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Comments 44

fenderlove August 2 2012, 07:04:56 UTC
Definitely see Thor. It is popcorn, but it knows that it's popcorn. Loki is much more three dimensional in it and not just "Oh ho! I'm the bad guy!" (as Tom Hiddleston says as he twirls his mustache). He has a reason to be the bad guy... The character seems confused about whether or not he believes himself to be a bad guy most of the time though (fits with the comics, I suppose). Also, the film briefly has an eight-legged horse that Loki may or may not have birthed. Epic.

Bruce/Tony are my science bros! They are adorable!


janetmiles August 2 2012, 12:27:55 UTC
Having seen both Thor and Avengers, my thoughts were along the lines of, "I really liked the comparison / contrast between Loki and Tony Stark. Stark is basically a sociopath who has learned to act as if he thinks other people are real. Loki started out acting in what he believed were the best interests of all, and was stunned by the reactions of those around him, which turned him into a 'Nuke them till they glow, then shoot them in the dark, the gods will know their own' sort of guy."


rahirah August 2 2012, 16:39:05 UTC
Well, yeah, but from what I hear his motives in Thor are basically "Wah! Daddy doesn't love me!" and I'm SO sick of guys with Daddy issues. But Kathy wants to see it for the gratuitous Hemsworth, so I probably will at some point!


fenderlove August 2 2012, 18:54:08 UTC
It's more "Daddy tells both his sons that they should be king, but only one can. One son gets picked over the other, and the second son can't see why when the first son is reckless and headstrong because Daddy doesn't know how to not be mysterious and not-talking."


lettered August 2 2012, 07:37:01 UTC
Lead up movies aren't worth it. Although Iron Man is enjoyable and Captain America is at least watchable.

Agree about Bruce! And Tony/Bruce! And Pepper/Tony!

Agree about Loki. Imo Thor isn't worth watching and the writing is too bad to make Loki likeable. Sadly, Hiddleston gave the role dimensions the script did not. It's like Whedon has a problem with these compelling actors playing his throw-away villains. Or something.

I heard about the alien crab trisexual Sherlock Holmes! I'm glad you remembered the author's name. I feel like when I heard of it it was at a con and the gal who mentioned it(at a Holmes panel) didn't remember the name. Or maybe I just missed it.


Avengers Fic Rec timeofchange August 2 2012, 12:46:06 UTC
Just popping in to say your Avengers epic Responsible Science(http://archiveofourown.org/series/21267) is awesome!


lettered August 2 2012, 19:30:22 UTC
Thanks so much :o)


rahirah August 2 2012, 16:48:38 UTC
I did like the first Iron Man (the second one was kind of meh) but it was mainly because of RDJ - he's one of those actors who could read a phone book for two hours and make it compelling.

Malkingrey reminded me over on DW that the title of the book is Her Majesty's Bucketeers. Which is a great title for a book about pseudo-Victorian trisexual alien crabs solving crimes. :nods:


willowgreen August 2 2012, 08:02:44 UTC
a/b/o? ::is confuses::


enname August 2 2012, 10:46:34 UTC
Gah! I keep getting marked as spam.

Alpha, Omega and Beta verse. So I am not spam, go google norabombay's primer.

'Here is what is promised by the omegaverse:
mating/heat cycles
semen. lots of semen. epic amounts of semen.
soul bonding'


janetmiles August 2 2012, 12:31:40 UTC
I followed your recommendation. Upon reading the introductory section, I realized that I had *mis*read your short summary, and that knitting is not actually involved in a/b/o. I must admit I was faintly disappointed by this.


willowgreen August 2 2012, 15:35:07 UTC
Yeah, if there were knitting involved I might be more open to the concept as well. Pregnant male werewolves knitting? I kind of like it.


shapinglight August 2 2012, 09:51:48 UTC
I haven't seen the Avengers yet. I suspect I shan't like it much.

What is an a/b/o fic? I've seen that term used several times lately but am clueless (and too lazy to google).


speakr2customrs August 2 2012, 10:28:45 UTC
I did Google and it seems to be the Association of British Orchestras.


shapinglight August 2 2012, 12:18:41 UTC


enname August 2 2012, 10:51:07 UTC
Alpha, Omega and Beta verse. I gave a link above to someone who explains it fairly well.


beer_good_foamy August 2 2012, 10:09:58 UTC
Also can I just say that while it's understandable that someone you know dying will make a fight more personal, but it's a little irritating that, like, the hundreds of other people Loki killed aren't, like, inspiring enough. :eyeroll:

Yeah, that really annoyed me too. Agent no-first-name? Everyone, even those who only knew him for about 30 minutes, have their entire belief system shaken to their core by his death. All the other innocent bystanders? A punchline to a "He's adopted" joke.

That said, I liked the movie on a whole. And I second fenderlove's recommendation for Thor; it's absolutely ridiculous, but it's fun.


rahirah August 2 2012, 16:51:38 UTC
Also apparently the juggernaut pairing of Avengers fandom is Agent No-First-Name/Hawkeye. Who, I notice, never actually gets called Hawkeye in the movie. But at least they ditched that stupid purple costume he used to wear.


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