Facebook question

Jul 31, 2012 07:08

Way back when, I had my Facebook account set up to feed all my LJ posts. Then Facebook did something irritating with their settings, and that stopped working. So I changed my LJ settings to crosspost to Facebook. However, I've noticed that this means that posts I make to su_herald now show up on my Facebook account, as well as those I make here ( Read more... )

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Comments 13

velvetwhip July 31 2012, 14:38:37 UTC
I have no idea how to deal with the FB settings, sorry!



rahirah July 31 2012, 15:02:39 UTC


liliaeth July 31 2012, 14:45:47 UTC
uhm actually, I think that the bigger problem might be that some people might not want a link to their posts, as tend to be in an su_herald post, connected to facebook.


rahirah July 31 2012, 14:59:43 UTC
I hadn't thought of that, but you're probably right. Do you have any suggestions as to how to fix it?


liliaeth July 31 2012, 15:02:01 UTC
Isn't there a way that you can choose whether to crosspost to facebook per individual post, instead of having all your posts crossposted automatically? Not sure of that though.


rahirah July 31 2012, 15:05:23 UTC
There may be. I'll have to do some test posts.

ETA: Yeah, it looks like you can - the option's just buried at the bottom of the posting form so I hadn't noticed it before.


slaymesoftly July 31 2012, 15:11:46 UTC
As you know, there is no relationship between my FB account and LJ or DW, so I've no idea. The only x posting I do is from DW to LJ and I can prevent that just by unchecking the box any time there is some reason not to. No idea how it works the other way around.

You should be able to shut off the water and fiddle around in the tank to see what looks broken. There are so few moving parts, that it's usually pretty obvious which one isn't working. Sounds like it's probably the float, though. If it isn't communicating that the tank is full, then water just continues to pour in (and out).


rahirah July 31 2012, 19:13:54 UTC
It was the float, but I decided that the cost of having the plumber do it in half an hour was worth the annoyance of me doing it in two hours. *g*


sillymagpie August 2 2012, 02:52:59 UTC
Hm. I'm a friend of yours on FB and I can't even remember the last time I saw a post from you. Maybe it's not crossposting?

You're probably right about the toilet, but alas I cannot help. Can't you experiment with the toilet flow turned off and only turn it back on slightly to see if it works?


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