☈ ii.

Jan 23, 2011 07:38

Okay, okay, you know what? So I find out that I have work, at the hospital! Great, right?

No. I'm a nurse, and I'm not okay with that. You know why? Because I'm a surgeon. I am a great, amazing surgeon. I'm the Head of my department! I graduated first in my class from Johns Hopkins, I won the Carter Maddison Grant. You know who wins that for Pediatrics? Nobody! But I did. I'm a good doctor. Any hospital should be happy to have me.

And I'm not underestimating the importance of nurses, I'm really not, because I know how essential all their work is, and how much doctors need nurses around-- but I am a doctor. I went through a whole lot of medical school to be a doctor.

( exhale. Phew, that was a bit of a rant. ) I just... needed to get that off my chest.

( And more flatly: ) This sucks.

( action. )

A • 2237 Stevens Road.

( HI NOT!KIDS. Arizona is intensely making some waffles, but she's annoyed, so some of them aren't working out so well. She's been steadily working through all the orange juice in an attempt to cheer herself up, so if you want some you might need to to the kitchen before she starts on that last carton. )

B • Grocery Store.

( Arizona looks mostly incredulous as she wanders around the store, taking a long time to look at labels and read slogans. ) This isn't weird, or anything.

C • Random streets!

( She was jogging, but now she's confused because Mayfield looped her around some. Now she's just sort of ambling, and/or possibly flomped on someone's lawn. It could be your lawn, in fact. )

( ooc; replies might be a bit slow until I get home from work tonight, but then there'll be a tagging party! :') )

• luna lovegood, • sweden, • the doctor, • miakis, :: 2: fuuuu nursing, ic • phone, ic • action, • sideswipe, • vietnam, • komachi onozuka, • nina fortner

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