Finally did two things to catch up with the rest of fandom

Aug 01, 2012 22:52

1. Saw the Avengers. Liked. The story was pretty much a coathanger upon which to hang a bunch of snappy dialog, but it was pretty good snappy dialog. I'd only seen about half of the lead-up movies, but I'm glad they got someone who can act to play Bruce Banner. Chris Hemsworth and the guy who played Captain America are pretty and all, but. The secret to a good Hulk is a good Bruce, because the Hulk on his own is not all that interesting. If I were of a slashier bent, I would be all over Bruce/Tony like whoa. (Only it would have to be a Bruce/Tony/Pepper OT3, because Tony/Pepper is da bomb.)

Also Loki = meh. Too one-dimensional. Maybe if I'd seen the Thor movie I'd get the appeal, but here I think his best scene is getting smashed into the floor by the Hulk.

Also can I just say that while it's understandable that someone you know dying will make a fight more personal, but it's a little irritating that, like, the hundreds of other people Loki killed aren't, like, inspiring enough. :eyeroll:

2. Read an a/b/o fic - yes, a good one. Not my cuppa at all. Although I suspect that if someone wrote an a/b/o fic with original characters and made them a trisexual alien race, I would probably like it. (In fact, I once read a book pretty much exactly like that. It was basically a quasi-a/b/o Sherlock Holmes pastiche with giant furry alien crabs. It was awesome. Sadly the author succumbed to Creeping Libertarianism, and his later books became gradually unreadable. Neil something, something O'Neil... Neil Smith! He wrote a series of alternate history books where the US stayed under the Articles of Confederation. They reminded me of the arguments of an anarchist friend of ours who used to earnestly assure us that people would act rationally for the best of all mankind if only the benefits of doing so were explained to them properly. I asked her if she'd met any actual people. But anyway, the books were fun if improbable at first, and then disintegrated into Libertarian polemics after the third or so in the series. Kind of like Gor, except with politics. Alas.)

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fandom, sleep is my master now, books, movies

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