☈ iii.

Feb 13, 2011 01:17

Okay, well. On the plus side, I think I've finally... come to terms with the fact that I'm here, and this definitely, definitely isn't a hallucination. Definitely. Because I mean, denial is really hard to shake off, especially when you're an optimist and like to think that everything is fine.

On the downside, Valentine's Day used to be a day I enjoyed and today I have the urge to just... punch someone. Punch then really hard, and even if I'm not... superpowered, or something, I've got a mean right hook. I don't want to punch anyone, either. I plan on avoiding being bitter, and drinking wine, and... I don't know, dancing or something. Is there anywhere here that's good for dancing?

( a long sigh, and silence. she's tapping her fingers on something. tap tap tap. tap tap tap. )

Maybe I should take up knitting, or something.

( action. )

A • 2237 Stevens Road.
( GOOD DAY, FAMILY. You might be awakened by or come in to an odd sound. That sound is Arizona on rollerskates wheeling around the house. With some coffee. Rolling makes her feel cheerier! )

B • the park!
( FEEDING SOME DUCKS. She is intensely watching this one little duck that just keeps swimming in circles. )

( ooc;; hhjhsdbfjhk SORRY FOR NOT REPLYING my internet decided that right after I made a post was a great time to die for the day. /crawls away in shame ;;;; )

ic • action, ic • phone

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