Mar 07, 2012 21:20

About The Project

Rainbow Support is a fandom auction intended to raise funds for a variety of LGBTQIA (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, asexual) charities to support them. All winning bids will go to the organizations actively working to better the lives of the community, individually and as a whole and to organizations that are actively working to support and promote LGBTQIA rights.

How You Can Get Involved

You can offer up fanfiction, original fiction, fanart, original art, podfic, arts and crafts, care packages, baked goods, pretty much anything you can think of! Then, once bidding opens up, you can bid on a number of other offers that interest you.

How To Offer An Item Or Service

1) Join the community.

2) Find the approritate offering post for your auction entry. If you're offering fanfiction, for example, then your offer belongs on the Offering Words post. If you're offering a fanart sketch, then your offer belongs on the Offering Art post. So on and so forth. If your offer doesn't really seem to fit with the other offer posts, put it on the Offering Something Interesting post.

3) Comment with your offer. The subject line of your comment should briefly summarize your auction entry, for example, Offering: Full Color Fanart (Fandom(s)). This will make it easier to cataloge the entry later on.

The rest of your comment should look like this:

User Name: synnerxx
Email Address: synner23 @ gmail.com

Offer: I am offering a fanfiction of 5,000 words in the following fandoms: Supernatural, The Shield, Justified. I write slash mainly, but I am willing to write femmeslash, het, and gen in any of my listed fandoms. I may be willing to write in other fandoms I'm familiar with, just contact me and ask before bidding.

Examples of my work: synner_fiction is where all my fanfics are housed.

Delievery: I will have your fic written by March 31st.

Starting Bid: $5 (USD)

Buy It Now: $25 (USD)

How To Bid

Bidding will open about a week after the offering posts open. When you find an offer you'd like to bid on, reply to that comment with the amount of money you'd like to bid, plus what you're bidding on if more than one service or item is offered. If someone else raises that bid in a reply to your comment, bid again by replying to their reply with a higher offer. This will continue until the auction closes and the highest bif wins. A moderator and/or the offerer will comment to you and let you if you've won the auction item.

There is also a "buy it now" option. "Buy it now" can be exercised with the first bid on an auction. Once "buy it now" has been exercised, further bidding will not be allowed.

How To Pay

Make a donation to the organizations listed in this post. We will have a post where you or the offerer can confirm your donation and all donations will be tallied up and we will announce the total amount of donations made for each round.

How To Help Spread The Word

We can use all the publicity we can get. You can use some of the banners below and post them anywhere you want, but if you post to communities, make sure it's allowed beforehand.

Copy and paste this code:


Rainbow Support is a fandom auction intended to raise funds for a variety of LGBTQIA (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, asexual) charities to support them. All winning bids will go to the organizations actively working to better the lives of the community, individually and as a whole and to organizations that are actively working to support and promote LGBTQIA rights.

Important Links

http://rainbow-support.livejournal.com/737.html">Approved Organizations
http://rainbow-support.livejournal.com/983.html">Offering Words
http://rainbow-support.livejournal.com/1132.html">Offering Art
http://rainbow-support.livejournal.com/1509.html">Offering Graphics
http://rainbow-support.livejournal.com/1919.html">Offering Food
http://rainbow-support.livejournal.com/1763.html">Offering Audio
http://rainbow-support.livejournal.com/2104.html">Offering Something Interesting
http://rainbow-support.livejournal.com/2421.html">Questions, Comments, Concerns


It'll look like this once you post it:

Rainbow Support is a fandom auction intended to raise funds for a variety of LGBTQIA (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, asexual) charities to support them. All winning bids will go to the organizations actively working to better the lives of the community, individually and as a whole and to organizations that are actively working to support and promote LGBTQIA rights.

Important Links
Approved Organizations
Offering Words
Offering Art
Offering Graphics
Offering Food
Offering Audio
Offering Something Interesting
Questions, Comments, Concerns


If you run a community or a website and would like to affiliate with Rainbow Support, then please email the mod at rainsmod@gmail.com.

Questions, Comments, Or Concerns

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns not covered above, please ask them here or contact the mod, synnerxx by PM or email at rainsmod@gmail.com.

!mod, !faqs

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