I did!


raisedtolove January 23 2011, 10:53:20 UTC
I... see. What's your name, if you don't mind me asking?

Right. Okay. As opposed to... what other kind of sexism?


(The comment has been removed)

Re: C raisedtolove January 23 2011, 07:50:50 UTC
( HI, random person whose lawn she's on. She'll lift up her arm that was, until this point, flopped over her eyes, and gives a half-hearted wave. )

I'm fine! Just... tired. ( And she props herself up on her elbows-- ) I've just been sprawled out on your lawn, haven't I? I'm sorry.


(The comment has been removed)

raisedtolove January 24 2011, 10:29:31 UTC
Me? Oh, no. ( She grins, albeit tiredly. ) I'm just super!

( Pulling herself into a sitting position-- ) This place is just bigger than I expected, you know? Go out for a run, wind up napping on random lawns.


C rivercrossed January 23 2011, 15:22:12 UTC
[ Komachi stares at the person flopped on her lawn. Stares.

However, she eventually decides 'what the hell' and flops down herself. SUP. ]


Re: C raisedtolove January 23 2011, 21:07:16 UTC
( OH HI. Arizona will waves, and then smile a bit when she now has flopped-over company. )

Nice weather, huh?


rivercrossed January 23 2011, 21:17:20 UTC
It's a bit cold, but refreshing! Ah, it's nice when it's like this~


raisedtolove January 23 2011, 21:26:53 UTC
Yeah. Not a bad spot, huh? ( Apart from the whole... creepy 50s suburb thing. ) I like the cold. It's kind of comforting.

( Not moving, but she extends a hand to shake. ) I'm Arizona.


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