Facebook question

Jul 31, 2012 07:08

Way back when, I had my Facebook account set up to feed all my LJ posts. Then Facebook did something irritating with their settings, and that stopped working. So I changed my LJ settings to crosspost to Facebook. However, I've noticed that this means that posts I make to su_herald now show up on my Facebook account, as well as those I make here. This is not a terribly big deal, as I don't make a big secret of my fandom activities, but it's cluttery. Does anyone know if there's a way to restrict crossposting to one journal? Also when I came home last night, I found the toilet tank overflowing and half the bathroom flooded. The annoying thing is, it's probably a $5 part inside the tank that's broken, and if I were willing to flood more of the bathroom experimenting, I could probably replace it myself. But I'm not quite broke enough to go that route yet. :P
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